Desmond finally reuniting with Penny vs Richard and Isabella's reunion. Which was more
Ok I read this somewhere else, maybe cut and pasted from some article, I dunno, but in summary:

We learned tonight the island is to keep BSG/evil from spreading. Hurley's numbers came from the island. As a result, as we know, it caused havoc to Hurley's loved ones. A minor example of what could happen if the evil leaves the island? But aren't those numbers Jacob's? Maybe Jacob is the one that's evil?
^Great point on the numbers franchise.

This was an amazing episode and quite possibly the best of the show.

I have so many thoughts....I need to rewatch this and let more sink in.
Originally Posted by KingofIlladelph

If they stick with this "the island is hell" thing, it makes a whole lot of sense.

Jacob is God thus why he can go anywhere he wants.  Notice he is always a presence amongst the Losties but never when they necessarily want answers or need him.  But he always remains a presence.  And good things don't always happen just because he's there even though he is good (The presence of God yet babies are murdered, raped, etc).  Like when Richard went to him and got "baptized", notice how he said he couldn't bring his wife back (because God doesn't bring people back), but he could grant him everlasting life (free will/salvation). 

MIB is the devil, he can't leave Hell (the island) because God keeps him there (like the original story), but the devil can still influence people.  Same way God can influence people.  Notice how they're always recruiting people.  Same way people are influenced by the good and evil (god and the devil) everyday.  And the devil is supposed to have many forms (ie Flocke, MIB, etc.)

Ben was a zealot, believing in Jacob even though he had never seen him.  Even going so far as to tell the others that he spoke to him (kinda like a lot of religions with so called prophets claiming to have spoke to God).   Then when he finally met him he said you never spoke to me (kind of a losing his religion moment). 

I kinda believe that maybe thats why the show is called Lost, representing lost souls deciding which way they are going to go.

This is all random thoughts spewed out, so don't take it as something concrete.  Just my .02.
I don't think jacob is god for the simple reason that jacob can be replaced by one of the Losties.

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I've got another bone to pick with the plot. Dogen and the MIB each gave a human the "excaliber dagger" (my name for it) with a special rule that you must stab the deity of choice prior to them speaking to actually kill them....however; Ben and Jacob reminisced about old times prior to Ben stabbing him with a normal everyday buck knife. I don't get it.
Dogen wanted sayid to try and kill Flocke hoping that Flocke would kill him. Dogen knew sayid couldn't kill Flocke w/ the knife, he even says so when sayid comes back alive.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Ok I read this somewhere else, maybe cut and pasted from some article, I dunno, but in summary:

We learned tonight the island is to keep BSG/evil from spreading. Hurley's numbers came from the island. As a result, as we know, it caused havoc to Hurley's loved ones. A minor example of what could happen if the evil leaves the island? But aren't those numbers Jacob's? Maybe Jacob is the one that's evil?
nah i think its pretty clear from last night that jacob is good. And are we really sure they are Jacob's numbers? I mean unless im mistaken Flocke told Sawyer they were Jacobs. And everything that is coming out of Flocke's mouth is BS.

Hurley used the numers to divulge in sin (gambling). So isnt that like what Jacob was telling Richard yesterday?

I just like to go with the flow and see where it takes me.  
Originally Posted by franchise3

Desmond finally reuniting with Penny vs Richard and Isabella's reunion. Which was more
Desmond/Penny no contest. I like Richard and I loved this episode, but The Constant is still the best LOST episode ever. Plus, Isabella was dead so I don't think that should count
Has anyone else noticed that Richard and Desmond have a few similarities?
Awesome Beards
Brought to island by boat crashing during an epic storm
Kills a man by pushing him over
Both going to jail
Willing to do anything for the women they love
Both are Special

but this could be said a lot about a lot of people on LOST (having similarities)
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I hope we get an episode that tells the history of the smoke monster. That would we pretty sweet
how do i do a spoiler?
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I hope we get an episode that tells the history of the smoke monster. That would we pretty sweet.
i cant see that happening. I think they try to sum it up as a force of evil and theyll keep it like that

Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

so finally that lays to rest everyones theory that jacob could be bad. really good episode.

Awesome episode indeed because it revealed a lot but I am sorry I had to
when Jacob said he wanted people to know the difference between right and wrong without being told.  BS.

That's why the Others kidnapped children including Walt?  Did experiments on Claire and Karl?  That's why the Others killed passengers in the tail section of the plane.  That's why Richard told Ben to kill his father and everyone in the DHARMA Initiative?   What part of good is all that?

