Let's talk abortions.. and let's take a different look at the terms "Pro-life" and Pro-Choice.


Apr 3, 2004
Today in my philosophy class we discussed the morality of abortion and the most important thing I realized is that the difference between the opposition toabortion and those that feel abortion is at least somewhat permissible is the fact that only certain people see the issue as a moral one in the first place.For many people, there is no moral compass for this sort of thing. The logos of abortion takes precedence over the ethos.And that makes sense to me because I'm a rational person. So I'm left to believe abortion isn't "right" per say, but under certaincalculated conditions, I can certainly see how people come to the decision to have an abortion, and I think it's unfair to not allow people the right toexercise logic over emotion in defense of someone that hasn't began "relevant life" yet. I'm pro-life in the sense that I value theimportance of the relevant lives in question, those being the ones of the potential mother and father. They already exist. They havehistories, futures, and realities that should be valued and accounted for. I'm pro choice in that I feel it makes perfect sense for awoman and a man to choose to protect what they have already established in their lives by not allowing something hypothetical, or rather undeveloped, to come to fruition and take precedence over circumstances that are already in place… Forcing people to count theirchickens before they hatch is impractical and unnatural.
Babies arent chickens fam.

You cant use "count chickens before they hatch" logic here. Its a baby, ahuman being.

All I read was the last sentence, thats a huge wall of text there buddy.
People don't really understand abortion until they are in the position.

My friend would argue with me about abortion all the time. but when she got pregnant... she didnt have to think twice.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Babies arent chickens fam.

You cant use "count chickens before they hatch" logic here. Its a baby, a human being.

All I read was the last sentence, thats a huge wall of text there buddy.
Right, cuz it's only perfectly analogous...

cliffnotes please? <3
No. Read. It's not illegal yet.
This planet is overpopulated, and 95% of these children who get aborted wouldn't be coming into the best situations anyway so that is why I am proabortion. For all those on here who seem so ready to pop a cap in anybody who tried to steal something from there house or something and talk about being hardbut are anti-abortion well that just doesn't make much sense to me.
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

People don't really understand abortion until they are in the position.

My friend would argue with me about abortion all the time. but when she got pregnant... she didnt have to think twice.

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

This planet is overpopulated, and 95% of these children who get aborted wouldn't be coming into the best situations anyway so that is why I am pro abortion. For all those on here who seem so ready to pop a cap in anybody who tried to steal something from there house or something and talk about being hard but are anti-abortion well that just doesn't make much sense to me.

People are too self-centered to see the bigger picture though... it's always "my baby" this and"my family" that. It's never "My country" this or "My planet" that.
People don't really understand abortion until they are in the position.

My friend would argue with me about abortion all the time. but when she got pregnant... she didnt have to think twice.
Fact. Seen it happen myself.
Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Babies arent chickens fam.

You cant use "count chickens before they hatch" logic here. Its a baby, a human being.

All I read was the last sentence, thats a huge wall of text there buddy.
Right, cuz it's only perfectly analogous...

cliffnotes please? <3
No. Read. It's not illegal yet.

can you at least double space? haha
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Babies arent chickens fam.

You cant use "count chickens before they hatch" logic here. Its a baby, a human being.

All I read was the last sentence, thats a huge wall of text there buddy.

really? a huge wall? i dont know how some of you do it
i've had an abortion with someone before. i'd rather we hadn't. but i'm not complaining.
Originally Posted by CB94

