Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

What if "the package" isn't Desmond and actually someone else locked away in the sub?

It seems too logical from all the plot twists and craziness we've seen so far.
HOW!!??? Why do ppl over analyze and reach for $%%+ all the time?
Widmore asked Zoe to bring the package from the room he was locked in to the infirmary. We then see them doing exactly that. It's Desmond. Not to mention the preview for next week Widmore says to Des "the island isn't done with you yet"

I mean seriously "too logical""???


I'm officially not clicking ANY spoilers in this thread. But I did read a taaaaaaaaaaad bit about next week and the characters that are going to be on it are
. 2 of my favorite guys.
I was wrong guys, some things did happen and it sort of blew my mind.

The ALTFlash and Island seem to be merging or somehow blending into one reality.

I just rewatched a lot of what Vozzek69 wrote up in his analysis and its crazy.

The scene with Jin and Keamy - he's taping his hands and he says " Just in case you figure out what's about to happen to you"

Anyone else catch him say on whats about to happen on the ISLAND?
I'm confused about the battle lines being drawn. Prior to this season, Widmore and Ben (who represented the Others/Jacob) had been going at each other (They also spoke about rules in that bedroom scene way back when. the same rules governed by Jacob/MIB?).

And now Widmore is at the Island, aiming to stop MIB from getting off. Is Widmore representing Jacob's cause now? His motive in the prior seasons seemed to just get back on the Island after being kicked off. Now I'm not sure what his motivation is.

And what is Jack/Ricardo's groups' role in this "war"?

I really enjoyed the sort of first-order view that Jin and Sun have taken on in the series. While most of the main players are concerned about their "role" in the big picture, Jin/Sun just want to live their lives a la Bernard/Rose.

Jack seems ready to embrace whatever role is waiting for him as a candidate. Sawyer seems like he wants to run away from the Island/the past/his failures (he's probably still guilt-ridden about Juliet dying). Kate seems like she's just rolling with the show (has anybody's role seemed more diminished than hers?). Hurley and Miles seem like important mediums to understanding the aura/magic/science of the Island. And Claire is just like BAYYBAYYY. Stupid wench.
Originally Posted by gko2408

I'm confused about the battle lines being drawn. Prior to this season, Widmore and Ben (who represented the Others/Jacob) had been going at each other (They also spoke about rules in that bedroom scene way back when. the same rules governed by Jacob/MIB?).

And now Widmore is at the Island, aiming to stop MIB from getting off. Is Widmore representing Jacob's cause now? His motive in the prior seasons seemed to just get back on the Island after being kicked off. Now I'm not sure what his motivation is.

And what is Jack/Ricardo's groups' role in this "war"?

I really enjoyed the sort of first-order view that Jin and Sun have taken on in the series. While most of the main players are concerned about their "role" in the big picture, Jin/Sun just want to live their lives a la Bernard/Rose.

Jack seems ready to embrace whatever role is waiting for him as a candidate. Sawyer seems like he wants to run away from the Island/the past/his failures (he's probably still guilt-ridden about Juliet dying). Kate seems like she's just rolling with the show (has anybody's role seemed more diminished than hers?). Hurley and Miles seem like important mediums to understanding the aura/magic/science of the Island. And Claire is just like BAYYBAYYY. Stupid wench.
Seeing how they are going to destroy the plan, well intend too. They are gonna join up with Widmore, which is gonna be really interesting, can't wait to see Ben's reactions
. But Sun and Jin will be reunited at least <3
As for the variant Tina Fey, she was prob a jump off in her earlier days. But she's gonna help utlizie the pockets of energy, I'm guessing they will be used against Flocke. Her physics skills won't be able to compare to Farradays
[h2]Dharma Initiative Alarm Clock[/h2]

[h4]4 8 15 16 23... 46? Oh $#%@!!![/h4]
It's been a long, boring day down in the Swan, chilling in your khaki jumpsuit, listening to your favorite Mama Cass record and staring at a blinking cursor.

Where's your partner? Why can't you switch off number-punching duties? Oh, right. You killed him. And now you have to wake up every 108 minutes or the world starts shaking and metallic objects threaten to pin you against the wall.