If anything that just PROVES MIB is correct that everyone brought to the island "would only end in fighting, destruction and corruption as it always had"  Since season 1, isn't that the truth? 
This episode was about what i expected.

-alot of you forget the power of a crashing wave, the black rock didnt knock down the statue, the huge wave that rose higher than it, broke it...the black rock just happened to be on said wave.
-I think that with some answers the wirters arent just gonna throw them out there, LOST is a detail oriented show, always has been, so they will MAKE us look for them and our own intrepetation.
-Hell?? took it with a grain of salt, gateway to hell...maybe..I read a really good paradise lost theory awhile back, this seems to fit the bill, even though i wont commit to a theory, two angels being kicked out of some paradise and one wanting to leave seems to make sense.
-they explained the flashbacks, regardless of anyone's past jacob still believes in them, i think its a cool dynamic that they showed us who the candidates were in flashbacks, who they become in flashforwards, and what they wish they were in flashsideways

the constant was better, im sorry but that episode had me tripping...you cant tell me that someone that is flashing through random parts of his life, trying to find the one he loves, while trying to get answers to the ridiculous questons that have haunted his life, isnt better than someone who just came up on a slave ship and just wished to live forever. Im not saying richard or desmond is more important or that either one is a throwaway character, but you cant really compare both their centric episodes...
this is only richards FIRST centric and probably last, everyone that says that this ep was better than the constant or ANY desmond episode...so then that means your not looking forward to this seasons desmond centric episode then right?? You can hate on the constant all you want but EVERYONE knows what time it is when its a desmond episode...his episodes are a TRIP and is a main component of what make LOST..well..LOST. This episode wasnt bad,but the first half did drag but i understand it kinda had too. Great episode because its nice to see where he came from and it pushed the story.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

so finally that lays to rest everyones theory that jacob could be bad. really good episode.

Awesome episode indeed because it revealed a lot but I am sorry I had to
when Jacob said he wanted people to know the difference between right and wrong without being told.  BS.

That's why the Others kidnapped children including Walt?  Did experiments on Claire and Karl?  That's why the Others killed passengers in the tail section of the plane.  That's why Richard told Ben to kill his father and everyone in the DHARMA Initiative?   What part of good is all that?

If anything that just PROVES MIB is correct that everyone brought to the island "would only end in fighting, destruction and corruption as it always had"  Since season 1, isn't that the truth? 
Yeah, I agree. The question of who is really good or evil is still open. Plus, it seems too early to explain the sides. There's got to be some twist still to come.
And Desmond's episodes > this episode. Don't get me wrong -- this episode was great. But Desmond is just on another level. dhart48 explained it pretty well. The feeling I had when the white-haired lady tells Desmond what to do when he's buying the ring in Flashes Before Your Eyes is one of my favorites, and it's the episode that got me on track for theories about Lost.
i read a story in sandman that had 2 angels taking over hell. one just resigned to his fate and the other basically wanted to wage war on god and in essence became lucifers replacement

i can see something close to this happening in this show. and to the person who said religion will turn the sci-fi people off, i disagree. sci-fi and religion are petty close. both allegories for how people live. both have "miracles" of sorts.

and richards ep>desmonds ep IMO i just think richard is a better actor.

i was dissapointed that MIB and jacob were speaking in present day english even though it was like the 1500s. Richard was the only one that seemed out of that time period
all i have to say is

if the cork represent the island

and the wine represent the evil on/within the island

what/who represent the bottle
( isnt it great how the bottle was left out)

and i really dont think its just jacob or it would already be game over for the world

since when the MIB broke the bottle we see the wine fall all over the tree(tree represent the earth maybe? )
Am I the only one who wasn't super excited over the episode? Dn't get me wrong it was great.. but some parts kinda dragged for me.

And on another note... the producers did a "secrets of lost" on Jimmy Kimmel. Usually it's just a joke but this time sounded pretty interesting.

And I realize that I (probably the ONLY one) am content if they don't answer some questions and leave it forever up to interpretation.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

i thought yesterdays episode was a waste. Richards entire story could have been told in like 2 segments.

I felt they spent a LITTLE too much time on Richards Backstory... but it was necessary for his character development.

Was I the only one shocked when Richard told Jacob he wanted to live forever? Being in that situation, why would you want to live forever knowing you had to suffer never seeing your wife again. Based on how attached to her he was, that was the last thing I thought he would ask for.
last night's ep was real good, explained alot things. Who do you think is gonna replace Jacob?
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