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How Many Games Do You Project The Lakers Will Win This Season?

  • 15-20

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  • 21-25

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 26-30

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  • 31-35

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 36-40

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 41-45

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 46-50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 51-55

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 56-73

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They Will Break the NBA Record with 74+ Wins

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Who's still available that you guys would like us to sign? We still have 20-22 M according to Larry C oon

I'm ok with a few one-year deals that won't affect our ~35 M cap space next summer

Barbosa ?
Speights ?
Alan Anderson ?
Quincy Acy?
Gerald Green?
Beno Udrih?
Jason Thompson?

Would take Barbosa, more veteran presence+he still can play pretty well for his age.
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Whoever they fill the roster out with better not be signed past this year.
2 yrs/12.85 mil. This I can deal with. Hopefully next year is an option though, cause we wouldn't have space for a max deal at all. 
Really like this Tarik signing
Kid can play, works hard and is athletic
His rookie year he had a few monster rebound games
Then Stupid Byron decides to play Bass, Sacre, Hibbert and Kelly more minutes this past season
If we look at the combined salaries of Moz and boom boom, without the names
And simply say between them we're paying 22 mil for our C depth
Are some of yall still salty ?
2nd Year of Black's deal is non-guaranteed if waived by a certain date.

I'm curious if Lakers would be able to buyout Nick by just giving him all of his money owed over the next 2 years just in this year, and take the cap hit this season. So you can go into next season without him counting any toward the cap.
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I think it was $21-$22mil according to a tweet one of ya'll posted, then we just re-signed Tarik. And we also have the MLE.
I think it was $21-$22mil according to a tweet one of ya'll posted, then we just re-signed Tarik. And we also have the MLE.

$20.5mil by what I have.

Tarik still only counts for his RFA cap hold of $1.180mil because we signed him for the maximum number of his Early Bird Rights

Also MLE is for teams who never dip below the salary cap. We would have the room exception or Mini-MLE

But we have 13 players. Really not much room in the rotation unless Lou / Swaggy are gone
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Still don't trade for Russell....

Trading every guy to land Russell Westbrook is stupid.

Because you can't compete with GSW anyway. And by the time you can, Westbrook will be done, and you look and you have nobody to carry that team further.

Kick up your feet, and wait for Free Agency.

And if you don't land Westbrook in 2017, you make your push in a few years
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