pretty good episode. i'm disappointed that we'll probably never learn more about the island an how it came to be. but the adam and eve thing was handled very well. i doubt we get mcuh insight into who their fake mother was or who was there before her
Also, what else could she call the "light". It's not like she was going to give some scientific explanation. Everything is magic until it is investigated thoroughly and explained. She didn't seem to question everything as humans do.

This show is too deep.
Originally Posted by Snookie Snook

I honestly think 95% of people do not understand LOST. this was a great episode. everything mentioned every word said had a meaning to how LOST has been since season one.
just a simple thing like when the smoke monster asked jacob why he watches them. and he said to see if mom was right. because she told jacob they were bad and the smoke monster said they were bad since hes been amongst them for 30 plus years..connect that to the light house and how he was watching people to bring them to the island to see if they were good. Because he honestly believes people have good in them.. so maybe he was trying to find someone who is genuienly good to take over as watching the island.

theyre were a lot of connections to be made in this episode. you could even seen jacobs personality in john locke before he died..like how he was all about the island and staying and hes there for a reason. or like how the smoke monster cant leave the island because he is the "light" and if the light leaves the island then it leaves everywhere else in the world  too. you have to infer things to appreciate the episode and LOST. but people are worried about smokies name..hahahaha...do u not understand how that adds to the reason why ppl who understand love LOST. the mystery. and cant people see how LOST is ending just how the first seasons were..forget all the sci fi stuff..its about the mystery of the islands again now and getting off..

People need to think and infer what is going on, then your questions will be answered and you can appreciate LOST. Many many many inferences and connections like this could have been made from this episode. but everyone is looking for answers that has nothing to do with anything and really doesnt matter. when in fact sooo many questions have been answered. questions that we had back from season 1-3. if this episode aired after we started hearing about jacob and the black smoke and all that. this would have been the greatest episode to people. But people dont think enough and appreciate what LOST is all about.

and after watching this episode something is telling me jacob isnt even the one bringing these people to the island. that it was the smoke monster. but thats just one of many theories I have which I dont want to get into since most people wouldnt understand.. or wouldnt think of because they want simple answers like where did jacobs and smokies "mom" come from? who cares..then youll ask where did her mom come from to give her the power to give to jacob and everything..then we might as well start up a family treee forever..but answers like that dont matter since the whole show is built arond finding out about Jacob and the island..who cares about thier "mom"..obviously he had a mom.do we need to know his dad too. oh wait we dont since the lost writers said 0 about his dad, but if they did. evryone would want answers.
. Get off your soap box. The episode sucked and plenty of people entrenched with LOST via blogs,site,radio, t.v. have agreed.

I think you're the whole 95% of the population who doesn't know about LOST because LOST is all subjective and what Vozzek correlates as theory may be the exact opposite of what Crazy EBW theorizes. We all have our own theory on what the endgame is but to spend an episode on the 2 characters that are essentially the ISLAND and in the end still not knowing exactly what the hell the island is made a lot of  us mad.

Desmond can be the only light diver who can survive. Hurley can be M.I.B. cause he sees dead people. LOST is about how the individual sees it. "across the sea" was a huge letdown. PERIOD
Originally Posted by King of Chicago

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

nvm, I think he says, "goodbye."

I didn't like how they reshow the scene with Jack, Kate, and Locke at the end. Like, "Oh, look here, we knew what we were doing all along." It cheapened things.

Continuity error as well since Jack said the bodies must have been there for 40-50 years.
THAT'S a continuity error?

Come on, now.  Maybe Jack's internal C14 dating mechanism was off that day.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by King of Chicago

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

nvm, I think he says, "goodbye."

I didn't like how they reshow the scene with Jack, Kate, and Locke at the end. Like, "Oh, look here, we knew what we were doing all along." It cheapened things.

Continuity error as well since Jack said the bodies must have been there for 40-50 years.
THAT'S a continuity error?

Come on, now.  Maybe Jack's internal C14 dating mechanism was off that day.

I'm sure a MEDICAL doctor would be familiar with identifying bodies and could assess a reasonable rate of decomposition.
Originally Posted by King of Chicago

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by King of Chicago

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

nvm, I think he says, "goodbye."

I didn't like how they reshow the scene with Jack, Kate, and Locke at the end. Like, "Oh, look here, we knew what we were doing all along." It cheapened things.

Continuity error as well since Jack said the bodies must have been there for 40-50 years.
THAT'S a continuity error?

Come on, now.  Maybe Jack's internal C14 dating mechanism was off that day.

I'm sure a MEDICAL doctor would be familiar with identifying bodies and could assess a reasonable rate of decomposition.

or they decompose at a different rate because they aren't human...
look how fast Jacob's body turn into ash when he was kicked in the fire.
I didn't enjoy last nights episode that much at all looking back, but it doesn't change my stance on the show at all. I really think people expect too much and set themselves up for failure. I also think people may have been liking the show for the wrong reasons if they don't enjoy how this season has played out.

