Long Commute to Work Unappreciation!

dad works as a nurse at St. Michael's Medical Center in Newark and VA hospital in Orange. (NJ)
We live in south jersey.
6 days a week, sometimes 7, leaves at 5 am gets home at 1 am.
Commute is an hour.
Originally Posted by Pinoy732

dad works as a nurse at St. Michael's Medical Center in Newark and VA hospital in Orange. (NJ)
We live in south jersey.
6 days a week, sometimes 7, leaves at 5 am gets home at 1 am.
Commute is an hour.

Your dad is a nurse though
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Pinoy732

dad works as a nurse at St. Michael's Medical Center in Newark and VA hospital in Orange. (NJ)
We live in south jersey.
6 days a week, sometimes 7, leaves at 5 am gets home at 1 am.
Commute is an hour.

Your dad is a nurse though

You got a point there, but thats still 6 figures.
I could think of way less respectable things a person could do for 6 figures.
i work at a school 4-1/2 minutes away from me. waking up late + getting to work on time appreciation!

sometimes i do wonder though what it would be like to actually enjoy morning radio?
Seriously it used to take me 40 min to get to work with no traffic.. I worked at 3rd shift job so I would get off at 7:30am and traffic was a @#$%@ so getting home at 9 everyday was a pain. Def Unappreciated! I'm almost glad I got laid off
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Pinoy732

dad works as a nurse at St. Michael's Medical Center in Newark and VA hospital in Orange. (NJ)
We live in south jersey.
6 days a week, sometimes 7, leaves at 5 am gets home at 1 am.
Commute is an hour.

Your dad is a nurse though

You got a point there, but thats still 6 figures.
I could think of way less respectable things a person could do for 6 figures.
dude said that like its 1960
45min + is the norm in LA

Your good if you hop on the freeway before 7am after 3pm you might as well walk home.
10 minutes to work.. and im STILL late..

i DL podcasts for long trips though.. helps keep me sane.. i love music but i can listen to a podcast for a longer period of time
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Pinoy732

dad works as a nurse at St. Michael's Medical Center in Newark and VA hospital in Orange. (NJ)
We live in south jersey.
6 days a week, sometimes 7, leaves at 5 am gets home at 1 am.
Commute is an hour.
Your dad is a nurse though
You got a point there, but thats still 6 figures.
I could think of way less respectable things a person could do for 6 figures.
So giving him a few minutes to eat and 20 mins to take a shower he only sleeps for 3.5 hours a night?
A few years back I had a 1.5 to 2.5 hour commute for a internship by bus which I slept about 45 minutes of. Getting there was fine but getting home was horrible.

But a good amount of folks commute from Philly to NYC each day
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Wow I wouldn't take a job that was more than a 15 minute drive to get there

way things are nowadays, you gotta do what you gotta do.

I met a dude who drives from Petersburg,Va to Raleigh, NC...

on a good day with nobody on the road, thats a 2hr trip easy.

dude said he gets up everyday at 3am to get to work at 7 am. Insane.

He said hes been doing it for 2 year, but he doesnt know how long its gonna hold up.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Wow I wouldn't take a job that was more than a 15 minute drive to get there

way things are nowadays, you gotta do what you gotta do.

I met a dude who drives from Petersburg,Va to Raleigh, NC...

on a good day with nobody on the road, thats a 2hr trip easy.

dude said he gets up everyday at 3am to get to work at 7 am. Insane.

He said hes been doing it for 2 year, but he doesnt know how long its gonna hold up.
i only live 10 minutes from work but it takes 20 to 25 minutes 'cause people drive 40 on a 45mph road which is most of my commute...just annoys me
all is well right now..but this 9am-6pm shift in a few weeks will be hell
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

GW Bridge 7-8am in the morning = get on your knees and say a prayer

I reverse commute and I straight up feel bad for the people waiting on the other side. I don't get how you could do that daily... PLUS they sit in the same BS on the FDR to go home. 
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by eckels

my commute sucks, 9-7pm. leave my house around 730 to get there by 9am
traffic back home is a little better.

the commute to santa monica is awful. 1.5hrs in traffic in the morn everyday.
My commute from Brooklyn into the city is 1.5 hrs each way.

1.5 hours is a normal commute for us over here using the MTA.
Where are you commuting to and from?  1.5 hrs sounds unreal.  Takes me like an hour from JFK into Midtown by subway.
From Mill Basin/Bergen Beach out here in Brooklyn.
Some days it's 15-20 minutes shorter but any hiccup along the way (i.e. slow driver, trains being held up) and it usually takes close to 1.5 hours.
outside sales. drive anywhere from 600 to 1000 miles a week.

way i deal with:

get a good night sleep everynight
dont eat a heavy lunch
i find myself listening to the news/sports radio in the car. i just get tired of hearing the same music over on my ipod/radio
Bus ride 20min
Train ride 20min
Walking 10 min

Pretty much an hour from door to door, could be worse.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Pinoy732

dad works as a nurse at St. Michael's Medical Center in Newark and VA hospital in Orange. (NJ)
We live in south jersey.
6 days a week, sometimes 7, leaves at 5 am gets home at 1 am.
Commute is an hour.
Your dad is a nurse though
You got a point there, but thats still 6 figures.
I could think of way less respectable things a person could do for 6 figures.
So giving him a few minutes to eat and 20 mins to take a shower he only sleeps for 3.5 hours a night?
and so what if my dad is a nurse?  he works in the operating room and does more work than some doctors.  doctors for the most part just oversee.  so good call.
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