Just finished watching Season 3 and peeped the premier of Season 4 (Piratebay FTW)............VERY EXHAUSTING SERIES. I have no clue how some of you kept up with this show when it was on the air, way too many plot holes, still dont know who "The Hostiles" are, Oceanic 6? There was like 40 of you guys..................It would be easier to believe they are all really dead and this is some kind of purgatory or something, but the series has made a point to show that they really are living on a deserted island...........Ill be happy when I'm done with this show, last time I peep a series that was on broadcast TV

HBO/Showtime Series=
Lost encyclopedia is out. Just ordered mine. Only $26 at Amazon.com

Here's a few conformations that's in it (from someone on Lostpedia).....

I wouldn't consider these spoilers since the series is over, but if anyone does, let me know and I'll edit.

Widmore killed the remaining Ajira Passengers.

The ash around Jacob's Cabin was to keep the MIB OUT.

The QUARANTINE signs were made because of the toxic gas from the purge.

The ash was broken before Ben and Locke's first visit to Jacob's Cabin.

The Others welcomed Cindy into their society and the Others reunited her with the kids explained their purpose to her and she sided with them.

It was the MIB who manifested himself into the drug dealers and the alter boy from Eko's past.

Ilana was the leader of the off island Others.

When the bomb exploded at the incident, time "course corrected" and shifted the Losties "who should never have been in 1977" to 2007 . Interesting because of the WHH rule.

Libby was in the mental hospital because of her husband's death.

MIB could take two forms at once before Jacob's death.

As for the outrigger chase, all it mentions that there was an increased use of them after the Ajira flight landed.

As for MIB=Dave. I couldn't find it. I looked in the index under Dave and one of the pages went to the MIB page and it said he's able to manifest himself into people's memories, but no specific thing saying the MIB was Dave.

Also about Christain being on the Freighter, it saids MIB can't travel across water. And it says whispers surrounded Michael before Christain appears so I guess it was really Christian's spirit, not MIB.

Ben got caught in a net on purpose as part of a plan to get Jack to operate on him.

The Medusa Spiders were MIB. (LAME!)

Harper's remark about Juliet "looks just like her" referred to Annie.
i just started watching this since i got a netflix and im on like the 6th episode first season but man this show is creepy as !%%@ lol
I <3 Netflix.

O yea, I <3 Lost too.

I just killed all 6 seasons in a little over a month or so. This was by far the best and most addicting show I have ever seen. I stayed away from it because of the amount of episodes, but once I watched the first 3 Lost literally became my life. I would watch so many shows consecutively I didnt even notice I watched Season Finales. I watched so much Lost I would go to bed and my dreams were about Lost lol I swear to god. To all of you who watched this show up to date on TV. Idk how you did it lol. There was no way I could wait a whole week to see what was next. Again I love Netflix. I love Kate too and I want to marry her. Now im gonna go try to dig up your guys discussions on the last season in this thread.

Sorry for grave diggin, but this show is the real deal.
Yo Jay02, it was a blast watching it week too week. This is the only show and will be the only show that would bring me and 9 other of my boys together for each episode. We would take turns buying food and we would all just eat, talk about the show then once the show started you could hear a pin drop. We would all watch the episode, talk about then i would go home just to go on NT and read everyones opinions.. shout out to CadillacFlow, NyKnicks, Crazy EBW and all u crazy Losties. Then you have Dark UFO, i would spend hours reading up on that. I used to laugh at Trekies until i became a Lostie. So Jay02, how you like the finale? I know alot of die hard fans weren't happy with the unanswered questions. For me, i can never knock the show or the finale.

you will never get Swag like this on tv....  Favorite Character of All Time
For those that watch Fringe or want too....a recent episode where Altiva gave birth was like watching Claire give birth...
Originally Posted by RickFoxJr

Yo Jay02, it was a blast watching it week too week. This is the only show and will be the only show that would bring me and 9 other of my boys together for each episode. We would take turns buying food and we would all just eat, talk about the show then once the show started you could hear a pin drop. We would all watch the episode, talk about then i would go home just to go on NT and read everyones opinions.. shout out to CadillacFlow, NyKnicks, Crazy EBW and all u crazy Losties. Then you have Dark UFO, i would spend hours reading up on that. I used to laugh at Trekies until i became a Lostie. So Jay02, how you like the finale? I know alot of die hard fans weren't happy with the unanswered questions. For me, i can never knock the show or the finale.

I liked the ending alot because it was very fitting. I wasnt expecting to be blown away, there were already plenty previous episodes that blew me away. So yea I was very happy with how it ended. For those who were mad I dont know what they were expecting, you kinda got a sense on where the ending was headed beforehand. There were some unanswered questions, like why was Walt so important or special but whatever. I enjoyed the show anywhoo.
so ive watched seasons 1-5 like 3x each

decided i might as well do a huge marathon of 1-6

currently on season 2 episode ?.

i just love how ive seen these episodes so many times but im still interested as hell in them
this and entourage man
Good looks on the 12 minute video RickFoxJr i didnt know it existed.

Lol at the gif, Matt Fox's acting somewhat started to get on my nerves come season 5 and 6
Edit: I was looking at Losts Imbd and came across this Lost: Missing Pieces mini series. Whats this about i havent heard of this either.
this is def one of the top shows ive seen, its def the most captivating show ever. As far as dramas go, it's between the wire and lost for me.  
Originally Posted by NICKLE DIME BAY

Just started season 5 on netflix this show is
best show i've ever seen

Wait until you see The Wire. Unless you've already seen The Wire, I don't know how you can think LOST is better than it. Although I do miss Kate, Shannon, and Sawyer.
I just got put on to Heroes(hand me my late pass
) and I'm hooked....I plan on starting Lost next....Im hoping its as good or better then Heroes
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