LIFE Goes Inside Today's KKK (pics)

my grandparents live in Orlando and right next door is a KKK leader or whatever you call em

he has a red KKK flag about the size of his house hanging in the front yard
at these pics.
Its funny because those dudes have more in common with the minorities they hate than the the elites.
Tha thing is those ++*#* are too cowardly to be that way in public if they.are in public they try to blend in like some maggots they aren't so big behind those masks %%%*!# terrrorist pig !$@*! using heritage as an excuse to assemble and spread hate it's just laughable
Crazy how people hate others that breath the same air, drink the same water, and share the same basic body compositions as each other because of skin color.
Organized Ignorance under the mask of Christianity.
These people are a direct contradiction to the core principles of their beliefs.

Hopefully these kids will grow to realize that Mommy and Daddy were wrong.
Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

what are the equivalents of the kkk for minorities?

i mean i know some people dislike whites and other races, but is there such a group of hispanics, blacks, asian, etc to truly dislike white people like the klan hates everybody that isn't white?

the New Black Panther Party. Here's an exert from the wikipedia page on them:The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies the NBPP as a "black racist" hate group. Even the mildest critics of the organization have said that the NBPP's provocative brand of black supremacy undermines other civil rights efforts.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a NBPP critic, has noted Muhammad's statement that "there are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes."

Just throwing out there that there are ignorant people everywhere.

And i saw a quote earlier that said they have peacecful marches. Its because they end up causing such a stir that riots have broken out, not by them and that further solidifies the message they are trying to portray. See the 2005 Toledo, Ohio riot. The only people arrested were the protestors.

And as far as them marching in Cleveland, Ohio, the ACLU commended the Cleveland Mayor for allowing the KKK to march in his city in 1999.

Ignorant people are just that ignorant. As for why I know all this? Im addicted to history channel and watch too much Gangland and documentaries. Gotta be educated if you want to combat ignorance.
Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

my grandparents live in Orlando and right next door is a KKK leader or whatever you call em

he has a red KKK flag about the size of his house hanging in the front yard
When I drove up to UF (in Gainesville north florida, for the non-floridians) we passed through some real back-country areas man
My one homie said if we broke down he sure as well wasn't walkin around by himself to get help
there was a clan rally in front of the courthouse in my town bout 7 or 8 years back... my sisters good freinds with the judges daughter so she called jus lookin out tellin us to steer clear n what not...

i drove by at least 3 times lettin Nas- you can hate me now beat from my W3s... the hate in their eyes was palapable... lookin like a abunch of giant angry crayons. what happened to when these dudes wore white? dudes was up there n purple, yellow, red, etc.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

there was a clan rally in front of the courthouse in my town bout 7 or 8 years back... my sisters good freinds with the judges daughter so she called jus lookin out tellin us to steer clear n what not...

i drove by at least 3 times lettin Nas- you can hate me now beat from my W3s... the hate in their eyes was palapable... lookin like a abunch of giant angry crayons. what happened to when these dudes wore white? dudes was up there n purple, yellow, red, etc.
at the song choice. Nice.

Need to have a military squad roll around and play population control on these folks.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

I've never seen a Klan march in the bay area, or even heard of Klan marches in California.
No klan marches but there are definitely neo nazi marches they are every where. 
Yes they did march in California. Back in the 1980's they marched in my hometown of Richmond, California stupid as that sounds.
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Yes they did march in California. Back in the 1980's they marched in my hometown of Richmond, California stupid as that sounds.
I didn't clarify, I mean now a days they wouldn't do it.
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Yes they did march in California. Back in the 1980's they marched in my hometown of Richmond, California stupid as that sounds.

can not picture the klan marching in the Rich 
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