Trust us, brother, this is no way to live. And luckily--or not, right, Hugo?--you don't have to. Our Dharma Initiative Alarm Clock is conveniently programmable to go off only once every 24 hours, and at a time convenient to you.

But if you don't get the numbers right before you see the hieroglyphs, there's no guaranteeing what will happen.


Product Features:
  • Two alarm settings: one-minute warning and electromagnetic cataclysm modes
  • (Okay, really, you can set it for your normal wake-up time.)
  • Requires 2 x AAA batteries
  • 23-year warranty, or until your house implodes
  • Walt, geodesic dome, and polar bear not included

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by gko2408

I'm confused about the battle lines being drawn. Prior to this season, Widmore and Ben (who represented the Others/Jacob) had been going at each other (They also spoke about rules in that bedroom scene way back when. the same rules governed by Jacob/MIB?).

And now Widmore is at the Island, aiming to stop MIB from getting off. Is Widmore representing Jacob's cause now? His motive in the prior seasons seemed to just get back on the Island after being kicked off. Now I'm not sure what his motivation is.

Exactly my confusion.  If I remember correctly Widmore sent Keamy to kill Ben because Ben exiled Widmore. Wasn't that Widmore's agenda?

Ben under the guidance of Jacob at his cabin was told to move the island to keep it away from Widmore.  Survivors escaped and then Locke was told by Richard to bring everyone back so they can stop the time flashes.  Jack's dad which I think was MIB told him to turn the wheel and bring everyone back.  When Locke turns the wheel he is sent to the desert where Widmore helps him bring everyone back. 

Now why does Widmore want everyone to go back for since that helps MIB begin his whole loophole mission.  At that point I thought Widmore was working with MIB.

Locke brings everyone back, MIB takes his form and here we are now with Widmore not even worried about Ben and is now on a mission to stop MIB. 

Pretty damn confusing.  It's like one big circle that goes absolutely nowhere.
I know it's been said before, but at this point I'm just waiting for the Miles/Sawyer spinoff cop dramedy
Widmore didn't actually say he wanted to stop Flocke did he?

Isn't it more a Flocke VS Jacob and a Widmore VS Flocke cause maybe Flocke is for some reason against Widmore coming. Or is it Widmore VS Jacob o_0?

AND did they ever explain Jack's dad being on the island? Was it MIB pretending to be him?

AND what happened to Locke's body.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by gko2408

I'm confused about the battle lines being drawn. Prior to this season, Widmore and Ben (who represented the Others/Jacob) had been going at each other (They also spoke about rules in that bedroom scene way back when. the same rules governed by Jacob/MIB?).

And now Widmore is at the Island, aiming to stop MIB from getting off. Is Widmore representing Jacob's cause now? His motive in the prior seasons seemed to just get back on the Island after being kicked off. Now I'm not sure what his motivation is.

Exactly my confusion.  If I remember correctly Widmore sent Keamy to kill Ben because Ben exiled Widmore. Wasn't that Widmore's agenda?

Ben under the guidance of Jacob at his cabin was told to move the island to keep it away from Widmore.  Survivors escaped and then Locke was told by Richard to bring everyone back so they can stop the time flashes.  Jack's dad which I think was MIB told him to turn the wheel and bring everyone back.  When Locke turns the wheel he is sent to the desert where Widmore helps him bring everyone back. 

Now why does Widmore want everyone to go back for since that helps MIB begin his whole loophole mission.  At that point I thought Widmore was working with MIB.

Locke brings everyone back, MIB takes his form and here we are now with Widmore not even worried about Ben and is now on a mission to stop MIB. 

Pretty damn confusing.  It's like one big circle that goes absolutely nowhere.
isn't it pretty much agreed that everyone thinks this was MIB acting as Christian?

Any chance Zoe is somehow linked to Faraday?

Vozzek's write-up this week was
I love Lost. What will we do without it.

Good write-up by Vozzek. I've been thinking that for a while -- that these different timelines and such are happening in parallel, and the reality in each is fickle because somehow they are all linked to each other.

Actually, it seems pretty simple now. If you time travel (like that bunny), then you've created a new reality and timeline if the bunny travels to the past.
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