Lil Wayne not giving AF at his deposition...UPDATE: New Vid

Did I read it wrong in one of the links that this lawsuit was filed by Lil Wayne over how he was portrayed in a documentary? And then he acts like that in his deposition? Good luck with that case.

i'd act the same way if i was stupid rich.
:lol: hell yea

prison? no.
jail? yes.
it's called contempt son, it was funny as hell but it was a legal proceeding and you can get yoked up by the judge in the legal sense for wasting his time.
if i had lil wayne pockets i wouldnt give a damn bout no petty contempt charge, but then again wayne is on probation so i dont know how that would work for him...

why do people say 'AF'?
:rofl: i hate that **** too

& damn i aint know tupac stayed in decatur...
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finally watched it, thats how you supposed to do it tho, i didnt even think it was funny, thats exactly how i wouldve answered those questions
What'd he say? No sound at work...
Does sound help you understand him?

Edit: Just finished both the Lil Wayne one and 2pac's.
The maturity level is night and day between the two; not to mention who's the intellectual one.
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yes, i'm in grad school, but what does that have to do with anything?
you started out with "You idiots" ... for what reason? i have absolutely no knowledge of the law and this case that wayne is in, and good majority of the people who watched the video are like me.
there was no reason to name call... it just looks like an legal authority of some sort is asking Lil Wayne questions, and his responses are funny as they ooze with "eff you, i'm paid."
and yes... if he is a wannabe hoodbooger that tries to act cool, then he's doing it at a far higher success rate than folks who do it for free.
we can sit up here all day and say his music sucks, he's on one, or he's lame. at the end of the day, someone is giving him millions and he's getting crazy thick yambs. :lol:

Because that's what life is about?
finally watched it, thats how you supposed to do it tho, i didnt even think it was funny, thats exactly how i wouldve answered those questions

well... sure it would be in a lot of people's interest to ignore the questions and say you dont recall. But to be so disrespectful and pompous about it will do nothing but make those involved angry and annoyed at him. The judge and prosecutor (?) were doing their job and following legal procedures. If you're gonna live a life that is gonna put you in those positions, you might as well get used to it and find a common ground with them. Or you can act like a spoiled brat like DWayne
hey, did you smash shorty in your av, i saw that clip and am officially convinced that all skinny white girls have mass, they just gotta bend over, when she was bent over>>>>>>>>>>>when she was standing up
I dunno why yall actin like what this dude does will affect any part of your life.

It was funny, relax.

At first I was like what kind of interview questions are these, then when I realized it was a deposition I was crackin up. Definitely not the route I would taken but do your thug thizzle lil wizzle
]get money and get yambs ...
When it boils down to a primitive, animalistic level... yes... that's what its all about...
But tell me what you believe its about...

He's probably gone say something about family and love and some other vague definition of success that can be easily obtained :rolleyes
It was probably because it was going to expose him as the b***h a** wanna be he truly is

This is your respected shero....FYI RAP stands for Rhythm And Poetry.....Dude is a joke admired by jokes
Dude is such a lame bro like beyond lame he acts and carries himself like a 13 year old.He could have had a dope interview that offered more insight on his music interest and his thought process .if he doesnt see the brass band and second line influence in the old cash money songs he is damb idiot and should hang it up . Son Back that mass up was heavily influenced by that new orleans sound.Dude is a clown.
Dude is such a lame bro like beyond lame he acts and carries himself like a 13 year old.He could have had a dope interview that offered more insight on his music interest and his thought process .if he doesnt see the brass band and second line influence in the old cash money songs he is damb idiot and should hang it up . Son Back that mass up was heavily influenced by that new orleans sound.Dude is a clown.
Yep All that OG cash money especially BG would have them trumpets sounding off.  I don't think this buster has any type of coherent thinking about him at this point.  Dude is a confused little wanna be talking out the side of his neck to people that he knows won't retaliate.  He needs to cool his britches before he pops off to the wrong person that he takes to be a square and gets dealt with.
Yep All that OG cash money especially BG would have them trumpets sounding off.  I don't think this buster has any type of coherent thinking about him at this point.  Dude is a confused little wanna be talking out the side of his neck to people that he knows won't retaliate.  He needs to cool his britches before he pops off to the wrong person that he takes to be a square and gets dealt with.
He really really needs to reevaluate himself.He is hitting 30 if not already 30 the way he acts and how he carries himself will slowly box him out of the game.Interviews are what alot of older artist bank off of .A great interview gets you more fans more respect and more interest. Rap is rhythm and poetry if he doesnt understand the poetry aspect of rap why is he doing it. I wouldnt be mad if Dude punched him out because he deserved it.This same dude tried to proclaim he is musician yet doesnt have interest in the music history of his city yet he made a rock album and a damb country song.A complete FOOL
Dont think theres a case agains him and Y are so many people so mad in here? :lol: vid was funny to me though had me :Rollin
that's what I'm saying... weezy got fambs in here emotional.

Calling him a child... lame... dumb ...

I've said it once and I'll say it again. He's obviously doing something right cuz he's getting paid and we're talking about him.

Comparing him to tupac? That's just unfair.

Does your girl compare your pipe game to a porn star's?
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