Lets talk Obesity.

Obesity is...

  • a LIFESTYLE issue.

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  • a GENETIC issue.

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Those are just medical costs. Think of lost productivity for businesses from obesity-related medical conditions. Think of sitting next to an obese person on a cross-country flight in coach, or avoiding a seat on a bus because you don't want to be nudged by some fat person's stomach or pork chop of an arm for the entire ride.

I don't hate anybody.....but i despise obese people on public transportation...especially during rush hour.
whata bout them samoans tho, I hear they're just born big. They big af and always be doggin out people with the long curly hair and such. It's GOT to be genetic with tha Samoans.
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It's a combination of both genetic and lifestyle factors. Endomorphs put on weight very easily and have a hard time losing weight. This is not an excuse to get sloppy and start eating unhealthy foods though. It just means they have to work hard to stay lean but all that effort pays off in the end by being healthier, living longer and feeling good.
Being obese is a lifestyle issue but it can be an involuntary one due to how your parents raise you. If they're stupid and/or absent minded you can grow with an unhealthy relationship with food where it becomes more than a habit but a culture of eating based off of w/e tendencies and emotional problems. It's a case of where how you're nurtured affects your nature.

I don't believe in a fat gene or some kind of hereditary obesity. Neither is there any concrete evidence for it. Yes some ppl will be born to have certain body types but that does not necessitate being a fatty or obese.

It's all mental. Like I've said on here before, fat ppl want to be fat and if they say they don't they have a list of excuses for why they are fat but they're just excuses for how they got fat not why they're still fat. Obese ppl just don't give a **** and stopped long ago.
Some people have a uphill battle with genetics but it can be overcome

Some people have a uphill battle after been raised in a bad environment but it can be overcome

Very few people have a legit excuse.

Stop being lazy
they say that you can pretty much guarantee an obese child if the parents are obese...and...the further on down the line you get the harder it is to stop.
but, still, at the end of the day i believe it can be stopped and it is a lifestyle issue.

Man being obese isn't genetic. It all comes down to what you decide to put in your body. The reason a child with obese parents will probably grow up to be fat is because he is following the same bad habits their parents have formed. I live in a neighborhood with quite a few young families and the kids walking around here are disgusting. Have a girl 2 doors down who is probably in 6th grade, has to be near or over the 250 lb mark.
Going off of personal ecperience, I believe it's more genetic then anything. I think it's something like 75% genetic. I always had a big frame but in HS/college I was 5'8 190 and looked skinny. According to BMI, I was listed as obese eventhough I could touch rim and outrun people. right now i'm up to about 220lbs and I feel as good as I ever have in my life. I look a little huskier but i play in 3 leagues and hit the gym 5 days a week. I try my best but I just cant lose weight and i'm content with being the chubby athletic dude who just bodies cats left and right on the court.
I would say it's 80% lifestyle 20% genetic
This is more accurate imo. Being a bigger dude, always have been. And my family prpoducing 6'2-6'9 men. i was blessed with then Mothers side of the barely 6'1 more stocky build.

I will say from personal experience though, Its lifestyle. Alot has to do with being a child too imo, Parents raising their kids to be active isnt really a priority to some. I know my Mom's would spoil me, with food literally. I would get my lunch brought up to school, and it would be like mac and cheese and **** from a deli with fried chicken or a hot dog. I mean, a kid does not need this in elementary. Think my Mom's tried to use food as a loving mechanism. Being abused and mistreated from my father probably didnt help for her to be a more responsible mother. She trained me low key to not care about the food and just eat what I like. But, as I got older it made it harder for me to eat right and work out. Still to this day Im fighting that battle. Reading through the stay in shape thread has given me a sense of motivation. Ive been eating healthy, and trying to workout 3-5 days a week. Eating right, not eating past 10 (working to better that time) I know its hard work, And i know the 100lbs i want to lose wont leave me as quick as i gained it. Hard to break a lifestyle that was pushed and forced upon you as a kid. Not an excuse, just something EVERY obese person doesn't deal with but some do. Have you guys ever thought about that? While your parents were educating you, and filling your fridge with the nutrients and the good balance of good/bad..... My fridge was full of BS, all bad food all the time.
they say that you can pretty much guarantee an obese child if the parents are obese...and...the further on down the line you get the harder it is to stop.
but, still, at the end of the day i believe it can be stopped and it is a lifestyle issue.
Man being obese isn't genetic. It all comes down to what you decide to put in your body. The reason a child with obese parents will probably grow up to be fat is because he is following the same bad habits their parents have formed. I live in a neighborhood with quite a few young families and the kids walking around here are disgusting. Have a girl 2 doors down who is probably in 6th grade, has to be near or over the 250 lb mark.
Some people are genetically big man.  But like I said they can overcome with hard work.  But don't say we are all created equal because we arent
If you workout and eat the right foods you will lose weight no matter what unless you have some type of  an autoimmune disorder.   What I learned is that if you eat small meals throughout the day your metabolism will speed up.    Eat a lot of fruits, veggies, trail mix, and  beef jerky for little mini meals.   Stay away from stuff with a lot of carbs, sugars and fats.  Only drink water or 100% fruit juice.   You can still   eat meat like turkey, Chicken, Fish, extra lean ground beef and steaks.   Just dont deep fry the meat.    if you do that and workout at least 4 times a week you will lose weight.  You just have to stay disciplined and be patient.   It is harder for some people to lose weight then others but as long as you put the hard work and dececiation  in and dont give up until you reach your goals you will get it done.   
Genetics is a poor excuse. It's real but it's an excuse.

