Long Commute to Work Unappreciation!

When I was doing regional marketing for vitamin water, my round trip to the office every day was 240 miles....that did not include sales calls......I put 60k mile on my car in 2 years.....

MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

GW Bridge 7-8am in the morning = get on your knees and say a prayer

driving into the city from any direction 7-8am in the morning = get on your knees and say a prayer
When I was going to school in the city, it would take me a minimum of an hour and a half (and it wasn't even a one leg trip, it was train, ferry, train/train). Going to work in Brooklyn can take over an hour with traffic, or like 40 minutes without.
Definitely unappreciated.

It takes me 55 minutes to drive 24 miles every morning. The distance isn't bad when there is no traffic, but that only happens during school breaks and summer. The worst part is that the first 10 miles takes 30 minutes thanks to school zones and stupid traffic ladies who let the entire school drop-off line empty out before letting the real traffic continue.

And traffic on the way home sucks too, so by the time I get back to the crib I just spent about 2 hours in the whip to drive almost 50 miles. Not cool.

I'm actually trying to find another job b/c I hate the drive so much.
I use to live 30 seconds drive time from my old job.

Now i live 15 minutes 1 way. A straight shot.
Fortunately for me I just have to walk 10 minutes from my house to the station and catch this:
and it stops right in front of my job at
Originally Posted by Madman4life

xcg11pinoYx, do you work in the D.C. metro area?

I work in Rockville aka traffic whichever route you take
..I cut through D.C. during the shifts where I will hit traffic but the total distance is fairly longer.

and I would say the pay does keep me there..not that stellar considering it's a straight out of college salary, but it took me a while to find a job so I can't complain..I love the job..the commute absolutely kills me though..
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

1.5 miles from work appreciated

Seriously. Took me 7 minutes on my bike this morning.

On a really bad day it can take 10 minutes though.
I live in northern MD and commute to Greenbelt (right outside of DC every day) 62 miles door to door. Takes me an hour and 5 or 10 to get there in the morning and an hour and 30 to get home. But if i hit bad traffic can take 2 longest it ever took me was a little over 3 hours 95 north all lanes closed.

I hit traffic every day no matter what it sucks. But people saying move closer? I pay about 300 bucks a month in gas and if you divide the price of my 09 corolla by 5 years (estimated life at 32-35k miles a year) you still end up paying about 4100 less a year. So with a lot of college debt and not that much income right now got to pinch every penny.
30 min commute 10 min to the train station 15 on the train and 5 min to get dressed lmao....downtown BK to tribeca FTW!!!!! MTA too..lol I <3 NY


Originally Posted by gatorad3

Fortunately for me I just have to walk 10 minutes from my house to the station and catch this:
and it stops right in front of my job at
I use to take the light rail to school, took too damn long, I now take the sounder cuts it down so much
i used to work at the community centre near my house, so it would be a 3-5 min drive.

now i work downtown, so 5 mins ride, 40 min train ride, 15min walk.

looking for a new job around my area.
About 45 minutes because I have to switch buses. I get a lot of extra sleep in
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by damnitzdom

HANDS DOWN the worst is my homeboys mom....

They live a little past Sacramento and she commutes to SF 5 days a week.

 i know a handful of ppl who commute from Modesto/Patterson area to SF.. small (
) price to pay for that dream mini-mansion i guess. 
i get mad envious of the young professionals with the 3 block walk to the office around downtown San Jo 
If you go back to ad's in 2005 (and before) through 2007, the home builder's were promoting how easy/accessible the commute was from Modesto/Tracy/further.  Ridiculous.  And now those who fell for it are really paying the price.
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