Today in my philosophy class we discussed the morality of abortion and the most important thing I realized is that the difference between the opposition to abortion and those that feel abortion is at least somewhat permissible is the fact that only certain people see the issue as a moral one in the first place. For many people, there is no moral compass for this sort of thing. The logos of abortion takes precedence over the ethos. And that makes sense to me because I'm a rational person. So I'm left to believe abortion isn't "right" per say, but under certain calculated conditions, I can certainly see how people come to the decision to have an abortion, and I think it's unfair to not allow people the right to exercise logic over emotion in defense of someone that hasn't began "relevant life" yet. I'm pro-life in the sense that I value the importance of the relevant lives in question, those being the ones of the potential mother and father. They already exist. They have histories, futures, and realities that should be valued and accounted for. I'm pro choice in that I feel it makes perfect sense for a woman and a man to choose to protect what they have already established in their lives by not allowing something hypothetical, or rather undeveloped, to come to fruition and take precedence over circumstances that are already in place… Forcing people to count their chickens before they hatch is impractical and unnatural.
yeah, i understand and partially agree with your points but at the same time, you must take responsibility for your actions. if you choose toirresponsibly partake in unprotected sex, then you need to deal with whatever comes of it, be it a STD or pregnancy. it's a product of your decision. i've been in the shoes of one who felt like he had to have an abortionand did so but i'll never be proud because i think everyone needs to face the reality of their mistakes and abortions is doing the complete opposite.
Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Babies arent chickens fam.

You cant use "count chickens before they hatch" logic here. Its a baby, a human being.

All I read was the last sentence, thats a huge wall of text there buddy.
Right, cuz it's only perfectly analogous...

cliffnotes please? <3
No. Read. It's not illegal yet.

can you at least double space? haha
It took you more time to ask me those two dumb questions than it took me to write that "Wall of text" and it would have taken you halfthat time to read it. You shouldn't put more energy into enabling your laziness than you would put into curing it.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

This planet is overpopulated, and 95% of these children who get aborted wouldn't be coming into the best situations anyway so that is why I am pro abortion. For all those on here who seem so ready to pop a cap in anybody who tried to steal something from there house or something and talk about being hard but are anti-abortion well that just doesn't make much sense to me.
That's why I support the war in Iraq.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Fetus' have fingernails.

eh... so do new world monkeys. And we as humans slaughter their habitat daily for profit when that same habitat produces like a majority of theworld's known medicines.. and probably most of the unknown ones as well. %+#+ a unborn baby. What about the ones that were born that will die indirectlydue to logging?
Eh. Woman has the right to do anything. It's her body.

Can't lie though... I'd be hurt if a girl aborted my baby.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

Originally Posted by CB94

Today in my philosophy class we discussed the morality of abortion and the most important thing I realized is that the difference between the opposition to abortion and those that feel abortion is at least somewhat permissible is the fact that only certain people see the issue as a moral one in the first place. For many people, there is no moral compass for this sort of thing. The logos of abortion takes precedence over the ethos. And that makes sense to me because I'm a rational person. So I'm left to believe abortion isn't "right" per say, but under certain calculated conditions, I can certainly see how people come to the decision to have an abortion, and I think it's unfair to not allow people the right to exercise logic over emotion in defense of someone that hasn't began "relevant life" yet. I'm pro-life in the sense that I value the importance of the relevant lives in question, those being the ones of the potential mother and father. They already exist. They have histories, futures, and realities that should be valued and accounted for. I'm pro choice in that I feel it makes perfect sense for a woman and a man to choose to protect what they have already established in their lives by not allowing something hypothetical, or rather undeveloped, to come to fruition and take precedence over circumstances that are already in place… Forcing people to count their chickens before they hatch is impractical and unnatural.
yeah, i understand and partially agree with your points but at the same time, you must take responsibility for your actions. if you choose to irresponsibly partake in unprotected sex, then you need to deal with whatever comes of it, be it a STD or pregnancy. it's a product of your decision. i've been in the shoes of one who felt like he had to have an abortion and did so but i'll never be proud because i think everyone needs to face the reality of their mistakes and abortions is doing the complete opposite.
I agree somewhat. I HATE those that use abortions every other tuesday like birth control. At the same time, the PLANET shouldn't have tosuffer in totality from the combined individual #**# ups of a few. This WHOLE planet is slowly dying from 'babycancer' and you're saying it's ok because the x-percent of humans were irresponible and caused it? Even if 100% of the abortion patients did bringthe pregnancy upon themselves (which hass never been the case), banning abortion still doesn't justify affecting the millions, maybe even billions, ofpeople that are struggling with overpopulation and scarce resources. Abortion is ugly, but practical. It beats genocide, that's for sure, but it's notpretty. Either way, taking away that option is akin to taking away a man's right to a condom. It's not perfectly analogous, but it's similar. Andin the interest of protecting the better interest of the world, and to a lesser extent, the interest of the parents who have already established a life forthemselves, abortion should remain a viable post-conception option .The means justify the ends...
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

This planet is overpopulated, and 95% of these children who get aborted wouldn't be coming into the best situations anyway so that is why I am pro abortion. For all those on here who seem so ready to pop a cap in anybody who tried to steal something from there house or something and talk about being hard but are anti-abortion well that just doesn't make much sense to me.
That's why I support the war in Iraq.

