Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

i thought yesterdays episode was a waste. Richards entire story could have been told in like 2 segments.

I felt they spent a LITTLE too much time on Richards Backstory... but it was necessary for his character development.

Was I the only one shocked when Richard told Jacob he wanted to live forever? Being in that situation, why would you want to live forever knowing you had to suffer never seeing your wife again. Based on how attached to her he was, that was the last thing I thought he would ask for.
his first two wishes dealt with being with his wife, his first wish was to have his wife back, the second to be absolved of his sins so he wouldnt go to hell  because thats what he thought was going to happen so he wouldnt have seen his wife if he died anyway and his third was to live forever because he was probably scared of dying and thought he was going to hell
Originally Posted by krazyg

lol. That cartoon is pretty funny. Good episode last night. What's the next episode about?

according to wikipedia the next episode should be about Sun and Jin
Originally Posted by hieu23

Originally Posted by krazyg

lol. That cartoon is pretty funny. Good episode last night. What's the next episode about?

according to wikipedia the next episode should be about Sun and Jin

Please no flash sideways
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by hieu23

Originally Posted by krazyg

lol. That cartoon is pretty funny. Good episode last night. What's the next episode about?

according to wikipedia the next episode should be about Sun and Jin

Please no flash sideways
Considering Jin was found in a meat locker.. I think there's going to be some background to it.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Am I the only one who wasn't super excited over the episode? Dn't get me wrong it was great.. but some parts kinda dragged for me.

And on another note... the producers did a "secrets of lost" on Jimmy Kimmel. Usually it's just a joke but this time sounded pretty interesting.

And I realize that I (probably the ONLY one) am content if they don't answer some questions and leave it forever up to interpretation.
Concur on all points.  Shhhhh... but I rated it as a 4/5 this week.
The title for the Series Finale is finally out....

Click if you dare....

Spoiler [+]

I can think of another title that would have been more fitting, and more "Island/Jacob-esque"....

Spoiler [+]
"It Only Ends Once"
I have a bad feeling next weeks episode is going to be a let down. Hell anything after the greatness that was this episode will be a letdown.

It gets annoying when people on facebook say last nights episode was ridiculous, it was easily the best of the season.

I almost forgot too... we still really don't know how Smokey and Whidmore know each other... can't wait to see that come together.
I just want to throw this out there too, as much as I loved season 5... the whole season really is starting to feel like it was filler.
I love how people complain about wanting a Richard episode, then we FINALLY get one and people complain about it and of course find a way to compare it to the Constant.
Originally Posted by MidnightMarauda112

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

i thought yesterdays episode was a waste. Richards entire story could have been told in like 2 segments.

I felt they spent a LITTLE too much time on Richards Backstory... but it was necessary for his character development.

Was I the only one shocked when Richard told Jacob he wanted to live forever? Being in that situation, why would you want to live forever knowing you had to suffer never seeing your wife again. Based on how attached to her he was, that was the last thing I thought he would ask for.
his first two wishes dealt with being with his wife, his first wish was to have his wife back, the second to be absolved of his sins so he wouldnt go to hell  because thats what he thought was going to happen so he wouldnt have seen his wife if he died anyway and his third was to live forever because he was probably scared of dying and thought he was going to hell
my guess was that since the priest told him it would take him forever to be forgiven for killing that man, maybe that's why he chose to live forever to be forgiven..

btw that priest was a douche.
Did anyone else think the stated time for Richard's backstory felt way too late? If I recall correctly it was 1860 or something, and they were talking about "the New World" like it was 1660.
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