Looper (2012) - Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Emily Blunt

Saw this over the weekend kinda late but whatevs.Not what i expected it to be. It wasn't too predictable either some parts had me like :nerd: but those eye drops were :smokin inb4* junkies
Sucked that homeboy killed himself to save a boy that would maybe still be a potential threat. He could've shot his hand off to make sure his older self didn't shoot the kids mom. O well

His gun only had a range of 15 yards. Never would've hit old Joe from that distance. Let alone his hand.

Over your head that went. He meant if young joe shot his hand off so old joe couldn't shot the mom.
Anyone else disappointed that they didn't show what the Rainmaker looked like in the future? I know it's Sid but I'm still a bit curious on how he looks like.
Great movie
Only two things.
In the future and all where they can't dispose of bodies so they can't kill people anymore they have to kidnap and people and send them back in time. So since they can't kill anyone they go and kidnap Bruce Willis to send him back, but they shoot his wife and she dies right in front of him np.

Other thing, I liked ending, I was thinking from early on that he might end up killing himself to stop Bruce, once I realized they wouldn't be working together. I just thought like other people said he could have shot his hand off. The gun would of dropped to the ground giving Sara time to run into fields, and if he could run close enough to Bruce to finish him off he could of offed himself then, which in end would have been same result.

Great movie though.
If he shot his hand off the Old Joe would of dropped the gun and picked it up with the other one. After that small delay he could still chase them down and kill both of them.
Great movie
Only two things.
In the future and all where they can't dispose of bodies so they can't kill people anymore they have to kidnap and people and send them back in time. So since they can't kill anyone they go and kidnap Bruce Willis to send him back, but they shoot his wife and she dies right in front of him np.

Other thing, I liked ending, I was thinking from early on that he might end up killing himself to stop Bruce, once I realized they wouldn't be working together. I just thought like other people said he could have shot his hand off. The gun would of dropped to the ground giving Sara time to run into fields, and if he could run close enough to Bruce to finish him off he could of offed himself then, which in end would have been same result.

Great movie though.
They can still kill, it's just the disposal is the problem. That's why they set the fire to cover up their screw up. We don't know what the end result would have been, it's very possible those goons could have gotten in trouble had Willis not killed them. 
Maybe I'm thinking too deep but I just realized they killed his wife in the future by shooting her in the stomach and she was pregnant. In the 1st timeline Joe killed Syd's mother by shooting her in the stomach while he didn't know she was pregnant too. He would of lost 2 children instead of the one he knew he lost in the future.
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The trailer made it look like an all out action movie lol.  It's a good movie and worth seeing, but Im not crazy about it.  But I like it A LOT more than Primer b/c it doesn't focus so much on the technical parts of time traveling, and more on the characters.  Anyone watched Primer?  By farrr the most confusing **** I ever watched.
[h1]Looper  Is Not Inception, So Why Does The Trailer Make It Look Like It Is?[/h1]
Posted on  October 6, 2012  by  TheLastPsychiatrist and tagged looper. Bookmark the permalink.

A lot of the criticism of movie trailers (“why do they put the whole plot in it?”  “The actual movie was totally different!” etc) comes from a misunderstanding of the purpose of trailers.

The trailer is designed to do exactly what a political ad does.

No spoilers: the plot of Looper  is really about a boy, and the relationship of this boy to all of the other characters.  That boy, that plot– and it is the whole point of the movie– is not in the trailer.  The trailer makes the movie appear as though it were, in order: Blade Runner, Less Than Zero, 12 Monkeys, Inception.  Even the music and typeface is Inceptiony.

The obvious answer is to draw an audience, but which audience?  The answer is the same as for political ads: not new audiences, not converts, but the core audience.  If I tell you there’s a time travel movie out,  you already know if it’s for you– all that’s left is motivating you to go see it.

Looper  is not an action movie, but action movie audiences will like it anyway.  But to market it as a story about a boy would mean that action movie audiences- who would still like the movie- would not be motivated to go to the theater.  Marketing the movie as it is (about a boy) would not tempt new audience members to go, and it would lose the core audience.  This is also why even moderate political candidates have to move to the extremes: for every one moderate voter you convert, you lose ten from apathy.  The true swing voter, like swing moviegoer, knows what he wants, but doesn’t want to get off the couch.

When you look at a movie trailer or a political ad, you should see it as an attempt to mobilize the core audience.  It isn’t convincing you you will like it; it is for you because they know you would already like it.  Quoting Andrew Stanton, director of John Carter: “The truth is, [audiences] don’t know what they want; they only know what they last wanted.”  Substitute “hate” for “want” and then the same is true for voters. 
expected Timecop....ended up watching Carrie.

It was good though. I like it.
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Finally saw this and I liked it. Need to watch again after my brain digests what just happened.

Emily Blunt though :smokin
Expected waay more action. Movie was ok at best for me. Enjoyed trying to figure out what was gonna happen though.
I really enjoyed this movie. Put off seeing it for a long time because I thought it looked like it could be kinda mehhhhh. The need to watch it again, some things I wasn't paying super close attention to.

Also, did they really ever explain the eye drops? I know it was some drug he was addicted too, but I felt like they should explain it a tad more. At first I thought it had something to do with him being a Looper, but then I'm pretty sure he was just a junkie.
It's just a new drug in the future. It was obviously apart of the party lifestyle and culture of being a Looper, and once he had more money, he moved onto harder stuff.
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