Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by franchise3

Obviously, the Mom went down in that light cave, and she herself ended up getting engulfed in the black smoke. That's how she destroyed the village and killed everybody, and that's why she was grateful for MIB killing her. Hence going into that thing is 'worse than being dead.'

I too am disappointed how MIB doesn't have a name, and how the mom and MIB are Adam and Eve. Yeah, that got answered, but it was a letdown, considering we all thought it was something of more significance.

And word to the poster a page or two back talking about the wheel.

@ that. How does MIB figure there's light, let's use a wheel to unleash that energy, and that'll be his ticket off the island.

I totally agree with this. I think it's dead on, especially since the "brother" killed his mother before she could say a word to him just like how Dogan told Sayid to do with Locke.

As for Adam and Eve stuff, I don't think it was never THAT deep, just Locke/Jack being sarcastic with naming the skeletons. 
i was just about ask if she also was the black smoke then how did he manage to kill her? im guessing its all about the element of surprise? maybe liek when they say a word its as if they are expecting it and it doesnt work.

episode was eh. they shouldn't even have made this episode lol

Originally Posted by AusZero

Originally Posted by certified hustler11

^ Makes sense. I think the MIB TURNED into the smoke monster. Which is why he states that he used to be a man and have feelings.
This. Their mother says they can not hurt each other as children and obviously that carries over to flocke having Ben kill Jacob.  Jacob created the smoke monster by removing the MIB's "evil/anger" from his physical form.  I think the light simply represents love and understanding which the light absorbed from the MIB thus leaving him to be confusion and hate.

I was thinking it ripped his soul out of his body and his soul is the Smoke monster. I say the episode was interesting. And I like the fact that you can't find the light unless someone who knows where it is at shows you.
sooooo ... chances that someone "good" has to find the light and go down there in order to finally stop the smoke monster?
what was once good was corrupted and now evil and the only way to reverse it is to send someone good down there.
jack? hurley? des?

I'm guessing one of them is going to die before it's all said and done.
Whatever happened to Locke's body?

Maybe Richard knows where the light is and is going to send Locke's body down there to see what happens.
Originally Posted by dhart48

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Episode was dope...

...y'all buggin.


People are digging WAY TOO DEEP for answers, obviously the light is a metaphor for all things that corrupt man. Ya'll acting like if you were on a island and saw the light you wouldnt atleast try to turn it into some kind of hustle to get rich off of.
and then someone would try to take that light from you and then someone from that person and so forth.(just like mOTHER and MIB said)
If one person has it...all want it. So because it isnt a stack of gold bars its hard to see what the fuss is about.

obviously their whole upbringing was a test, to see who would protect the light, who was pure and good enough. mOTHER wanted it to be MIB, she was too blind to see that it was and always has been jacob. Thats why she killed their real mom she just figured she would try to go after it too. Its crazy because the way she's protecting it, it seems like she's alittle corrupt too.
I just think the smoke monster is the embodiment of how MIBs soul truly was...black, cloudy and unpure. It's still MIB but he cant hide behind his human form no more.Everyone can see him for the BS he really stands for, thats why he can only take the form of those who have passed.

I still love the show and i'm glad they invented their own mythology its ORIGINAL, thats why we watched the show in the first place or atleast i did.
I agree with your analysis and that some are digging way too deep.  However, I can totally see how the episode was a letdown because people were so hyped up for this episode and expected more (which I don't know is necessarily fair).  I also agree with franchise that the mother went into the light and gained some sort of smoke monster like qualities as well and wanted to be freed from that hold.  The reason I think what franchise brings up makes a ton of sense is the fact that we never saw her kill the villagers and one thing I have liked about LOST is sometimes things are not shown or answered specifically and you have to put them together for yourself.

