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How Many Games Do You Project The Lakers Will Win This Season?

  • 15-20

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  • 21-25

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  • 26-30

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  • 31-35

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  • 36-40

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  • 41-45

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  • 46-50

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  • 51-55

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  • 56-73

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  • They Will Break the NBA Record with 74+ Wins

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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If the Lakers had actually gone after some other young pieces like Biyombo and Crabbe instead of older vets it would make sense. You could give up D'Lo and Randle and still have enough depth and still have a good young nucleus of Ingram being the other hopeful star, Biyombo and another good player in Crabbe. But alas...
I like Crabbe but wouldn't a young wing stunt Ingrams development?

And Tarik can do what Biz did if given 35-38 mpg
‏@JonesOnTheNBA Jul 2
Lakers trying to rebuild culture and need a vet that will set an example for young guys. Also needed a center they could realistically sign

@JonesOnTheNBA Jul 2
Teams and Agents/Players all have a general idea of the market before July 1 and plan accordingly. If unrealistic about it, you get burned

@Coach__Cav teams and players/agents all have a pretty good idea of what is realistic before July 1.

@Coach__Cav Jul 2
Agree w/ u on culture change. Luke will help w: that, but are u sayin this was absolute best we could do on day 1?

More young talent could be a detriment at the same time... You need veterans (who fit, who have some type of locker room presence, and you can get) that help them grow. That doesn't mean you just sign any veteran. You sign a guy that you can get, that helps young guys become pros quicker. I.e. Courtney Lee is not the same value as Luol Deng in this situation. Deng has played on playoff teams where he has a prominent role, and he's by all accounts about him, a guy who takes some charge in the locker room. Courtney Lee is not that. Noah was already gone on July 30th. Hassan was their first choice.. He was a hard no. Go look at the list, it was Mozgov or Pau. Hibbert was out of the running, for obvious reasons. And Al Jefferson was considering only contending teams, hence why he cost himself $30mil to play on the Pacers

Adding more young guys could prolong the time it takes on a rebuild. Because you're surrounded with young guys, all of which are trying to figure out how to play in the NBA with each other.

The only way I would have wanted Crabbe is as a replacement of Lou Will & Nick Young.. Who are vets that do almost nothing to help a locker room, or play a conducive style of basketball

A young team has a law of diminishing returns.. There is an area where too much young becomes a negative. They have the core pieces they want in Russell, Clarkson, Ingram, Randle.... Deng & Mozgov are here to help them develop quickly.

Biyombo & Crabbe is 2 more guys still trying to figure it out...
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We didn't give 64 million to Tarik though.

Deng I understand a bit given his pedigree similar to what Noah would have given had he signed here although I think Deng may have slightly more to give in the floor. Mozgov will never make sense from the entire way it was done from the jump though. So if you want to get good vet leadership I'm fine with Deng, years should have been shorter given his age but whatever. No way with the money being near equal under any circumstances am I taking Mozgov over Biyombo though. It's a horrible deal.
Yea man. When I saw that Seths agent wanted the Kings to pull the qualifying offer off the table I automatically thought of us coming in to swoop :lol:
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I think he may be decent.


If the ultimate goal is Clarkson as a combo guard off the bench (And I think it is... Probably starting next year).... Then paying Curry the money that he wants goes pretty much wasted.. Maybe if we sign him to sign him and hopefully go after a bargaining chip in a later trade
^ I really don't think that's the goal tho. Westbrook is the only name that makes sense starting over jc. But even if, you don't like a bench backcourt of jc and sc?
^ I really don't think that's the goal tho. Westbrook is the only name that makes sense starting over jc. But even if, you don't like a bench backcourt of jc and sc?

Right now it's no big deal, but if the time arises for Clarkson to bench, you have to trade Curry ASAP... Which leads me to a, we sign him for this year, and then trade him.

Because there would be no minutes. No reason to really put money aside for a guy you won't play

Russell gets 32 minutes.

Say we get another SG. Or a Westbrook moves Russell to the 2.

35 + 32 = 67 of the 96 minutes for PG/SG

You have 29 minutes left. Those go to Clarkson. After that you really only need a PG who can be competent for 5-10 minutes
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Mozgov will never make sense from the entire way it was done from the jump though. So if you want to get good vet leadership I'm fine with Deng, years should have been shorter given his age but whatever. No way with the money being near equal under any circumstances am I taking Mozgov over Biyombo though. It's a horrible deal.

Moz is more skilled and polished offensively and a bigger body. Both have their pros and cons.
So we paying Deng and Moz to be babysitters?


Never heard anybody talk about Moz and his leadership. Deng, I guess he's got some leadership but in Chicago it was Noah as the vocal leader/voice of the team and Rose was the leader by his play. These were rushed, bad signings compared to what was out there. No reason to dress it up. And again, these are broken down players. We not talking about reliable players we can count on.
Came in here to see whats with Seth Curry's offer getting pulled and what that could mean for us. Looks like yall beat me to it :lol: I'd like to see him on the ros just for fact of Luke Sky Walton getting the chance to coach Stephs bro and if he could help recreate GS's offense.
So we paying Deng and Moz to be babysitters?


Never heard anybody talk about Moz and his leadership. Deng, I guess he's got some leadership but in Chicago it was Noah as the vocal leader/voice of the team and Rose was the leader by his play. These were rushed, bad signings compared to what was out there. No reason to dress it up. And again, these are broken down players. We not talking about reliable players we can count on.

Who's still available that you guys would like us to sign? We still have 20-22 M according to Larry C oon

I'm ok with a few one-year deals that won't affect our ~35 M cap space next summer

Barbosa ?
Speights ?
Alan Anderson ?
Quincy Acy?
Gerald Green?
Beno Udrih?
Jason Thompson?
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