Life decisions...which one would you make PICS FOR THE BEASTS

Nov 7, 2011
Hey guys...been a lurker on NT for the past 3-4 years and decided to finally make an account as I need some advice.  I have started to hang out with this girl for the past three or so months...hit it off well...thought we were gonna be something.  Turns out she is pregnant with another man and she doesn't want him being the father.  She wants me.  What do I do...I really like this girl, but how can I be a father of another mans child...i mean he should be the one to step up but I'm willing to be the bigger man and raise this child so he doesn't end up like his father.

anyone have any advice or anyone who have been in this situation??

Pics for the beasts....

how old are you

sounds like you barely have a month knowing this chick, so you have those strong feelings for her can easily change a few months down the road because of the children or even her
Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

Hey guys...been a lurker on NT for the past 3-4 years and decided to finally make an account as I need some advice.  I have started to hang out with this girl for the past three or so months...hit it off well...thought we were gonna be something.  Turns out she is pregnant with another man and she doesn't want him being the father.  She wants me.  What do I do...I really like this girl, but how can I be a father of another mans child...i mean he should be the one to step up but I'm willing to be the bigger man and raise this child so he doesn't end up like his father.

anyone have any advice or anyone who have been in this situation??

Pics for the beasts....

Stopped reading.
i'm 25...shes 20...she didnt tell me she was pregnant when i first met her. i just saw this picture on her facebook tonight and am feeling like the world is going to end since i can't be with her
This is a time when pics were not needed. As for the post, don't be stupid.I smell a back up screen name, who are you really OP?
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

I love em and I don't know why...its not even sexual man. I just love a cute pregnant chick.

As far as your situation OP, this is really one of those things that no random person on message board can help you decide. There are some really smart people on here when it comes to everyday relationship problems but something like this needs to be figured out by YOU after some real soul searching. You're talking about taking on the responsibilities of a FATHER, not just a boyfriend. Thats a big responsibility bro. Choose wisely
You wasted your 1st post on something you should already know the answer too... You got N's stressin over pregnancy scares and you are want to take care of another mans Seed? Leave that JO where she stands... in the sand.
Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

i'm 25...shes 20...she didnt tell me she was pregnant when i first met her. i just saw this picture on her facebook tonight and am feeling like the world is going to end since i can't be with her

She is going to put your name on the birth certificate then get back with her baby daddy.

You will stuck be paying for their lifestyle for awhile.
Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

i'm 25...shes 20...she didnt tell me she was pregnant when i first met her. i just saw this picture on her facebook tonight and am feeling like the world is going to end since i can't be with her
Wow really?  bro have you even hit yet?
Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

i'm 25...shes 20...she didnt tell me she was pregnant when i first met her. i just saw this picture on her facebook tonight and am feeling like the world is going to end since i can't be with her
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