Looking For A 100k Job? Get Hired Within A Day...(EDIT: Strippers Have Moved In)

Originally Posted by RyanNYC

its money tho, i want.
Sort of want.
Edit: Son they're giving out 15 an hour for working at mickey D's. Why did it have to be Dakota. Why not New Mexico, Arizona, hell even Ohi....nah I'm not that desperate to go to Ohio.
anyone with more info ....... I'm fitting to drop out right now and live in a tent by the freeway for the next yr for that 100k if I have too (completely serious)
I saw this a few weeks ago on TV and I've been seriously contemplating on dropping out of this worthless school and heading to North Dakota for that 100K.

That kind of money can help my family a lot.
My sister and her husband live here. The town is crazy. Just like the video said theres no housing anywhere and people pay $2000 or more for a 1 bed room apartment. The oil companies even bought all the hotels and motels
Originally Posted by Timmay

My sister and her husband live here. The town is crazy. Just like the video said theres no housing anywhere and people pay $2000 or more for a 1 bed room apartment. The oil companies even bought all the hotels and motels

Yeah with the town growing so fast the cost of living will even everything out.
I'm not about that below freezing weather life though.
Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

i'd be willing to bet that 90% of the ppl hatin on north dakota have never even been.
Im sure about 99% of NTer's in general have never been to ND. Srs.
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