I mean you ask for mythology, we get it, people complain. If we DON'T get it, people complain. Honestly, there's just no way to satisfy everyone. Someone will think last night was the GOAT and someone else may not even watch the last two episodes because they thought it was so bad.

If you've been watching this show since season 2 to see why a bird got killed in Walt's house, i'm sorry. You have been watching a different show from me and I completely understand why you don't like this show.

I agree with Snook as well, I think a lot of people just don't understand LOST
Loved last nights episode. I know people get mad about not getting the answers that they wanted, but I've come around to the fact that we might not learn everything. With that being said there was a lot of good stuff. I think that by going into the light MIB loses his body and becomes the smoke monster, which allows him to take other peoples' bodies. I also think that the "mom" had also gone into the light at some point and was the smoke monster. That is why she knew about it and how she destroyed the camp of the others / the hole to the wheel. That explains the Jacob "stole his body". For the most part I'm also willing to wait until the end of the show to find out some little questions, but here is my biggest one.

What is the rule about inhabiting bodies? The smoke monster has definitely taken bodies that were killed on the island (his own to talk to Jacob later), Locke and Christian (Died off the island and body was there), and Richard's wife (Didn't die on island and body wasn't there).
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I just think the smoke monster is the embodiment of how MIBs soul truly was...black, cloudy and unpure. It's still MIB but he cant hide behind his human form no more.Everyone can see him for the BS he really stands for, thats why he can only take the form of those who have passed.
I disagree. 

MIB soul wasn't corrupt in the beginning.  What did he do that made him black, cloudy and unpure?  Because he was draped in black clothing?
Come on now.  He wanted to leave the island and wanted to use this source of light to try and get of the island.  What is wrong with that?  He was lied to since birth about other people and that there was nothing beyond the ocean so any one of us would be curious as hell on trying to get of that island.  

Only until he saw the brutal murder of the villagers whom he lived with for over 30 years did he finally do something evil which was to kill that crazy "mother".  

you need to think outside of the box man. There obviously was something off about MIB, he would lie about his whereabouts(BEFORE he was trying to get off the island) his mom even complimented him on his lying abilities. Also he's trying to use THE LIGHT HIS mOTHER TOLD HIM TO STAY AWAY FROM AND PROTECT TO GET OFF THE ISLAND. Not only that, he's hanging out with people he considers corrupt and selfish and uses them to get what he wants......THEN he killed his mOTHER...regardless of how you feel about a person it takes ALOT to murder someone
you seriously thought i was going off the color of dude's jacket
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by King of Chicago

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by King of Chicago

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

nvm, I think he says, "goodbye."

I didn't like how they reshow the scene with Jack, Kate, and Locke at the end. Like, "Oh, look here, we knew what we were doing all along." It cheapened things.

Continuity error as well since Jack said the bodies must have been there for 40-50 years.
THAT'S a continuity error?

Come on, now.  Maybe Jack's internal C14 dating mechanism was off that day.

I'm sure a MEDICAL doctor would be familiar with identifying bodies and could assess a reasonable rate of decomposition.

or they decompose at a different rate because they aren't human...
look how fast Jacob's body turn into ash when he was kicked in the fire.
or the jumps in time that the island makes %#%+ with it
So much

Do people realize there's a difference between TV and literature? There's the camp that ^ Lost, because of guys like Vozzek. Vozzek's analysis of Lost tends to be better than Lost, because it doesn't matter how the episode is directed or acted. It doesn't matter how it's edited or paced. It doesn't last more than a few minutes and it's insightful and direct. None of that is Lost this season. 

Allison Janney is a much better actress than this trash, or at least she used to be. The ideas they had are much better than what they made. Darlton said it themselves that there's a difference between what the audience wants and what they'll find entertaining. That episode somehow brought neither. Once the first commercial break happened, I was more excited to switch over to the Cavs blowout than the show.

You shouldn't have to watch an episode and your first thoughts be: OK who can make this suck less and how do I explain this to the haters?

It's whatever that they not give answers, it's not OK that they not make good television this late.

This episode could've been a 10 minute conversation between Jacob and Hurley and it would've been better.

How the hell does Stephen Williams not direct this?
I never understood dudes loving Vozzek's analysis of eps. Dude just spends the time to catch everything and then gives his own theories and interpretations of what happens. A lot of which you can find on lostpedia forums, there a grip of dudes building on their theories and what not. I read some and decided to stop wasting my time.
Originally Posted by King of Chicago

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by King of Chicago

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

nvm, I think he says, "goodbye."

I didn't like how they reshow the scene with Jack, Kate, and Locke at the end. Like, "Oh, look here, we knew what we were doing all along." It cheapened things.

Continuity error as well since Jack said the bodies must have been there for 40-50 years.
THAT'S a continuity error?

Come on, now.  Maybe Jack's internal C14 dating mechanism was off that day.

I'm sure a MEDICAL doctor would be familiar with identifying bodies and could assess a reasonable rate of decomposition.
That's a quality from a believability standpoint I'm sure an archeologist or a forensic investigator has, not a medical doctor. 

