
If I ever saw her I'd probably just say hi and keep it pushing..I'm still real koo with her mom. Her mom hits me up from time to time to talk.
If I ever saw her I'd probably just say hi and keep it pushing..I'm still real koo with her mom. Her mom hits me up from time to time to talk.
Half of em got kids, the other half is married already. I am cool with one but only because she begs me to be friends with her.
Half of em got kids, the other half is married already. I am cool with one but only because she begs me to be friends with her.
Originally Posted by CampbellSoup

Obviously, usually being friends right after a break up doesn't work out too well, least in my experience 

Anyone, I'm cool with my first serious girlfriend I had. We dated in high school for a couple years. I still can hit every now and then.

Another ex, we didn't talk for a year or so after we split, but now we chat on occasion. We have yet to hang out, I don't know if that will ever happen again, but I would still 

Um,  my most recent one has me blocked on FB, both my numbers's blocked, no go on Twitter, etc. I broke her heart and I hear she is not on anti-depressant medications and lost 15 pounds. So yeah, we don't chat often, er, at all.

Anyway, how about you guys?


Originally Posted by CampbellSoup

Obviously, usually being friends right after a break up doesn't work out too well, least in my experience 

Anyone, I'm cool with my first serious girlfriend I had. We dated in high school for a couple years. I still can hit every now and then.

Another ex, we didn't talk for a year or so after we split, but now we chat on occasion. We have yet to hang out, I don't know if that will ever happen again, but I would still 

Um,  my most recent one has me blocked on FB, both my numbers's blocked, no go on Twitter, etc. I broke her heart and I hear she is not on anti-depressant medications and lost 15 pounds. So yeah, we don't chat often, er, at all.

Anyway, how about you guys?


Originally Posted by moundraised23

some i'm cool wit, others have been deleted from my life


One ex is preggers right now. Mammeries are looking right. I wanna smash

Oh well. One day when my girl is pregs I'll be all over that.
Originally Posted by moundraised23

some i'm cool wit, others have been deleted from my life


One ex is preggers right now. Mammeries are looking right. I wanna smash

Oh well. One day when my girl is pregs I'll be all over that.
I'll go with the 2 most recent ones.

I havent spoken to her in a while, but her good friend showed up to my job asking what I was up to and what my situation was. So I may end up seeing her soon.

The most recent one. Man this chick was on some other *@+ one day we would be cool then the next day she would hate me. We ended up breaking it off because of her lack of trust. She knew that I was a flirt when she met me and I guess word got back to her that I was being extra friendly with some other chick, but I never cheated on her. Current status. Facebook blocked, cursed me out the day we broke up.

P.S I hate solemunchies avy because she looks just like that.
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