Look what I woke up to this morning.....

Damn Ray.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

its not right but it damn sure is funny...
question to all the 6 female NTers...

if you cheated on a guy & he found out... & he did this kinda %@!% to your car... would you still feel like he was justified in what he did?

To be honest I'd be beyond pissed...but I'd feel a little better after my brothers beat his #*+...my boyfriend LOVES his Chevy...I always threaten him with what I'll do to it if I caught him cheating...but I honestly don't think I'd do it...prolly just throw his keys in the trash or something...
how does one bump a thread like this? like did you remember it existed two years ago and suddenly have some thoughts about the topic that you needed to share? or were you on page 200 something casually browsing and you happened to see this thread? either way
Im the OP, I put this link on a thread about cheating to show the results if you get caught. Me and her are still together and very happy, got what I deserved never did it again and dont plan on it.

And i dont look DJ Khaled
Originally Posted by Digglo

Im the OP, I put this link on a thread about cheating to show the results if you get caught. Me and her are still together and very happy, got what I deserved never did it again and dont plan on it.

And i dont look DJ Khaled
the power of the p is a %+##%%%*$%+#
what the hell i never understood how people grave dig :rofl:g
dude has way too much free time
That's such an immature way to handle someone's business. He cheated on you, so what? You gotta go and trash his ride? Like doing that's gonna change the fact he cheated on you?

If I were you I'd be going ballistic
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