I have no problem with the light being a metaphor for all things that corrupt man and I agree with nycknicks that line MIB said to Jacob about one day he could change the game had major significane.  I think the way Jacob changed the game is the way he went about finding a replacement/candidates and actually believing in the good of man.  Also, I may be the only one but I like the fact that MIB still doesnt have a name and honestly in the grand scheme of things does it really matter if we know his name or not? The Adam and Eve explanation is what it is....I thought the ending of this episode was a bit weak but I didnt expect much more out of that explanation.

My only qualms with this episode was the fact that we didnt learn much about the mother and why she felt the way she felt and how she knew about the light and also I didnt like how MIB just knew that the light would get him off the island.  How did he figure the light combined with the donkey wheel would do that? I felt as though that should have been and maybe still will be explained but we are running out of time.
that bright cave @+$# was extra corny...expectations were high....hope they pull through and surprise us cause that made no sense in a bad way....

and did ben really kill jacob?? he stabbed him...but MIB was the one who kicked him in the fire.
I watched it again last night and I really liked it. And I really don't see how it is being hated on THIS much. They answered some pretty big questions, some answers are not what some of us may have WANTED or have been deep enough for some of us, but we got....

- the wheel
- Jacob and MIB are twins
- how MIB became the Smoke Monster
- like franchise3 said, probably why Jacob didn't talk Ben out of killing him
- the island IS ACTUALLY special
- Adam and Eve (I was kinda disappointed in this one for some reason)
- MIB could see dead people
- MIB WAS a man, and wasn't always "bad"

Like the Mother said "Every question I answer will simply lead to another question". Take the answers for what they are....answers.

Bastich was right some of you ruined LOST for yourselves.
lost is straight awful. the whole season has been terrible. "but its only the 4th episode they aint gonna answer any major questions" "but its only the 8th episode no major questions are gonna be answered" "but theres 2 episodes left they arent gonna answer any big questions" muthafukka start explaining things or this is gonna be on matrix revolutions status. what the heck is up with walt? all those special powers and he stuck in his grandmas apt in nyc? what the hell are his power? who da hell is this random crazy broad on the island? where did she come from? who da hell put up that big +*# statue? why was there suddenly pregnancy issues and a sickness on the island? how can you just magically heal and not age? who was that fool in the cabin? what is the cabin? wheres jacks dad? whered the temple come from? why was sayid merkin dudes left and right for no reason off the island? why did they kidnap walt and cindy and they didnt end up doin anything? who was makin the supply drops? whos glass eye did they find? why does desmond magically have time flashes and bounce thru time? how can half a wheel make a freakin island move? what the hell is the random light in a cave and @!+%? the hell was up with that bird just yellin out hurleys name as it flew by? whats the deal with the lighthouse? how can it just see @!+% off the island in present time? the hell is this wack +*# shiete i been watchin for six season breh what a waste
does anyone else have a major problem with the fact that 'mother' admitted to jacob that she called jacob's actual mother.. and he STILL continued to take stay with her AND take her side?!?!?!

(especially after what little MIB had told him about the other people and 'mother' not being their actual mother?!?!??!)
LOL @ non flammable. Some of the stuff you stated was answer. You just wasn't listening. Only question I wanted answer from last night episode that they didn't even try to answer is:

"How can Jacob leave the island?"
"Claudia, in Roman Mythology, is the mother of Romulus and Remus."

The island must have been in the Mediterranean sea at one point. That would also explain the Egyptian stuff.
stop me if im wrong, but maybe the MIB isnt even really jacobs brother.. what if the smoke monster was something else entirely, what if the light was light some sort of prison for the smoke monster? maybe him leaving the island himself is what jacob and his "mother" was trying to prevent. it kind of makes sense because the bones of jacobs "mother" and brother are still there so maybe the smoke monster isnt his brother at all
not sure if this posted, but saw it on Dark UFO this morning and found it interesting..
"This would also shed some light on why Desmond is so important. It should be pretty obvious that the glowing light and the pockets of electromagnetic energy are one in the same. Desmond may be the only person who can enter the spring of light without becoming a Smoke Monster."
i thought it was a great episode. i think this entire season, with the exception of the Kate-centic episode, has been great.

