What if the two different realities that are playing out are somewhat linked. i.e. You die in the 2007 reality, and go back to the reality as if 815 landed. Right before she died Juliette tried to tell Sawyer that it worked. So maybe she saw this as she was dying.

Just thinking out loud.
I'm not sure if this was discussed, but what does 'airplane' Jack remember? The expressions on his face before and after the turbulence was almost as if he was relieved that the plane didn't crash and that it was, in fact, just turbulence. Or was he 'relieved' because he was just a nervous flyer? Its like he sorta remembers the crash, but doesn't recognize everyone else... I'm watching it again right now to pick up more clues.
Originally Posted by SinnerP

I'm not sure if this was discussed, but what does 'airplane' Jack remember? The expressions on his face before and after the turbulence was almost as if he was relieved that the plane didn't crash and that it was, in fact, just turbulence. Or was he 'relieved' because he was just a nervous flyer? Its like he sorta remembers the crash, but doesn't recognize everyone else... I'm watching it again right now to pick up more clues.
Yea, I watched it again this morning and came up with twice as many crackpot theories as I did last night. I might ban my brain from thinking about this until Sunday night or I'll go nuts.

Last night I thought Locke remembered the island and was the only one on the plane that did, but on rewatch, it seems like normal Locke.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by SinnerP

I'm not sure if this was discussed, but what does 'airplane' Jack remember? The expressions on his face before and after the turbulence was almost as if he was relieved that the plane didn't crash and that it was, in fact, just turbulence. Or was he 'relieved' because he was just a nervous flyer? Its like he sorta remembers the crash, but doesn't recognize everyone else... I'm watching it again right now to pick up more clues.
Yea, I watched it again this morning and came up with twice as many crackpot theories as I did last night. I might ban my brain from thinking about this until Sunday night or I'll go nuts.

Last night I thought Locke remembered the island and was the only one on the plane that did, but on rewatch, it seems like normal Locke.


the people on the plane that landed in LAX don't remember anything because IT NEVER HAPPENED lol.

The facial expressions on Jack's face with Desmond was just a deja vu. 
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

-Maybe the alt time-line is just a figment of Jack's imagination.
that time line is a  alternate time line describing what would happen if the bomb worked and they didnt crash
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by SinnerP

I'm not sure if this was discussed, but what does 'airplane' Jack remember? The expressions on his face before and after the turbulence was almost as if he was relieved that the plane didn't crash and that it was, in fact, just turbulence. Or was he 'relieved' because he was just a nervous flyer? Its like he sorta remembers the crash, but doesn't recognize everyone else... I'm watching it again right now to pick up more clues.
Yea, I watched it again this morning and came up with twice as many crackpot theories as I did last night. I might ban my brain from thinking about this until Sunday night or I'll go nuts.

Last night I thought Locke remembered the island and was the only one on the plane that did, but on rewatch, it seems like normal Locke.


the people on the plane that landed in LAX don't remember anything because IT NEVER HAPPENED lol.

The facial expressions on Jack's face with Desmond was just a deja vu. 

Like I and a few others have said, think of it as an alternate reality where they never crashed, as opposed to an alternate time-line where we're seeing the result of their actions on the island.

They don't recognize each other or know each other in this reality because the island never happened for them.

I hate the alternate timeline so much and I hope so much that was all they'd do with it. IMO it is completely pointless.... and I don't see anyway possible they can make the two meet, and if they somehow do... are we gonna have doubles of everyone? Please just end it now!
It was clear that Sayid being dipped into a pool inside of a temple was a baptism...

...remember at the beginning of the episode he was talking about all the bad things he had done and whatever place he was going to after he died couldn't have been nice.

To be honest, I couldn't possibly care less about the alternate reality or timelines anymore - I just want more dialogue between Jacob and The Smoke Monster...

...and the Smoke Monster telling Ben what Locke was thinking as he died was sad as hell.
Nice recap. It is interesting that Smokie supposedly lives under the gate to the temple, but the people who live in the temple are on Jacob's side.
I know I might be in the minority with this one; maybe not, but can we go through this season without nyc's "input". It has always been my belief that he just takes what agent, crazy ebw and from other forums and use their thoughts/theories and twists them into "inside knowledge" of the show when most of what he says is ambiguous and complete b.s.

