LOL! Kanye the new King of Pop? :\

Oct 3, 2006
Kanye West declares himself the new 'King Of Pop'
July 28, 11:08 PM

Kanye says he's the next King Of Pop. (Photo: Kanyeuniversecity)

Kanye's self-confidence (some call it ego) is nothing new to music fans all across the country maybe even the world. Though there are times where Kanye has said some things that were probably better left unsaid, this proclamation might have just taken the cake.

Michael Jackson, who passed away last month, is currently known as the "King Of Pop"; of course that depends on who you ask. Kanye suggests that since Michael is no longer with us, there needs to be someone else ready and willing to fill MJ's shoes and he knows just the person for the job, him.

In an interview pulled from, Kanye explains why he is the perfect candidate to fill the slot of "King Of Pop" for the new millennium.

You know everyone loves and respects Michael but times change. It's so sad to see Michael gone but it makes a path for a new King of Pop and I'm willing to take that on." Kanye is quoted as saying.

"There's nobody who can match me in sales and in Kanye West respect so it only makes sense for me to take over Michael's crown and become the new King," he continued.

"First there was Elvis, then there was Michael, now in the 21st century its Kanye's time to rule.

I have nothing but respect for Michael but someone needs to pick up where he left off and there's nobody better than me to do that. I am the new King of Pop.

During his time as an artist Kanye has released 4 successful albums and for the past 7 years his momentum has been unstoppable; is he justified in feeling like he should fill MJ's spot in such a short period of time? Is the "King Of Pop" title even vacant?

is this guy really serious?

sorry if posted.
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