Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Rich Says

Sarah Marshall > Gingervitis

Yes, but think of how much more upset people would have been if Veronica Mars died than the soulless British girl. Blessing in disguise, perhaps?

A part of me believes that Charlotte's character got written out because who's her face never had fan appeal. Eh, moot point though. What happened, happened right?
Also, I agree that the Bernard/Juliet dialogue seemed a bit off. It was like he knew something in advance.

I swear, I'm 100% sure that no show on television will ever have me so absorbed in the experience again.
i got to bang out the last 16 episodes of season 5 so the gf will be caught completely caught up. We can do it....
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

They don't ever really say it... but if you look throughout the seasons.... you can figure it out
Spoiler below if you haven't seen through season 5

In season 4 Charlotte is in Tunisia and finds a polar bear skeleton with a dharma collar. In season 5 we find out that when you turn the wheel (John Locke) You end up in Tunisia. And in season 3, we see the cages the bears were in, received prizes (Fish biscuits) When they turned that wheel. So they were teaching them to turn the wheel to move the Island.

the bears didnt turn a wheel to get fish biscuits did they?  wasnt it like a button they had to push, then there were 2 levers that had to be held down?
Originally Posted by VABigPoppa

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

They don't ever really say it... but if you look throughout the seasons.... you can figure it out
Spoiler below if you haven't seen through season 5

In season 4 Charlotte is in Tunisia and finds a polar bear skeleton with a dharma collar. In season 5 we find out that when you turn the wheel (John Locke) You end up in Tunisia. And in season 3, we see the cages the bears were in, received prizes (Fish biscuits) When they turned that wheel. So they were teaching them to turn the wheel to move the Island.

the bears didnt turn a wheel to get fish biscuits did they?  wasnt it like a button they had to push, then there were 2 levers that had to be held down?
yea it was a button, a pressure plate and something else but it was a test just to see if they had the cognitive ability to do the job that was needed of them (turning the wheel)
Yeah, I'd still like to know why they were Polar bears, when it's a tropical island. I know the wheel was in the cold, but how many times were they needing to move it.
Who knows but the bears are surprisingly able to still survive on the island is what makes me wonder...
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Yeah, I'd still like to know why they were Polar bears, when it's a tropical island. I know the wheel was in the cold, but how many times were they needing to move it.

It seems like a lot, in one of the episodes Old Mrs. Farraday... Hawking I mean
Says how the island was always moving and they had to figure out not where the Island was but where it was going to be.

5 more days!
Originally Posted by Rich Says

5 days left.
While on Lostpedia I found this random fact about the role of Charlotte to be interesting.

-Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have confirmed that the role was originally offered to Kristen Bell, who turned it down to join the cast of Heroes. Thus, Rebecca Mader auditioned for the part, and was the only new cast-member to read for her role.

Sarah Marshall > Gingervitis
I'm still bitter about this. What could've been.
However, she might have not become as big a movie star as she is now, or might not have been able to return down the line. So I guess things worked out.
the first episode of season 6 is playing here in hawaii this saturday on the beach. i'm thinking imma prolly head down with my girl. damn man i can't wait. 
Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

the first episode of season 6 is playing here in hawaii this saturday on the beach. i'm thinking imma prolly head down with my girl. damn man i can't wait. 

Record it and share it with us!
As I said before, i'm not reading ANYTHING from the premiere Saturday night. BUT, I will be checking this out...


4 1/2 DAYS!!!!
Can't not wait for this visual orgasm. The other day I thought I saw Shannon, but it was just this really tall and slim blonde girl with the meanest camel toe
I cannot wait for next Tues either. Can't believe this will be the last season. Definitely amazing how this show is so unpredictable but yet so interesting.
[h1]Can You Win The J.J. Abrams Board Game?[/h1]
When Lost returns on Tuesday, the surprises will come thick and fast. How would you survive if you were trapped inside a twisty J.J. Abrams story? There's only one way to find out: by playing the J.J. Abrams board game.

(Click the board game to make it super big.)

We compiled a set of common J.J. Abrams plot twists, from all of his TV shows and movies. Pretty much every square of this board game is something that's happened in at least a couple Abrams joints, and some of them are common across the whole of the J.J.-verse. (If you can name which J.J. Abrams shows or movies these shocking reveals and turns of events are from in the comments, we'll give you an extra free throw of the dice, or maybe a "Get Out Of Causality Loop Free" card.)

We've created a starter set of "J.J. Widget" cards for you to put on the center of the board:

Feel free to suggest some other candidates for "J.J. Widgets" in the comments. If we get some awesome suggestions, we'll include them in an "expansion pack" of cards next week.

How to play: Take two six-sided dice and throw. Divide the result by fate versus free will to get the number of squares you can move forward. When you land on "Causality Loop," you have to keep rolling until your die roll equals the product of Faith x Science. If you land on "Symbol Overload," take a card from the "J.J. Widgets" stack in the center of the board. And yes, if you reach the final square, all of your questions will be answered!

