Looming Bart + AC Transit Strikes: UPDATE--BART SET TO STRIKE FRIDAY

The crazy thing is in the beginning a lot of the employees were saying cost of living this cost of living that to the media. That argument went away fast because a bunch of them dont even live in these high cost of living areas.

They just need to get it over with and figure this thing out before all hell breaks loose on these morning commutes.
You guys have no idea how railroad management treats its employees. It's just awful in most cases. 

Often it's more so the working conditions. CN here in Canada is demanding major concessions for the conductors and of course the union isn't going for it. 

CN has already stripped their U.S. railroads of good collective agreements and it ticks them off that we still have an excellent one here in Canada. They want to strip us of all of our rights and protections and make us work all the time with next to no time off. 

I mean literally no time off. Six 12 - 18 hour days a week is what they want us working. Just like their guys down in the States. 

We currently have a milage cap and the ability to take up to 24 hours off after every trip. (Most round trips are 20 - 40 hours depending on the run.)

They want us to only be able to have the federally mandated minimum of 8 hours off before they can have us back at work for another 20-40 hour round trip.

Most people don't know how the railroads treat their employees. 

Without a union the railroads would literally work their employees into the ground ... if any actually stayed. 
^Wasn't aware of that.

Looks like there won't be any word of a resolution until the early A.M. :x
How much do they get paid?
These folks making 6 figures and they got us up past midnight because they want to strike for more money. They need to let me drive the dam trains instead
6 figures?

Is the cost of living high?

Even still thats still a lot.

Yea...I'm calling greedy.
Yes imo cost of living is that high. 

If they're overpaid then so is everyone else. They're not the only ones pulling in close to or above six figures for what would only earn you 40-60k elsewhere in the country. 

You can make more working for the City of Oakland not have to put up with the stuff they put up with. 
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If thats the case hook me up with a 6 figure job working for Oakland or anywhere else for that matter that would give me that salary.

Yes imo cost of living is that high. 

If they're overpaid then so is everyone else. They're not the only ones pulling in close to or above six figures for what would only earn you 40-60k elsewhere in the country. 

You can make more working for the City of Oakland not have to put up with the stuff they put up with. 
Man with the city of Oakland the hardest part is getting in in the first place. 

You're not gonna start at 100K but if you're competent in the loosest definition of the word, can show up on time for five to ten years, you'll be on track for manager then we're talking 120K. 

I know a couple of directors who've put in work for 20+ years and they're making +146K
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As stated before, the main disagreements are about pension and health care.

This sucks for me . My whole family takes BART to work and my pops and sister take BART AND AC Transit. I can see both sides, but a shutdown seriously cripples the Bay Area. A lot of people (expecially low-income folks) rely strictly on public transportation and they could lose their jobs if they can't make it to work :smh:
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Left SF right after the first strike began. Definitely glad I'm not there to witness this crap. During the strike, aking Muni in the AM is fine. But Muni AFTER work...SMH. Might as well go to a bar, grab dinner and then go home. 
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selfish SOBs

You have no idea. I work for the railroad and the general public has no idea other than what is put out to the media. Railway workers get paid well because they put up with loads of crap. 

LOL this is BART we're talking about. Have you even read what outrageous perks they currently have and how employees can abuse the system? Head janitors makes over 6 figures, and station agents are rude and lazy, just for sitting behind a counter - making close to 80k?!!! LOL this is a PUBLIC agency we're talking about that our taxes go to.
Gov shutdown finally comes to an end and this begins. What's next? AC Transit :lol:

The freeway is going to look ugly tomorrow everywhere :smh:
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Looks like I'm going to have to take the 14 all the way home. Or maybe I can M to 28/18, J to 54, K to 54, 14 to 54,...etc, etc....either way, it's going to be an hour and a half commute if you include the walk versus a 15 minute Bart ride with a 15 minute walk.
LOL this is BART we're talking about. Have you even read what outrageous perks they currently have and how employees can abuse the system? Head janitors makes over 6 figures, and station agents are rude and lazy, just for sitting behind a counter - making close to 80k?!!! LOL this is a PUBLIC agency we're talking about that our taxes go to.

Exactly dude keeps talkimng railway. This is BART these guys have amazing perks,benefits,etc. They just wanna greed up. Yea work can be tough but so is everyone else's work and they're making it harder by going omn strike. This is all greed and selfish acts to send messages to one another's parties. They need to figure this thing out. I'll work for BART for the previous contract agreements smh.
They need to keep their amazing contracts before the companies strip them from the workers. It happens way to much these days. Going on strike is a fight to keep what is good. It's not always about greed and money. 
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