My rant is over.
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

I know I might be in the minority with this one; maybe not, but can we go through this season without nyc's "input". It has always been my belief that he just takes what agent, crazy ebw and from other forums and use their thoughts/theories and twists them into "inside knowledge" of the show when most of what he says is ambiguous and complete b.s.

My rant is over.
I spoke my opinion on Knicks last year. He seems to drop in a provide nothing but winks and stuff like that without pointing anyone in the right direction. It is what it is, I don't let it bother me at all. Everyone in here is a LOST fan, and at the end of the day that's what it is all about. Regardless of where he gets his info from is pretty much irrelevant at this point. Anyone can get a look at spoilers now pretty damn easy so it's not a big deal.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

I know I might be in the minority with this one; maybe not, but can we go through this season without nyc's "input". It has always been my belief that he just takes what agent, crazy ebw and from other forums and use their thoughts/theories and twists them into "inside knowledge" of the show when most of what he says is ambiguous and complete b.s.

My rant is over.
I spoke my opinion on Knicks last year. He seems to drop in a provide nothing but winks and stuff like that without pointing anyone in the right direction. It is what it is, I don't let it bother me at all. Everyone in here is a LOST fan, and at the end of the day that's what it is all about. Regardless of where he gets his info from is pretty much irrelevant at this point. Anyone can get a look at spoilers now pretty damn easy so it's not a big deal.
Bugged me around s5. Started blocking his posts.
Here's a theory someone posted on DarkUfo in the comments under the recap:
Spoiler [+]
A possible explanation for the Jacob/Esau smoke conundrum: Jacob andEsau (who you guys are calling the MIB) are two sides of the same coin,with exactly the same powers. They've each occupied dead bodies atdifferent times (Jacob has Christian and Claire, Esau has Yemi, Alexand now Locke). Esau has a black smoke column and -- get ready for it-- Jacob has a white smoke column that we have yet to see. Boldprediction? Yes. But not entirely unsupported.

I still believethat one of the most important moments of the series comes from S1E4,where Locke is out hunting boar for the first time with Michael andKate. He is separated from them and comes face to face with the (or"a") smoke monster for the first time. We never see the smoke monsterat that time, but Locke does describe it later one, to Mr. Eko in theepisode where Mr. Eko bites it. Eko describes the smoke monster asevil, and coming to kill all of the Losties. What does Locke describe?Locke calls it the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. I believe healso says it was bright -- but my memory could be failing there.

DidLocke and Eko see DIFFERENT smoke monsters? How could they describeostensibly the same thing so differently? Remember our trustybackgammon pieces. Two sides -- one light, one dark. These are furtherplayed out in Jacob and Esau's clothing -- Jacob in the light shirt andEsau in the dark shirt. Does it make sense that only Esau can take theform of a smoke monster, take the form of dead people and wander theIsland? Maybe so. But there are other ways to think about this, too.
sounds interesting to say the least
Originally Posted by jDOTgDOT

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

I know I might be in the minority with this one; maybe not, but can we go through this season without nyc's "input". It has always been my belief that he just takes what agent, crazy ebw and from other forums and use their thoughts/theories and twists them into "inside knowledge" of the show when most of what he says is ambiguous and complete b.s.

My rant is over.
I spoke my opinion on Knicks last year. He seems to drop in a provide nothing but winks and stuff like that without pointing anyone in the right direction. It is what it is, I don't let it bother me at all. Everyone in here is a LOST fan, and at the end of the day that's what it is all about. Regardless of where he gets his info from is pretty much irrelevant at this point. Anyone can get a look at spoilers now pretty damn easy so it's not a big deal.
Bugged me around s5. Started blocking his posts.

Thought I was in the minority with this too.  Reminds me of the annoying kid that went online to get spoilers for Monday Night RAW and then came to school that morning and acted like all the girls should pleasure him under the bleachers b/c of his "inside knowledge."  Wait.. that was me, but I would've whooped myself if I knew myself in an alternate reality. 
I haven't read any of the other posts

Jack and Desmond should have recognized eack other based on their encounter on the steps of that stadium, so it was weird that Desmond didn't recognize him. It's also weird that Desmond was even on the flight. He wasn't on it when it crashed, so having him on it struck me as odd.

