Life decisions...which one would you make PICS FOR THE BEASTS

honestly bro...with a kid of my own
i would stay away, three months of liking this chick is not enough info you need to make this big of a decision
HEY OP Im on the same boat as you. I lurked for years then decided to sign in again.

But yea, youve known her for 3 months and want to be the father of her unborn baby!? Cmon thats only 3 months. Even if she doesn't want him to be the father he will remain in her life forever.
Originally Posted by youngwill500

You wasted your 1st post on something you should already know the answer too... You got N's stressin over pregnancy scares and you are want to take care of another mans Seed? Leave that JO where she stands... in the sand.
I cried
INS i know...she just is a cool chick to be around. i am not sure if i could touch her with a 10 foot pole now after not telling me shes pregnant. i just want to do the right thing for the child since the father is a deadbeat
i have a feeling this thread will get better as the pages go....(lurks in shadows)
Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

INS i know...she just is a cool chick to be around. i am not sure if i could touch her with a 10 foot pole now after not telling me shes pregnant. i just want to do the right thing for the child since the father is a deadbeat

Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved
Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

INS i know...she just is a cool chick to be around. i am not sure if i could touch her with a 10 foot pole now after not telling me shes pregnant. i just want to do the right thing for the child since the father is a deadbeat

Man up and quit crying. 
She wants you to save her. Being broke for another mans kid... 

You just found out she was pregnant tonight from her facebook picture?

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Ecook0808

You should marry her.

Dead cereal.

I have a ring from the past girl i was going to marry...truely thought about it.  not sure if i could go on wtih the commitment of a marriage (no kim kardashian)...her parents said that they would let us live in their basement if i decided to want to be with their daughter and raise the child
Op this is a decision which only you can make. You can stay with her but her babies father will always be in your lives. If you like her I guess you could stay with her but dont let her put your name on that babies birth certificate or you will be paying child support for a kid that isn't yours and if she decides to hook back up with the babies father or anyone else they will be making money off of you. Your friends and family may look at you like an idiot for dating some pregnant chick so I think it would be best to introduce her to them after she has the kid.
Pic wasn't necessary in this situation.

It is a tough decision to raise another man's child. You might get emotionally attached. I remember reading once on this forum, the thread was something about dating a woman with a kid(s). One member said he was heartbroken when they (his girlfriend at the time) separated because he felt as if the kid was his. I personally have never experienced something like this but I definitely wouldn't want to. Seems like you're really into this girl though. Maybe try to convince the girl to work out some type of joint custody with the father. Wanting to raise the kid is an admirable decision but it shouldn't have to fall on your shoulders only. Like KSJ said, ultimately it comes down to your decision. Take into account a lot factors and make your own decision. This isn't an everyday occurrence that we can just easily give you advice. Good luck, my brethren.
Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

You should marry her.

Dead cereal.

I have a ring from the past girl i was going to marry...truely thought about it.  not sure if i could go on wtih the commitment of a marriage (no kim kardashian)...her parents said that they would let us live in their basement if i decided to want to be with their daughter and raise the child
Now the real question comes...Is she rich?

If so make that move and wife it on the spot....If not u need to just have fun with her until the kid comes.

Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

i'm 25...shes 20...she didnt tell me she was pregnant when i first met her. i just saw this picture on her facebook tonight and am feeling like the world is going to end since i can't be with her
common sense bro..
smash and dash hit and quit it never wife her maybe you shouldnt even hit it just run
Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

You should marry her.

Dead cereal.

I have a ring from the past girl i was going to marry...truely thought about it.  not sure if i could go on wtih the commitment of a marriage (no kim kardashian)...her parents said that they would let us live in their basement if i decided to want to be with their daughter and raise the child
trolling hard
Honestly OP, if the feeling is mutual between you and her and you're really feeling this chick, then do what you feel is right. Do realize that with her in this predicament, that she isn't looking for any type of inconsistency in the relationship at all. If you feel that it's too much of a commitment to make then do it moving and it's as simple as that. She's not looking for a relationship, she's looking for a man to become a father figure in her child's life. I know a few dudes that have took over the role as a father figure and as simpish as some posters on here will make it sound, I have the utmost respect for those dudes who picked up where deadbeats left off. It's all just a matter of if you really like this girl and would commit to having some type of role in shaping this child's future.
Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

INS i know...she just is a cool chick to be around. i am not sure if i could touch her with a 10 foot pole now after not telling me shes pregnant. i just want to do the right thing for the child since the father is a deadbeat
Son, you don't owe that girl or child anything.  You going to go around trying to save every single mom you encounter? 
  The right thing for the child would be for the girl and the child's dad to work things out.You should run from this girl, she already has you by the balls and you haven't smashed
Originally Posted by homelessmrbob

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

You should marry her.

Dead cereal.

I have a ring from the past girl i was going to marry...truely thought about it.  not sure if i could go on wtih the commitment of a marriage (no kim kardashian)...her parents said that they would let us live in their basement if i decided to want to be with their daughter and raise the child
My mind is blown right now. 
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