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How Many Games Do You Project The Lakers Will Win This Season?

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  • 51-55

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  • 56-73

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  • They Will Break the NBA Record with 74+ Wins

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i really like what I saw out of Nance and zubac. guys were really active on both sides of the ball. eventhough the team won't win a lot more games this year, they are still going to be exciting to watch.
I was at the game bros. All I got is 3 words..




I kept my expectations low heading into it and walked out impressed. Some observations

As of right now, the first summer league game in his second season, Russ is still not a PG. Missed some easy reads and had some bad turnovers early. He looks out of sorts when he's trying to get others involved. On the other hand he looks completely natural when he looks to score. Vice versa with Clarkson playing SG vs PG. This will be sorted out soon. Also had some nice defensive sequences, he really shows his iq on that side of the ball

You could see elements of the warriors offense already and it makes the game so much easier for everybody. Nance looks way more comfortable now that he is bringing the ball up on every rebound. He's not the guy that would catch and immediately look to pass like last year.

Ingram/Nance/zubac is gonna give other teams hell for years to come. There was one possession where zoo had two blocks and two contests, almost single handedly shutting down the pelicans offense. They had a ton of blocks, every single one you could see coming a mile away :lol:. Nola didn't really exploit zubac on the pick and roll so we'll have to see how he handles himself there.

I think I saw that moment when zubac went up to Nance :lol:. Had no idea what he said at the time but you could tell it was something along those lines :lol:

Ingram is a pro. Kobe was right when he said he plays with a lot of poise. They 'hazed' him by making him go onto the court by himself before the game, got him pretty good. Crowd went nuts on his first touch and he proceeded to knock down the pull up jimmer. The way he pulled the string on the release, yea this guy's a shooter. His weight is gonna be an issue tho. Be took a hard foul in the 3rd and was noticeably affected. Took a minute to regroup before missing both freebies, not sure he scored after that. But yea, he's the goods. Looked more poised than dlo at times. Only the first game but he looks like he's beyond summer league.
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maybe this phil jackson guy was right about luke one day being a good coach. i know its summer league but the lakers looked like they actually had an offense out there. no scott.
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Yea Russ isn't a PG, he's a natural 2. I was telling my boy that yea he makes some great passes in "spurts" but when he's in PG mode he misses a lot open guys, makes easier passes way more difficult than they should be, and doesn't look to score at all... When he goes into Kobe mode the flow of the game comes to him easier and the game slows down a lot for him on offense.

A million times better overall from last season's LAST summer league game. Shows the improvement throughout the team, the staff and players in just a few short weeks....

I love the rooks, AB played some grade a defense on buddy, DLo hit the switch, and Nance looked A1 in this new system... Zach Auguste played well too which will kinda make Tarik expendable. Zach, Julius, AND Nance can all rebound and push the ball up the floor. I like that in this offense more than what Tarik brings to the table
Is it just me, or is AB noticeably bigger?

Not just you man.

The kids put in some serious time in the weight room this off season, all of them

:smokin :smokin

The best thing about this is that it becomes contagious. And when that happens, it becomes embedded into the culture.

That is scary for a team as young as this.

Randle is a bum

Randle's effort sometimes is terrible.

Also, these. I can't wait until he is gone.

Nance at the 4 >>>>>>> .
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Kids look GREAT

the challenge is going to be finding playing time for a super young 7 footer cuz they typically get in foul trouble going up against veterans

Ingram showing flashes of brilliance I expected from Dlo last summer. He will be an elite scorer
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Zubac better than Black and Sacre put together right now.... he better be our 2nd big off the bench.

We're not gonna be any good maybe 25-28 wins but at least we will be promising and entertaining :pimp: :pimp:
Did anyone catch it last night when one of the pelicans players was about to drive baseline and either one of the coaches or players yelled "zubac, straight up" and he just went straight up like a tree before the guy even started driving. It had me dying. Playing a game of Simon says out there.
Ingram needs a boxing trainer to work out his core it will help him absorb those hits
Did anyone catch it last night when one of the pelicans players was about to drive baseline and either one of the coaches or players yelled "zubac, straight up" and he just went straight up like a tree before the guy even started driving. It had me dying. Playing a game of Simon says out there.

There's a few times throughout the game I heard guys say "Zu (followed by defensive instruction)." :rofl:
I can tell from the way Ingram played his first game against NBA competition, the kid is going to finish a top 50 of all time.

(Did I do that right?)
End up finding ourselves in a bidding match against Miami. Riley worries me, he's seemingly a great negotiator.
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