Originally Posted by MidnightMarauda112

stop me if im wrong, but maybe the MIB isnt even really jacobs brother..

well we know MIB is Jacob's brother.  We saw them born.  But I kind of get what you are saying.  What if MIB is not the smoke monster might be the better way to say it.  what if all the smoke monster needed to be released was a body?  any body to go down that hole would cause a release..

I just think the smoke monster is the embodiment of how MIBs soul truly was...black, cloudy and unpure. It's still MIB but he cant hide behind his human form no more.Everyone can see him for the BS he really stands for, thats why he can only take the form of those who have passed.
I disagree. 

MIB soul wasn't corrupt in the beginning.  What did he do that made him black, cloudy and unpure?  Because he was draped in black clothing?
Come on now.  He wanted to leave the island and wanted to use this source of light to try and get of the island.  What is wrong with that?  He was lied to since birth about other people and that there was nothing beyond the ocean so any one of us would be curious as hell on trying to get of that island.  

Only until he saw the brutal murder of the villagers whom he lived with for over 30 years did he finally do something evil which was to kill that crazy "mother".  
If ANYONE lives the first 13 years of their life thinking that they are alone on an island with just their brother and mother and NOTHING else is out there, they will have serious issues. MIB is/was pretty normal to me.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I just think the smoke monster is the embodiment of how MIBs soul truly was...black, cloudy and unpure. It's still MIB but he cant hide behind his human form no more.Everyone can see him for the BS he really stands for, thats why he can only take the form of those who have passed.
I disagree. 

MIB soul wasn't corrupt in the beginning.  What did he do that made him black, cloudy and unpure?  Because he was draped in black clothing?
Come on now.  He wanted to leave the island and wanted to use this source of light to try and get of the island.  What is wrong with that?  He was lied to since birth about other people and that there was nothing beyond the ocean so any one of us would be curious as hell on trying to get of that island.  

Only until he saw the brutal murder of the villagers whom he lived with for over 30 years did he finally do something evil which was to kill that crazy "mother".  

which he was remorseful for too. He had no evil in him IMO. He just felt that people corrupt and are selfish.

To hell with Jacob!

And I'm still left wondering how the hell does Jacob get off the island since he's brainwashed to believe that there's nothing past the sea.
Maybe when MIB killed his mother, it returned the source of the monster back to the light?

So when Jacob shoved his bro down the stream, it re-released the smoke? Idk, I'm just throwing out my thoughts.

And also remember when Ben had an irrigation system build in his closet, that "releases" smokey? How or what source is awakening smokey?
My theory is Walt will come back and smack some sense into Flocke and to take Vincent back home. That is all.
I don't know if MIB is Jacob's brother because I could have swore that the first episode that lost show MIB and Jacob together next to the statue...I believe the MIB called him and OLD FRIEND. Someone correct me if i'm wrong.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Maybe when MIB killed his mother, it returned the source of the monster back to the light?

So when Jacob shoved his bro down the stream, it re-released the smoke? Idk, I'm just throwing out my thoughts.

And also remember when Ben had an irrigation system build in his closet, that "releases" smokey? How or what source is awakening smokey?
Yeah this has been something I've wanted to know for a while too. Since Ben always received instructions from Jacob, I bet Jacob told him how to control the monster and use it to protect the island from outsiders. So besides being a prisoner, the monster has also been a slave for Jacob throughout all these years
Originally Posted by datdude87

I don't know if MIB is Jacob's brother because I could have swore that the first episode that lost show MIB and Jacob together next to the statue...I believe the MIB called him and OLD FRIEND. Someone correct me if i'm wrong.

You're taking it too literal.

But anyway, it's funny to me that since they showed the first MIB/Jacob episode...I didn't see anyone say, or at least I never stopped to think the most obvious thing; "What if they're brothers?"
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