(And before anybody points it out in comments, we know that J.J. Abrams isn't really in day-to-day control over Lost any more. But he launched it and it's still part of the J.J.-verse, which he runs alongside a brain trust that includes Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, Jeff Pinkner, Bryan Burk and others. In fact, you could argue that J.J. Abrams is really ten guys.)

Additional reporting/writing by the awesome Cyriaque Lamar. Design by the uber-talented Stephanie Fox.
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Any more spoilers, tips, tricks, etc.
Go to LOSTpedia and checkout the character trivia sections for the descriptions for characters. There's so many good things to read in that alone if you wanna get your mind in full blown LOST mode and really start thinking outside the box and putting things together.

I've been doing that more than looking at spoilers lately. I've seen my fair share for this season and I really don't wanna get into it any further than I have. Outside of episode titles, I don't want to see anything. But I KNOW when somebody posts up the finale review I'M GOING TO READ IT LIKE A JERK.
I only know the title to the first episode, and a few of the characters that will be back. I don't know how I made it the whole off season, but I've been spoiler free.
Saw this over at ain't it cool news:

[h3]42 23 16 15 8 4 Days Before LOST's Sixth Season Arrives A Video That Encapsulates The Hopes And Fears Of Multitudes!!
[/h3] [table][tr][td] [h2][/h2]
I am – Hercules!!

A few questions I’m keen to see answered in season six:

Who keeps dropping off those Dharma supplies for Swan Station?

If Ben never spoke to Jacob, how did Ben know the Frozen Donkey Wheel was down there?

Where did Dharma get that futuristic sonic fence technology?

Why does everyone apparently get to return to the island except Charles Widmore?

Is the island a spaceship covered in dirt?

Where and when was Alpert born, and why was he made immortal?

What was Faraday up to in Ann Arbor for three years?

Why didn't the world end while they were building the Swan Station's 108-minute button?

With the whole world at stake, why didn't the designers of the 108-minute button make the numerical disarm sequence less complicated?

Does Alvar Hanso know Jacob’s buddy in black?
Nice questions if I say so myself
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Any more spoilers, tips, tricks, etc.
Check below for some tid bits about the premier episode and some yes/no questions answered by Damon and Carlton about the upcoming season. This doesn't give away the farm, but it does give a LOT about the upcoming season, especially the first episode. THESE ARE PRETTY BIG. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Without further adieu.

Spoiler [+]
In an interview with Terry O'quinn, he said he couldn't tell much, howeverhe did say that last season he was playing the character of John Locke,who we find out in the last episode IS NOT John Locke. He mentionedthat we find out in the first episode the TRUE identity of hischaracter.

YES was the answer to all of the following questions when asked to Damon and Carlton.

- do Jack and Sawyer have another fistfight and/or shouting match in the aftermath of the bomb?

- Do we get to see the smoke monster in the premiere ?

- Will we see Jacob in the premiere?

- Will we see the 'real' John Locke alive and well?

- Do Kate and Sawyer interact/talk to each other at all?

- Will there be an appearance by someone or something that will shock any avid, spoiler consuming Lost fan?

- Will Desmond be in the premier?

- Will there be a surprising twist in the episode or a "jump the shark" moment made by the producers?

- does the smoke-monster kill or "judge" anyone?

-Will we get further insight into Jacob/MIB, (Other than the spoilersabout MIB = Monster and wanting to go home) and/or the workings oftheir relationship?

- Will Richard appear in the premiere?

- do Jack/kate talk /have a meaningful scene for them in the premiere on island?

- Will Juliet's story come to a conclusion in the premiere??

- Is Flocke seen as an impostor by the people outside the statue?

- Does Hurley talk to more dead people?

- Will we see alive Juliet in the premiere?

- Does Bram die in the premiere?

- Do we see some tail section losties in the premiere, e.g. Cindy, Zach, Emma? I mean on the island, not alt reality!

- Do we get some new information about the smoke monster?

- Since the people outside the foot know it's Flocke, is there an altercation when he emerges?

- after 815 landed in the ALT, will Sawyer be somehow involved in Kates' escape from the marshall?

- Do we find out why Jacob gave Hurley the Ankh in the premiere?

- Is Ben remorseful in the premiere for his act of ''killing'' Jacob??

- Does Charlie have a significant role in the premiere?

- Does the 77 losties end up being killed/abducted/judged by someone/entity in the 1977 timeline ?

- Is Jacob dead for good?

- Does the first scene of L AX take place in a time period other than 1977 or 2007?

- Is it revealed that Smokey is MIB in the premiere?

- Does Flocke/Smoke Monster kill Bram?

- Were you, as a LOST fan, more confused than ever by the end of the premiere?

- Is there any talk or hint of Jacob coming back to life in some form or another?

- Does Sawyer kiss Juliet goodbye?

- Does Sawyer kiss Juliet on the lips?
- Was it awesome?