Bad genetics is NOT an excuse for being 350lbs 140% bf. Yeah, it definitely has nothing to do with stuffing your fat *** with cake and soda every day. No one gets like that with JUST GENETICS.

Yeah some people naturally hold more fat and it takes a lot more work to lose weight, but you can't convince me getting to the point of obesity has nothing to do with poor life choices.

Easy answer: Lifestyle 99% of the time
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I just hate how some are in denial when their weight is brought up...

I notice my girl gaining pounds and I call her out on it and she goes on to defend her self and all of a sudden Im cheating on her and looking for better chicks.... and I just keep it even more real and tell her "Yes that is the outcome if you get fat". then there is silence.

Id love it if someone specially someone I know would check me on my weight... actually appreciated. I always notice when I gain and fix my diet.. but the majority of people just don't have the vision to see when their bodies change until it's too late. ive also noticed people gain weight when they are too conformable or their life has become redundant with nothing to really look for.

The problem is that people have convinced themselves that weight gain is related to something uncontrollable and often not detrimental. People defending fat people like if they are really handicapped. The more fatties are defended the more it becomes the nor and being fit now seems to be unfit. for instances there are the fat girls that are so proud of the fat that they will shun those that are fit.

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Lifestyle. At the end of the day, a lot of the ailments we encounter can be attributed to genetics, but it's still overcome and beat by fixing your lifestyle ie asthma, high blood pressure etc. If you give it a proper try to fix your lifestyle and its to the point where you can't beat it, you have to be medicated, fine. But most folks just accept that this is their fate and fall right into the trap and stay there without even trying. I've seen enough people who's entire family is fat lose weight and get in shape. Stop making excuses.
More of  lifestyle people choose. I just 
 when people eat to get fatter, when they are already 400 500 lbs.
What's crazy is you now have people who are PROUD to be obese. Like it's some kind of honor to be 300 pounds and how dare anybody suggest they change :smh:

and I'm not talking about a few here and there, I run into people like this on the regular.
It is true that some bodies are predisposed to gaining and keep weight but that doesn't mean you cannot adjust your lifestyle accordingly to make sure you stay healthy.
People who refuse to exercise and eat right because they are predisposed to gain weight by their body type are lazy and self destructive to me.
If humans are 99.7% genetically similar to chimps, why are we so fat? Hope come other species don't have obesity problems? All hippos are relatively the same size. Marinate bruhs.
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this guy i went to school with that went by big pun was 6 ft 2 maybe like 320...this dude also played football one time he intercepted the ball and ran like kenan in that fat albert movie...

he was big but also athletic, looking at him you couldnt tell he was athletic at all, but that was just how we was built, moms was big, sibilings are big..i never saw dude pig out either..

but who knows maybe dinner at home was like suppertime with the klumps.
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I would add that a lot of it is also portion sizes and trying to consume whatever is in the container/package/dish in front of you. People have a tendency to eat what is there on the table.

Also, attitudes about food really matter. Especially in the U.S., people have a love/hate relationship with food, and you don't see those extremes as much in some other countries. For many in the U.S., it's all about eating fast and getting rid of that hunger fast, versus eating slower and enjoying the experience.
I believe it's a lifestyle issues as well, but there are genetic components are need to be looked at as well. All factors play a role whether it's environmental, cognitive, or biological. We just don't know which one plays the greatest role. There has been a handful of research done on the parts of the brain like the hypothalamus and neurotransmitters that have shown to work differently in those who have eating disorders. Those who binge eat have lower levels of serotonin than those who don't. Just a lot of factors that need to be taken into account when looking at obesity.
its their own damn fault and they need to step it up.

it is a rare occurrence but there are overweight people who are in shape.

if you can run 2 miles without dying within a respectable time then i can respect your "lifestyle"
there are so many factors at play, i think its kind of silly of you guys to just pass it off as people being "undisciplined and lazy". Genetic, economic, cultural etc. you name it.
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