But either way, to call that a "continuity error" is nitpicking to a degree I can barely comprehend.

I'm not here to defend the honor of Lost or anything like that.  I know I'm enjoying the hell out of this series from top to bottom more so than I have any TV series in my adult life.

I have to admit, it's pretty damn entertaining in itself seeing people just finding ways to enjoy it less.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

does anyone else have a major problem with the fact that 'mother' admitted to jacob that she called jacob's actual mother.. and he STILL continued to take stay with her AND take her side?!?!?!

(especially after what little MIB had told him about the other people and 'mother' not being their actual mother?!?!??!)
No problem with at all the point of that was to show that Jacob ALWAYS believed that there was good in people no matter what.
has anyone theorized that this whole thing is an overly intricate dharma experiment? It would explain why no one seems to really know anything of substance.

I liked this episode. Some of you guys are just too used to questioning everything, probably as a way to not miss anything, but now its preventing you guys from enjoying the show.
Originally Posted by tecca nena

has anyone theorized that this whole thing is an overly intricate dharma experiment? It would explain why no one seems to really know anything of substance.

I liked this episode. Some of you guys are just too used to questioning everything, probably as a way to not miss anything, but now its preventing you guys from enjoying the show.

How would Dharma control this experiment though if they are wiped out (or at least the Dharma Initiatives who were observable)? 

I enjoyed this episode as well though and the small things do not bother me at all. 
I'm still confused how MIB took over Jacob's brother's body, but the body is still in the cave for Jack and Co. to find.
Originally Posted by Snookie Snook

I honestly think 95% of people do not understand LOST. this was a great episode. everything mentioned every word said had a meaning to how LOST has been since season one.
just a simple thing like when the smoke monster asked jacob why he watches them. and he said to see if mom was right. because she told jacob they were bad and the smoke monster said they were bad since hes been amongst them for 30 plus years..connect that to the light house and how he was watching people to bring them to the island to see if they were good. Because he honestly believes people have good in them.. so maybe he was trying to find someone who is genuienly good to take over as watching the island.

theyre were a lot of connections to be made in this episode. you could even seen jacobs personality in john locke before he died..like how he was all about the island and staying and hes there for a reason. or like how the smoke monster cant leave the island because he is the "light" and if the light leaves the island then it leaves everywhere else in the world  too. you have to infer things to appreciate the episode and LOST. but people are worried about smokies name..hahahaha...do u not understand how that adds to the reason why ppl who understand love LOST. the mystery. and cant people see how LOST is ending just how the first seasons were..forget all the sci fi stuff..its about the mystery of the islands again now and getting off..

People need to think and infer what is going on, then your questions will be answered and you can appreciate LOST. Many many many inferences and connections like this could have been made from this episode. but everyone is looking for answers that has nothing to do with anything and really doesnt matter. when in fact sooo many questions have been answered. questions that we had back from season 1-3. if this episode aired after we started hearing about jacob and the black smoke and all that. this would have been the greatest episode to people. But people dont think enough and appreciate what LOST is all about.

and after watching this episode something is telling me jacob isnt even the one bringing these people to the island. that it was the smoke monster. but thats just one of many theories I have which I dont want to get into since most people wouldnt understand.. or wouldnt think of because they want simple answers like where did jacobs and smokies "mom" come from? who cares..then youll ask where did her mom come from to give her the power to give to jacob and everything..then we might as well start up a family treee forever..but answers like that dont matter since the whole show is built arond finding out about Jacob and the island..who cares about thier "mom"..obviously he had a mom.do we need to know his dad too. oh wait we dont since the lost writers said 0 about his dad, but if they did. evryone would want answers.
Great post...I have felt pretty much the same way all season. It doesnt even bother me anymore as I agree that most people do not understand LOST.

Also a great write up Vozekk and I am glad he also agreed with myself and others that the mother was the monster. 
 Vozzek's recaps are really something else. Dude just gave a convincing case that everything that has happened on the island is due to faith! 
" Rose believed Bernard was alive. Eko believed he'd find his brother's plane. Hurley believed that 20+ year old Dharma van would start...and so it did, as ridiculously impossible as that scenario should've been. Even Locke's suicide note contained a very important phrase, "I wish you had believed me. " 
- Jacob had to believe that drinking the wine would make him the successor otherwise it wouldn't work. All the chanting "mother" was doing was to convince him. 

- The sonic fence only worked because the people believed it would! Was it really on when Mikhail manipulated Locke into throwing him into it? Or did someone like Sayid just believe it was on, simply because Mikhail was allowing them to do so?

Dude just made me want to rewatch all six seasons to catch all the times something happened just because someone believed it would. 

Also, it completely flew over my head, that "mother" conned both Jacob and MIB into both being candidates. Brilliant. Just brilliant. I just gained a new found respect for this past episode. 
dont take vozzek word as fact she didnt know jacob would throw MIB into the light...................
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