- Is the opening sequence/teaser on board flight 815?
- Does Sun have a significant role during the Premiere?

NO was the answer to all of the following questions when asked to Damon and Carlton.

- In the new/alt timeline, do any of these people--Jack, Kate,Sawyer, Sayid, Hurley, Jin, or Sun--have a gut feeling or directlyremember that they should know each other?

- Does any character from the plane ( flight 815 ) sees the statue by himself ?

- Will we see Miles in the alt reality in the season premiere?

- Will we find out who Jacob was referring to when he said "They're coming" at the end of season 5?

- Did the hydrogen bomb/plutonium core detonate/explode?

- Is Ben Linus passenger of 815?

- Do we see Daniel Faraday in the Season Premiere?

- Does Ana-Lucia appear in the premiere?

- Is there a shocking cliffhanger at the end of "LA X" (1&2) episode?

- Are Charlie and Claire having any contact in the ATL?

- As Desmond is on the plane, Will he be acting like, he is not supposed to be there?

- Does Mr. Eko Appear in the Premiere?

-Will we see anything about the DeGroots and their connection to any ofthis (concerning just one of them or both of them) in the premiere?

- Does Christian's coffin disappear while the plane is in the air?

- Will we find out how things unfolded to leave us with an alive locke ( as in from MIB / Smokeys point of view )... ?

- Do we see Jack as a leader in the premiere, like in the Pilot ?

- Will we see the original MIB actor (the one on the beach with Jacob) in the premiere?

- Do we get to see the 'magic box'?

- Do Jack and Kate kiss in the premiere?

- do we find out what "home" refers to for MIB

- In S1 Kate and Jack saved Charlie together... Will Kate be involved in the scene where Jack saves Charlie in the alt timeline?

- Does the actions of our Losties in alt-timeline have an effect to things/actions that happen on the Island?

- Will we see where the upper part of the statue is (after it was destroyed)?

-In the immediate aftermath of the incident at the Swan will we see theDharma people again, Like Horace, Radzinsky, Phil, Chang?

- Is Shannon in the season premier ( because Maggie Grace is credited as Shannon on "LAX" on imdb.com )?

-Do we hear the real name of MIB in this episode, or alternately dopeople that possibly know him such as Richard or Illana refer to him asanything?

- Do we learn what Frank is a candidate for?

-Does Desmond who takes flight 815 recognize the Losties in the alttimeline (does he remember the events in the original timeline) ???

- Will Sawyer have to do something to ease Juliet's pain (e.g. kill her himself)?

- Does season 6 start with a song playing, a la most of the other season premieres?

- By the end of the episode, are the 1977 losties back in 2007?

- On the island, does Richard talk to anyone about the Incident?

- Do we see Juliet in the ALT-timeline?

- Does it become clear by the end of the premiere that what exactly the alternate timeline(or whatever it is) actually is?

- Is Walt mentioned/alluded to in the episode?

- Do we get to see the outrigger scene from the point of view of whoever was chasing our heroes in S5?

- Is the first thing we see an Eye opening like Seasons 1-3?

- You have said that MIB and SmokeY are one and the same, but do we find out whether Richard is the MIB?

- Are we told how the electromagnetic anomaly/incident is resolved or stopped if the bomb did not explode?

- Do we learn any new information about who Jacob is?

- Is it suggested (or revealed) that MIB or Jacob are affiliated with pirates or the Black Rock?

- Do Sawyer, Kate, Jack, or Hurley appear to die in the two-hour premiere? 

- Do we learn the significance of Jacob "touching" the losties in "The incident"

- Its Sawyer going to kiss Kate?

- Does Desmond remember people from Flight 815?

- Do we get to see who it was that got shot in the outrigger boat while shooting at Locke and co. during the premier?

- Do we see Vincent on Island ?

-Do we see Flocke/MIB do anything in the present (2007) timeline (suchas kill or injure or transform to scare lol! etc) in smoke form?

- Does Juliet somehow appear to be another 'entity' in the scene before she dies? 

-does Kate escape the marshall by pretending to be "nice"/seductive? (asopposed to slip away unnoticed in a bathroom or physically attackinghim outright?)

- Do we see Flocke / MIB turn in to Smokie?

- Is Smokey involved in Juliet's death scene?

- Is Kate going to kiss someone at the premiere?

- Do we get to see The Swan hatch?

- Does Hurley use the Ankh to talk to Jacob?

- Do we see any of the charachters showing knowledge about past/future/ALT events they aren't supposed to know?

These are from Spoiler TV.
Wow...at first glimpse I thought the bad guy on Fringe tonight was Ben...lol. Next I'm gonna be seeing Sawyer in my Cheerios. Can't wait for the premier to get here.
I didn't wanna post that yes/no thing because I knew people who wouldn't want to read it would. I read it a few days ago and i'm STILL just as excited for the premiere. Even more so because of it actually, there's so many things that get me excited. I wish it was three hours of new stuff, not just two.
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