Look what this dude's girlfriend did to him (pics)

OP you MUST press charges on her. Your face is the evidence bruh. Sue her **** SUE SUE SUE

The system is flawed if this man does not get a judgment against this horrible act. Especially if he did not hit her.

Womens emotions supercede their logic.
OP you MUST press charges on her. Your face is the evidence bruh. Sue her **** SUE SUE SUE

The system is flawed if this man does not get a judgment against this horrible act. Especially if he did not hit her.

Womens emotions supercede their logic.
The post isn't about OP... It's just a repost from Reddit.. Which they are making fun of his face, and giving him solid advice on what to do..
And here I am thinking my ex was out of her mind for talking to me about kids and marriage...

I don't understand how this dude didn't kill her after this, I would've lost my ******g mind.
my thoughts exact
I have a buddy who had an ex punch him in the face WHILE he was driving and she was in the passenger seat. He said he made her get out and walk home from where ever they were and they broke up soon after. But this happened to him a few times where she got physical with him and he did nothing.
I have a buddy who had an ex punch him in the face WHILE he was driving and she was in the passenger seat. He said he made her get out and walk home from where ever they were and they broke up soon after. But this happened to him a few times where she got physical with him and he did nothing.

This is how that would have went down
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He's an idiot if he doesn't sue or press charges against her.

We're all witness to her abuse. If his claim of never putting a hand on her are true, then evidence for her claims will be nonexistent (no police reports/medical bills/etc), meaning her threats are hollow. Courts can't do ishh without evidence.

So yeah, again, he's an idiot he he doesn't press charges.


Well I guess the court system where he lives sucks since the DA said he can't even find enough evidence to charge her :smh:. They just need to look at his damn face and the pieces of whatever plate she threw that butchered him like that. I would've tried to sue her for everything she had. Dude really has come crap lawyers.
:smh: i bet the sex was phenomenal.....crazy *****

literally the first thing I thought :lol:

I have a buddy who had an ex punch him in the face WHILE he was driving and she was in the passenger seat. He said he made her get out and walk home from where ever they were and they broke up soon after. But this happened to him a few times where she got physical with him and he did nothing.

:lol: :lol:

as soon as I saw my own blood spilling everywhere and realized my ******g lip was flapping, all bets would be off. equal force, b. if the plate doesn't hit you, Balrog and Steve Fox taught me that 1-2-hook-3-uppercut combo is effective as hell.

son looks like my dude after his dog tried to eat his face :x :x

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Knowing the law sides with women and I'd probably not be compensated she would have looked worse..
This is one of those exceptions, where honestly is hard to stay in control of yourself, I think I would black out and either kill her or hurt her really bad...at that point, is no longer female on male or vice versa at that point is a flight or fight response..
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