One observation I had about all of the future sequences is that, as Shady Locke said, some of the passengers lives are kind of worst off having landed safely in LA. Jin and Sun are still at odds, Charlie is still a drugee, Kate is still on the run and Sawyer is still a crook. These are all people who redeemed themselves on the island.

But on the flip side, somehow, Hugo's fortunes have comepletely reversed. So in the same way that Jack and Desmond don't know each other, his misfortunes that sent him to get rid of the curse in Australia have all but disappeared. This may also be the case for Rose and her cancer.

In terms of the past/current events. The most revealing part of the episode was when ole girl said they were from the first crash with me, which alludes to at least one more crash.  

There are probably other observations that I've forgotten. I'm going to watch the episode again.
only thing that had me kinda lost is why the hell would desmond be on the plane, did he complete his little sea voyage around the world? and then why did he dissapear off the plane? jack had deja-vu when he saw desmond not because he remembers him from the island but because he remembers him from that day he went jogging and desmond was training at the same stadium.
Originally Posted by Scott Scotch

I haven't read any of the other posts

Jack and Desmond should have recognized eack other based on their encounter on the steps of that stadium, so it was weird that Desmond didn't recognize him. It's also weird that Desmond was even on the flight. He wasn't on it when it crashed, so having him on it struck me as odd.
Jack recognizes Desmond - the questionis, does he recognize him from the running of the stadium steps (whichmay or may not have happened in the ATL) or from the MTL? Because I'mnot sure the stadium steps meeting would occur in the ATL at all. Ifthe bomb went off in 1977, it certainly killed Charles Widmore, who wason the island at the time. No Widmore should mean no Penny. No Pennyshould mean no sailing race and no sailing race should mean no stadiumsteps run.

I hope we see much more of Desmond this season. Hisiconic "See you in another like, brotha," is more relevant than ever.It'll also be interesting to compare this Desmond to MTL Desmond, whoseprobably better off if there's really no Penny because of Widmore'spresumed death in 1977.

Originally Posted by Scott Scotch

In terms of the past/current events. The most revealing part of the episode was when ole girl said they were from the first crash with me, which alludes to at least one more crash. 
yea... the Ajira flight was the other one.

0 Xm 0 wrote:
only thing that had me kinda lost is why the hell would desmond be on the plane, did he complete his little sea voyage around the world? and then why did he dissapear off the plane? jack had deja-vu when he saw desmond not because he remembers him from the island but because he remembers him from that day he went jogging and desmond was training at the same stadium.
Fate maybe...? Desmond was never on that plane the first time so maybe the interaction at the stadium never happened but they needed to meet in some capacity.  Just a thought.
Originally Posted by DieselG5

What if the two different realities that are playing out are somewhat linked. i.e. You die in the 2007 reality, and go back to the reality as if 815 landed. Right before she died Juliette tried to tell Sawyer that it worked. So maybe she saw this as she was dying.

Just thinking out loud.
Don't know if anyone else noted this, but I started thinking the same thing because Juliette asked Sawyer "to get coffee sometime". I think as she was dying she must have been seeing some sort of lapse between the two realities therefore kind of showing that when you die you are liberated from the island reality and can live in the fixed one.

Originally Posted by franchise3

- Also what did John mean when he was talking to Jack? About they didn't lose his Dad, they lost his body.

i think he meant his dad is already dead. He already lost him. How can you lose someone who is dead? they don't exist anymore. They only lost jacks dads physical body which holds the spirit or whatever you wana call it.

 was happy to see boone. %!%$ shannon, never liked her. Glad to see charlie's junkie ways again. That was some harsh stuff about locke, to die just thinking you have no idea whats happening or why. The writers have some balls though. Now you have people dying and coming back, 2 seperate time lines one from jacks perspective. I hope they can keep it all together.
I think people aren't seeing the bigger picture about how the timeline has split further than just right before the turbulence on the plane. Desmond and Jack never had to meet before.
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