LOL Rick Ross

Originally Posted by bonafide hustla


but if this type of stuff affects who you listen to for entertainment value, you're doing it wrong.

basically. There's a lot of hate in this thread. It's one thing if you don't like his music. It seems like dudes on here really want him to fail atlife.
I don't know what L's he's actually taken. If you actually believed a rapper really sold coke and was this big mafioso dude then you really are theone that took the L..I'm sure dude can afford some authentic shades...

whats so funny is after the CO lying.who knows what this guy will say about this?

"I went to the LV store and bought these, Im a Boss, I !%!# on ___'s "
thats what happens when rappers get jaded by high end fashion... they'll do anything to keep the image going.. now im sure ross can afford some realLV's but this is still pretty damn embarrasing.. whats more pathetic is LV's lack of support... every other word these rappers spit out has somethingto do with LV or gucci and i mean EVERY OTHER WORD! ...but then the designers try to distance themseves a much as possible from the very artists that make theystuff popular and appealing to the hip hop community.. you cant watch a music video without seeing 35 lv scarves in the first 2 mins of the song but they wasteno time in trying to act like they dont want nothing to do with the very people who are responsible for making their brand desirable to the rap audience...rappers should be more careful about who they endorse, directly or indirectly because you can see first hand how fast the designers will turn they back on loyalty at all from lv...jim jones had a fight in the LV store, now ross is rockin fake LV shades... the people at lv must be laughing out loud while at thesame time raking in all the profits from the same people they try to distance themselves from. rappers need to grow up and stop actin like if it isnt lv orgucci then it aint cool to wear.. lv and gucci dont give a damn about you but yet you rap about these brands like you got an endorsement deal or something..stop being foolish
Originally Posted by sherwin100s

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

That's what these dudes get for rockin these uppity, high end brands whose owners could care less about hip hop...people
dudes think they're fly because they got brand names... and they know nothing about the history of these companies.
Jews in Benzes with IBM computers

I don't blame women for not doing their research and Lord knows we're all damned anyway, but for men to drop so much hard earned $$$ on labels theycan't even pronounce
or have to get "off the truck" discounts and really end up with fakes?

and I posted this before also

[h1]Is Rick Ross Rocking A Fake MCM Jacket?[/h1]

We're not one to stir things up (okay, sometimes we are), but we just noticed something interesting. In the "Mission Statement" video by Taz Arnold that we debuted yesterday, there is a news-style ticker going across the bottom of the screen. The ticker flashes a million different messages, but one in particular caught our eye:

Hmmm…Did Officer Rawse really tell Taz (aka TI$A, who designs for and works with MCM) that he wanted a pricey MCM jacket, only to get a fake one made instead? He's definitely rocking what appears to be the blue MCM jacket in his recent 50 Cent diss video "Kiss My Pinky Ring Curly". Check out some clearer photos below and let us know what you think…

Here's A Shot of The Actual MCM Jacket:

Here's A Clearer Shot of Rick Ross's Jacket:


Here's The Text As It Appeared In Taz's Ticker, Coincidentally Shown While Taz is Wearing The Same MCM Jacket:
Originally Posted by sherwin100s

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

That's what these dudes get for rockin these uppity, high end brands whose owners could care less about hip hop...
quoted for ******ation

i dont even feel like typing it all out for the 1000 time on here but it has nothing to do with hiphop-
stop it's DEEPER THAN RAP remember!!!!!!!!

!*#@+%% fraud #@% !+!$$!!! Ross
ya'll still gonna say the music isgood.....%*%@ outta here
I don't care WHAT lane it is...entertainment value or not. I'm not about to co-sign fraudulent activity.

It's like giving a !%@!# a pass for rocking Fake J's by saying, "Oh well, I'm sure he can afford some real Jordans".
Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

I don't care WHAT lane it is...entertainment value or not. I'm not about to co-sign fraudulent activity.

It's like giving a !%@!# a pass for rocking Fake J's by saying, "Oh well, I'm sure he can afford some real Jordans".

Pretty Much
But what are the fakes of? Are they supposed to be Evidence's. I dont think ive seen any that have the LV right there in the middle of the shades. whywould he think he could get away with that and no1 would notice.
Originally Posted by Ikaman

thats what happens when rappers get jaded by high end fashion... they'll do anything to keep the image going.. now im sure ross can afford some real LV's but this is still pretty damn embarrasing.. whats more pathetic is LV's lack of support... every other word these rappers spit out has something to do with LV or gucci and i mean EVERY OTHER WORD! ...but then the designers try to distance themseves a much as possible from the very artists that make they stuff popular and appealing to the hip hop community.. you cant watch a music video without seeing 35 lv scarves in the first 2 mins of the song but they waste no time in trying to act like they dont want nothing to do with the very people who are responsible for making their brand desirable to the rap audience... rappers should be more careful about who they endorse, directly or indirectly because you can see first hand how fast the designers will turn they back on you. no loyalty at all from lv...jim jones had a fight in the LV store, now ross is rockin fake LV shades... the people at lv must be laughing out loud while at the same time raking in all the profits from the same people they try to distance themselves from. rappers need to grow up and stop actin like if it isnt lv or gucci then it aint cool to wear.. lv and gucci dont give a damn about you but yet you rap about these brands like you got an endorsement deal or something.. stop being foolish
That's apart of the allure, its target market never was the hip-hop segment, I was certainly surprised when they chose Pharrell to markettheir material. I'm pretty sure LV and companies alike would care less if the hip-hop segment turns its back to their label, it probably accounts for avery small percentage of their market share to begin with. Sure its negative PR if certain rappers pull a stunt similar to Jay-Z and the Cristal boycott, butto the greater good the intended consumers are probably ok with that.

Hood America is as ignorant as ever when it comes to endorsing these companies who could care less about them.
I was going to speak on the MCM jacket issue but I see it's been covered.

$%+!'s disgusting.......
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