Whywesteppin- great write up a few pages back.

I was talking with one of my friends the other day about what is going to jar the remaining losties memories on the sideways flashes. I'm thinking Kate is going to be there when Claire has Aaron and that's going to remind her of the island.

What do yall think is going to trigger island memories for everyone else?
I remember over the summer when a friend of mine was watching the show for the first time. He'd see people in the background the first season and say, can't wait til they start getting episodes.

I forgot how that was the big thing early on in the show, since they'd give people 10 minutes of airtime, then all of the sudden they'd get a whole episode.

But we did get the Others, the Tailies and the freighter people. And I guess Old Dharmaville and the Temple people...

'Lost' to address unanswered mysteries with DVD extras.
Jeff Jensen
Categories: Lost, News, Television


Lost fans are already sweating the prospect that Sunday’s series won’t resolve their favorite pet mystery or most burning question. For those left wanting, there is hope: EW has confirmed a TV Guide report that the producers plan to address a selection of baffling bits of unfinished business on the season 6 DVD, which goes on sale in August. An ABC insider says the set will include “new content that addresses some of the unanswered questions in an entertaining way,
Isn't this like the greatest scene in television history? We go from unlimited happiness when they think they are being rescued to ultimate despair when they say, "only the thing is, we're gonna have to take the boy."
"Don't tell me what I can't do" - one of the greatest scenes. Thanks for posting, MrO. I love it.

and one of my favorite exchanges. I don't know why. I guess just cause I relate...

"I don't speak destiny. What I do understand is a man does what he does because he wants something for himself. What do you want, Jack?"

He looks down. "I had her. I had her and I lost her."


Jack nods.

"Well, damn, doc, she's standing right on the other side of those trees. You want her back, just go over there and ask her."

"Nah, it's too late for that."
Terry O'Quinn (John Locke) is right up there with Denzel and Leonardo as my favorite actors. I swear to you, he gets me everytime he's emotional. I'm going to miss this show a lot. Even though its far fetched in many areas, this show, if you really look into it, teaches so many lessons. A perfect example is what whyweststeppin wrote above me.

I might be considered a dork or be too into the show but I can honestly say, this show has raised many valid points about life and made me look into it in my own life. You can't but help to relate to some things in the show. When Jin and Sun were drowning, I couldn't help but think of my girl (damn, am i really getting sappy over this show? lol). Iono, it makes me look obsessive but I'm not, but I think this show is so much more than just a t.v show.

It's sad knowing in 2 days it'll all be over. I've bashed the show numerous times just because I was too lazy to look into it. But when you do, its pretty damn cool. People say movies change their lives and what not and I'm going to say LOST changed mine in some ways. A science fiction t.v. show changed my life, lol, cant wait to explain this to my kids one day. I've never really participated in this thread but I always looked at it. Thanks to all you dudes for your insights, I enjoyed reading them. Hopefully we'll be able to start and participate in another thread about another show like LOST, though I doubt that will happen.
Originally Posted by brownsuga1

Terry O'Quinn (John Locke) is right up there with Denzel and Leonardo as my favorite actors. I swear to you, he gets me everytime he's emotional. I'm going to miss this show a lot. Even though its far fetched in many areas, this show, if you really look into it, teaches so many lessons. A perfect example is what whyweststeppin wrote above me.

I might be considered a dork or be too into the show but I can honestly say, this show has raised many valid points about life and made me look into it in my own life. You can't but help to relate to some things in the show. When Jin and Sun were drowning, I couldn't help but think of my girl (damn, am i really getting sappy over this show? lol). Iono, it makes me look obsessive but I'm not, but I think this show is so much more than just a t.v show.

It's sad knowing in 2 days it'll all be over. I've bashed the show numerous times just because I was too lazy to look into it. But when you do, its pretty damn cool. People say movies change their lives and what not and I'm going to say LOST changed mine in some ways. A science fiction t.v. show changed my life, lol, cant wait to explain this to my kids one day. I've never really participated in this thread but I always looked at it. Thanks to all you dudes for your insights, I enjoyed reading them. Hopefully we'll be able to start and participate in another thread about another show like LOST, though I doubt that will happen.
I honestly feel the same way, gonna miss this show a lot... whenever the first episode of the seasons aired I would get so amped to learn something new 'cause I was so invested in all the characters, they're all different but yet so similar in many ways.  That's what made the show great, I wonder if anything is going to top this as far as the lessons it taught and for the sheer entertainment it brought to the table.
Probably sounds really lame but whatever.  
I'm looking at these commercials these networks are airing for their season finale shows and I'm just thinking how big they'll fail

I don't know what most of these execs were thinking airing their new shows during the LOST time slot this season. I haven't watched at all this season but Trump not thinking, letting his show get steamrolled by LOST this Sunday. I mean I'm already planning to watch the re-airing of Breaking Bad later that night.
Yeah Breaking Bad is gonna take a backseat this Sunday. I usually watch the 11:00 showing but with Kimmel on at 11:30, i'm gonna miss it and watch it at 1.
Originally Posted by brownsuga1

I might be considered a dork or be too into the show but I can honestly say, this show has raised many valid points about life and made me look into it in my own life. You can't but help to relate to some things in the show. When Jin and Sun were drowning, I couldn't help but think of my girl (damn, am i really getting sappy over this show? lol). Iono, it makes me look obsessive but I'm not, but I think this show is so much more than just a t.v show.

It's sad knowing in 2 days it'll all be over. I've bashed the show numerous times just because I was too lazy to look into it. But when you do, its pretty damn cool. People say movies change their lives and what not and I'm going to say LOST changed mine in some ways. A science fiction t.v. show changed my life, lol, cant wait to explain this to my kids one day. I've never really participated in this thread but I always looked at it. Thanks to all you dudes for your insights, I enjoyed reading them. Hopefully we'll be able to start and participate in another thread about another show like LOST, though I doubt that will happen.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Isn't this like the greatest scene in television history? We go from unlimited happiness when they think they are being rescued to ultimate despair when they say, "only the thing is, we're gonna have to take the boy."
the greatest lost scene for me was when locke got strangled by Ben. It hit me really, really hard. That was the point where I was most impressed about lost and the chances they took. It takes balls to kill a main character like that.

I mean imagine being involved in all of this and just not knowing what it's all about. it's hard to think about. He never had a chance at getting any answers.

as far as them answering questions on the DVD. They will just say "we didn't have time", or "we went in a different direction" BUT this is how it would of went. It's obvious at this point that they just made a lot of stuff up as they went along. trying to fill in the blanks after the series is over won't stop criticism. it's a nice for fans though and does make me re-think buying the box set.
Another one of my favorite moments...
"What about you?"

You can actually feel Ben's pain of not being the favorite "child". Being picked over and over again.
Scene was soooooo ill
the most jaw dropping moment I will never forget is when Locke opened the door to the room and saw his dad tied up an all that...i was floored...season 3 i believe
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