Losing a dog you have grown up with... Feels Bad Man

Originally Posted by th3kid

Originally Posted by Simba King

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] reminds me of this when these type of post come up....[/color]
I legit shed a tear yo.
�I hope my dog never has to get put down or anything. I love her way too much to lose her.�

this video had me ballin my eyes out. i dont know what its like lose a dog, i have two dogs and one of my dogs which is the oldest is like 5 years old, today at the dinner table my sister said "im worried about dante"...so i said whats wrong with dante and my brother said, he has a lump on the side of him. for two minutes i was holding my tears in so i wouldnt cry at the dinner table. right after i ate i went upstairs and cried...this is my first dog, i picked him, i named him and hes my favorite dog out of the two
I can't imagine, man. I have a dog. Got her when I was in the 8-9th grade. I'm 25 now and she's turning 13. I'm afraid I'm going to experience the same thing you're experiencing in a couple years 
My heart goes out to you OP. I'm absolutely terrified of this exact moment. My dog is going on 17 yrs and I've had him since he was a 3 month old puppy. I was thirteen when I got him and he's been with me through middle school, high school, college, and grad school. Greatest friend a man could have. 
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

the love of a dog man..�

Wow, that's amazing.�
i love this video...its so cute how fast those tails wag!

anyways, stay strong OP its tough, a friend of mine's dog is having blood problems and has 40% chance to pull through. she's already a wreck, i hope little Mason pulls through
I went through this about 2 years ago with my Pomeranian, Thunder. We had him since he was only 6 weeks old and he lived for 15 years too. The night he got sick my mom couldn't handle seeing him suffer but she had no idea it would be the last time she would see him alive. I took him to the ER vet and held him in a blanket as I drove. Mind you he weighed a good 20 pounds. They put him to sleep in my arms, I don't even remember driving home but my mom and me cried for days after his passing. His remains are in an urn that we keep in our living room. I've had a few dogs since him but none of them will ever quite compare.
Hang in there OP
Who Nice As: if that story is true, i would slap your mom if i had the chance.
Edit: I just realized who posted, you prob lyin anyways.
Originally Posted by J2Legend

I can't imagine, man. I have a dog. Got her when I was in the 8-9th grade. I'm 25 now and she's turning 13. I'm afraid I'm going to experience the same thing you're experiencing in a couple years 

Same boat here....Sad times man...
words cant describe the feeling. Your dog is apart of your family.

Crazy you say that bc just a couple days ago we had to put down my pup Ive had since I was 8 yrs old. He woulda been 16 next month too
. It really is like losing a best friend. I kinda thought it was a little early to put him down, but I didnt have to deal w his declining health so it wasnt my choice. I always thought id be a mess when it was time to put him down but i didnt even shed a tear. Even tho I was incredibly sad. I think something might be wrong w me emotionally. But anyways RIP Gizmo, you were the best dog a guy could ask for
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