******** lose again, fall to 2-4.

of course
You know what Todd Collins and Jason Campbell are talkin about.....

"Yeah it was Heyer, again...."
Originally Posted by khoshabasfinest23

Lmaooo omg. What a way to end the game. It's only fitting. If zorn isn't fired tommorow im going to shoot someone. Is it safe to say he's the worst NFL coach ever?
I feel sorry for some of these cats on defense playing their tails off...this offense is the WORST

You cant help but laugh as a fan.

It's pathetic. This is team is pure trash. Wont win another game this season.
damn the ******** suck, i feel sorry for the fans though because the skins have always had a real strong fanbase.

kc sucks but their going to get better as they year progreesses.
Cerrato has to go too..this scouting team has to be the worst..I don't even blame Snyder for dishing out the money..but keeping him involved with thefootball operations? please, just sign the checks you idiot.

everybody on the offense can off themselves. I don't mind bringing in Gruden, give us a leader.
%$@% hiring a big name coach who's looking for a big pay day.

we need someone who can evaluate some @!%!++ talent to build a team. gibbs and cerrato have %@+%$@ this team up so bad right now that its going to take majoroverhaul to get it right.

start with a good GM and the upcoming draft. the coach can come later.


I hope Jason the best to whatever team signs him next year. He's done here (He left the stadium w/o talking to anyone
The comments on the Comcast Post Game show were priceless. The Skins are making the Nationals look good.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

The comments on the Comcast Post Game show were priceless. The Skins are making the Nationals look good.
boy, Doc Walker and Brian Mitchell were going off...these bums (not speaking on the defense) should be booed every where they go..bunch of scrubs
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