Except I don't support killing people for racial, economical and religous agendas...
Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Babies arent chickens fam.

You cant use "count chickens before they hatch" logic here. Its a baby, a human being.

All I read was the last sentence, thats a huge wall of text there buddy.
Right, cuz it's only perfectly analogous...

cliffnotes please? <3
No. Read. It's not illegal yet.

can you at least double space? haha
It took you more time to ask me those two dumb questions than it took me to write that "Wall of text" and it would have taken you half that time to read it. You shouldn't put more energy into enabling your laziness than you would put into curing it.

someone's bitter. so you think me quoting your replies and typing a sentence is more effort than reading that whole paragraph? you can totally see that iwas light hearted joking around with you, but then you come with me with an attitude? someone's panties are up in a bunch. what's your point here?promoting abortions? or trying to rationalize people's views on abortions? either way, the way people think now aren't going to change unless they areput in that position.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

Originally Posted by CB94
yeah, i understand and partially agree with your points but at the same time, you must take responsibility for your actions. if you choose to irresponsibly partake in unprotected sex, then you need to deal with whatever comes of it, be it a STD or pregnancy. it's a product of your decision. i've been in the shoes of one who felt like he had to have an abortion and did so but i'll never be proud because i think everyone needs to face the reality of their mistakes and abortions is doing the complete opposite.

exactly. why do people have sex? to procreate. if you're going to have sex for pleasure, you better be able to face the consequences.

edit: please don't tell me you wouldn't feel the least bit of regret in having an abortion. have you gone through one? i honestly don't believe so.
My problem w/ abortion is the fact that ppl use em all willy nilly. It's like a broad says "Come on daddy forget the condom, if I get pregnant,I'll just abort it" Ppl don't wanna take responsibilities for their actions and that's what grinds my gears. I think they should have to go toa judge before the decision is finalized and plead their case as to why they wanna get one.
I used to be pro-life all the way. I can see both sides to the argument now.

edit: to think people can have kids without any kind of education or test or requirements is scary
but to drive a vehicle you have to have taken a test and passed and carry a license.
Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Babies arent chickens fam.

You cant use "count chickens before they hatch" logic here. Its a baby, a human being.

All I read was the last sentence, thats a huge wall of text there buddy.
Right, cuz it's only perfectly analogous...

cliffnotes please? <3
No. Read. It's not illegal yet.

can you at least double space? haha
It took you more time to ask me those two dumb questions than it took me to write that "Wall of text" and it would have taken you half that time to read it. You shouldn't put more energy into enabling your laziness than you would put into curing it.

someone's bitter. so you think me quoting your replies and typing a sentence is more effort than reading that whole paragraph? you can totally see that i was light hearted joking around with you, but then you come with me with an attitude? someone's panties are up in a bunch. what's your point here? promoting abortions? or trying to ratio

Not at all. And my point was stated clearly in the OP you haven't read. That third question was the dumbest one yet. You're so full of fail right now
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

This planet is overpopulated, and 95% of these children who get aborted wouldn't be coming into the best situations anyway so that is why I am pro abortion. For all those on here who seem so ready to pop a cap in anybody who tried to steal something from there house or something and talk about being hard but are anti-abortion well that just doesn't make much sense to me.
That's why I support the war in Iraq.
Except I don't support killing people for racial, economical and religous agendas...

In a way, you kind of do. You rationalize abortions by saying that the kids aren't going to be in the best of homes. I assume you classify that bysocio-economic standing, right?

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Fetus' have fingernails.
I believe the correct term is feti.
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