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I've been thinking more and more about this draft and have came to the realization that we literally can't **** up :lol:

I know that's crazy to say based on past moves the Cavs have made, but honestly I will legit be happy with any of the top 3 they pick

Embiid, Wiggins, Parker... all 3 will have me feeling good.
I just hope that I won't think to myself 'damn, we shoulda drafted X instead of Y' several years later when I look back at this draft.

That's how I feel about past 2 drafts, so I hope that doesn't happen this time around.
Rumor has it the first pick may get traded to philly for the 3 and 10th
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I've heard Philly 3rd + Thad Young for 1st. Seems more realistic. Any chance Embiid falls 3rd?
What's Thad's contract? I don't wanna do any trade.

If anything just draft Wiggins and hold him for ransom.

as it stands right now I fully expect Embiid.

I feel like he knows it too.

Posting that IG plc and what not.
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2 Years left
2014-2015 9,160,000
2015 -2016 Player option 9,721,739

I'm sayin unless someone is making a deal that you just can't turn down, I don't see any reason to trade this pick. Keep the team young and build up assets rather than ship them off to fight for an 8th seed beacuae we are in "win now mode"
Embiid had a workout and initially it was reported that it didn't go well, but according to Sam Amico it went just fine.

Wiggins and Parker will both be in Cleveland sometime next week for a workout.

13 days :pimp:

As for coaching they have contacted Mark Jackson but no interview set up yet.
Gonna cop a wiggins 22 home jersey :pimp:
If we draft him [emoji]128517[/emoji][emoji]128517[/emoji][emoji]128517[/emoji][emoji]128517[/emoji]
I wouldn't want Jackson. Never liked him as a player and we need a decent coach - not a prospect.
I wouldn't want Jackson. Never liked him as a player and we need a decent coach - not a prospect.
It dont help he is a bron bron slurper, but this Blatt guy i heard they want to make HC sounds good. I'm just worried about the draft
Yeah,I don't know much about Blatt but I like the sound of him.
Yeah,I don't know much about Blatt but I like the sound of him.

It's to the point where the coach is gonna be someone that most won't approve. I know you're not a fan of Jackson but Id rather have him than Lue or Gentry easily. Blatt is just some random guy as well.

If you want FA's to come here then you get a coach that the players want to play for... Jackson > all the candidates for that.

Embiid got red flagged yall

Not true. Well... actually it was first reported that then Sam Amico said it went perfectly fine. Who knows though. It's interesting that it even get reported in the first place that it went bad... that's strange to me.

Still think as of right now he'll be the pick.. Wiggins and Parker coming to Cleveland next week might change some minds..
Blatt is my guy :pimp: heard he is a offensive wiz in the half court something we need. He also gets the best out of his players too.......something we need with kyrie and dion .
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Dunno too much about Blatt so I can't say much, just knows that he led his team to Euroleague champs. If he really knows what he's doing and can make players listen to him and execute the plan, then I'm all for it. Cavs NEED a coach who can discipline players with charisma and leadership. I really wish Pop was available lol
Welcome home Damjan Rudez, a sharp shooter forward with a mean crossover :smokin

Edit: bennett done lost some weight, bruh must of been on the dion waiters work out plan View media item 1028418
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This will be a fun two weeks. This may be significant in terms on NBA history:

Lebron, Melo, Wade, Bosh, Duncan, Dirk, Lowry, Bledsoe, Deng, Monroe, Gasol, Randolph, Hayward, Stephenson, Gay, Pierce, Parsons, Gortat, Ariza, Carter....all can be free agents in some form. So who takes paycuts, which aging vets become role players, and are super teams dead?

Wiggins, Parker, Embiid, Randle, Exum, Smart + a handful of intriguing prospects all will be drafted.

Utah, Phx, Cleveland, Philly, Orlando, Detroit all have significant cap-space. Teams that are on the low end in terms of destination will all have the ability to pay good free agents. While NY, LAL, LAC, BOS, HOU, & MIA are pretty much screwed.

We have a leg up on the entire league for once:

1- We have a significant amount of capspace
2- We pick 1st in a loaded draft.
3- We already have a solid young core of Irving, Waiters, etc.
4- Like it or not we have a young star in the making in Kyrie Irving.
5- We own 2 additional 1st round picks next year to facilitate a large trade if needed.
IF Monroe or gortat bevond FA's voile hou der the cava going after one of them and then drafting wiggins or Parker instead of embiid?
Do ya think Lebron will consider Cleveland and look to join forces with that young core :smoking. He skipped out during the re-building phase, is now the time?
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