^ Yeah, I failed to really think about that. Jughead went off in 1977... thus changing a lot of lives over the past 20+ years. No island in 1977 = no Widmore = no Penny = no Des + Penny... It would also mean that Des never made his boat trip, hence never meeting Jack...
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I think people aren't seeing the bigger picture about how the timeline has split further than just right before the turbulence on the plane. Desmond and Jack never had to meet before.

Desmond didnt need to do the boat trip hence him not running in the stadium


For all we know Libby was the girl snoring because her and Desmond were cool.

Desmond and Jack met originally in the stadium because Desmond was training for Widmore's sailing race.

However, in the opening sequence, we find the island is submerged underwater, presumably because of Juliet detonating the bomb. In 77, Widmore was on the island, so I'm guessing he probably died and Desmond would never enter the sailing race to get in Widmore's good graces for Penny.

It's a butterfly effect. Changing one event in the past creates a web of alternatives.
Originally Posted by Rich Says

Desmond and Jack met originally in the stadium because Desmond was training for Widmore's sailing race.

However, in the opening sequence, we find the island is submerged underwater, presumably because of Juliet detonating the bomb. In 77, Widmore was on the island, so I'm guessing he probably died and Desmond would never enter the sailing race to get in Widmore's good graces for Penny.

It's a butterfly effect. Changing one event in the past creates a web of alternatives.
exactly. just made this post before you.

Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by Rich Says

Desmond and Jack met originally in the stadium because Desmond was training for Widmore's sailing race.

However, in the opening sequence, we find the island is submerged underwater, presumably because of Juliet detonating the bomb. In 77, Widmore was on the island, so I'm guessing he probably died and Desmond would never enter the sailing race to get in Widmore's good graces for Penny.

It's a butterfly effect. Changing one event in the past creates a web of alternatives.
exactly. just made this post before you.

  Yeah man, beat me out by a minute. haha.
Anyway, I really think Jack's neck bleeding is going to be very important. There's no way they put that in there just for the hell of it.
I mean, who is so say Widmore was even on the island at all? Remember him making trips to and from the island? Penny could still be alive, just not connected to Desmond.
Plus, Desmond is the game changer. I bet he's going to be key in getting the timelines to converge.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I mean, who is so say Widmore was even on the island at all? Remember him making trips to and from the island? Penny could still be alive, just not connected to Desmond.

i dont know but i would bet against him being alive.
you guys make sense about whitmore dying and penny never being in the picuture.

next topic at hand. i didnt see michelle rodriguez's character on the plane or at the airport in LAX. It'll be interesting to see if (and how) she dies. and now that we know what smokey is, why didnt he kill eko? i would love to see him in this final season.
SMH @ comcast... looks like lost isnt on demand this year... gotta rewatch on ABC.com
Jacob vs. Man in Black: Maybe Jacob allowed Ben to kill him because he wanted to become some greater entity, like a white smoke monster or just get the ability to appear to Hurley.

It seems like Man in Black was confined to the island by Jacob in some form, because they disagreed on something and Jacob wanted to prove him wrong. There are hundreds of explanations that can stem from this; maybe they're gods that can leave but Jacob found a way to keep him around and prove him wrong at something; turning him into black smoke was a way of doing this, but now he's found a new permanent body and can leave.
Interesting quote from Damon Lindelof....
"Our rule of thumb is if the characters who crashed on Oceanic 815 care about it, or if the answer is relevant to them, we're going to answer it," he said. "But if it's a mystery that the fans care about that has no bearing on the lives of our character, we're not going to answer it.

"This is a character-based show. We care more about emotions, motivations and ultimate destinies of the people. We don't care about who built the statue."

Not gonna lie. If some of the mythology doesn't get answered I will be HIGHLY upset.
interesting theory: there's no denying something Biblical about the feud between Jacob and this monster. It's almost as if MIB is Satan from John Milton's Paradise Lost, waging war on the angels to reclaim a place in heaven, while ruling from hell. As if to confirm these notions, MIB's face continues to move into the light and then out of it again during the conversation. Two sides. Light and dark.
Originally Posted by Rich Says

Plus, Desmond is the game changer. I bet he's going to be key in getting the timelines to converge.
I think so too. Daniel said that he was "special." They had his episodes deal with this story where his mind jumped between 1996 and 2004 and he was conscious of it. He tried to change things. These stories were so unique from everything else and haven't been tied to anything really.
I think that his mind was actually jumping between two timelines, not just simply past and present. That's what makes him so special and a key figure in the end. If you have a person who's mind can jump between these two realities, then you have a key component in tying these two stories together.
Originally Posted by Much Respected

Originally Posted by jDOTgDOT

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

I know I might be in the minority with this one; maybe not, but can we go through this season without nyc's "input". It has always been my belief that he just takes what agent, crazy ebw and from other forums and use their thoughts/theories and twists them into "inside knowledge" of the show when most of what he says is ambiguous and complete b.s.

My rant is over.
I spoke my opinion on Knicks last year. He seems to drop in a provide nothing but winks and stuff like that without pointing anyone in the right direction. It is what it is, I don't let it bother me at all. Everyone in here is a LOST fan, and at the end of the day that's what it is all about. Regardless of where he gets his info from is pretty much irrelevant at this point. Anyone can get a look at spoilers now pretty damn easy so it's not a big deal.
Bugged me around s5. Started blocking his posts.
Thought I was in the minority with this too.  Reminds me of the annoying kid that went online to get spoilers for Monday Night RAW and then came to school that morning and acted like all the girls should pleasure him under the bleachers b/c of his "inside knowledge."  Wait.. that was me, but I would've whooped myself if I knew myself in an alternate reality. 
Until he provides an accurate spoiler he's just the LOST thread's version of Nothing4ever.
So I just thought of something, in the alternate timeline.. how did Hurley still win the lotto... because he wouldn't have had gotten to play the numbers, since there was never a hatch or a button, hence no numbers... hmmm
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

So I just thought of something, in the alternate timeline.. how did Hurley still win the lotto... because he wouldn't have had gotten to play the numbers, since there was never a hatch or a button, hence no numbers... hmmm
The #s didn't originate from the Swan. They've always been around or at least that's what I always thought. Word to the lady in Australia who told Hurley how her husband came across the #s.

There's also the possibility Hurley used different #s in this time line, went to Australia for fun, and is still friends with that guy he worked with.
he originally got the numbers from dude in the mental institution so maybe he still went to the crazy house for a little bit ...
Stupid question, but what happened to the other survivors(like extras)? Are they all assumed to have gone w/ the others in S1?
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

he originally got the numbers from dude in the mental institution so maybe he still went to the crazy house for a little bit ...

But then he wouldn't be the luckiest guy alive
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Stupid question, but what happened to the other survivors(like extras)? Are they all assumed to have gone w/ the others in S1?
Yeah they're assumed to be there for the most part like those 2 dudes that everyone kept confusing. I'm guessing the tail section survivors too.
LINDELOF: For us, the big risk that we’re taking inthe final season of the show is basically this very question. [Lindelofthen explains the show has replaced the trademark “whoosh!
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