I caved and looked at more spoilers

You're right about The Constant not being one of the greatest LOST eps or even Des centrics imo but it was still great.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Anybody peep Dr. Chang/ Miles' old man in the Bud Lite commercial last night?
At first i was like
... then the commercial was pretty average.  Bud Light's other spoof of the airplane crash was better.
I wouldn't say I was dissapointed .. I was/still am unsure about them though.

Locke/Smokey scene = one of the best ever.

Introducing the Temple people and them not speaking English = weird/unsure about where it's going.
Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Anybody peep Dr. Chang/ Miles' old man in the Bud Lite commercial last night?
At first i was like
... then the commercial was pretty average.  Bud Light's other spoof of the airplane crash was better.
True. See you in another halftime, brother.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Anybody peep Dr. Chang/ Miles' old man in the Bud Lite commercial last night?
At first i was like
... then the commercial was pretty average.  Bud Light's other spoof of the airplane crash was better.
True. See you in another halftime, brother.
yea i thought the plane crash one was better too
man.. only 1 more day already.. this week went by pretty quickly, but i guess alot was going on
Ok so my theory now (not sure if it has been mentioned) continuing from my older post.

We have the 2004 timeline (didn't make an island) and the 2007 timeline (on island)

My theory is based off Juliet.

I have a very big feeling now that the Juliet we saw in the Hatch that tells Sawyer, "It worked", is actually a FUTURE JULIET. That basically the 2004 timeline Losties do eventually have to find a way to all get back to the island because its fate, and basically everyting happening all over again, and now the 2007 timeline might have to fight off MIB and maybe once that happens they are finally free.

Man, I was going to type some long drawn out response, but I can't.

I'm just letting it ride and going to enjoy this season.

Zik, stop reading spoilers!! You're going to ruin it for yourself. I've been spoiler free all week. Hope I can keep it up.
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Ok so my theory now (not sure if it has been mentioned) continuing from my older post.

We have the 2004 timeline (didn't make an island) and the 2007 timeline (on island)

My theory is based off Juliet.

I have a very big feeling now that the Juliet we saw in the Hatch that tells Sawyer, "It worked", is actually a FUTURE JULIET. That basically the 2004 timeline Losties do eventually have to find a way to all get back to the island because its fate, and basically everyting happening all over again, and now the 2007 timeline might have to fight off MIB and maybe once that happens they are finally free.


I thought that the something that happened to Charlotte happened to my boo, her mind was elsewhere, skipping through time.
Exactly, with the way everyone has talked about the coffee line, i'm in the same camp as well.

Tomorrow's episode titled "What Kate Does" should be interesting. Makes me wanna watch "What Kate Did" just because.
man this sucks.. just remembered a friend is doing something for his birthday tomorrow night...

will just have to wait a couple hours and catch the west coast feed
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Exactly, with the way everyone has talked about the coffee line, i'm in the same camp as well.

Tomorrow's episode titled "What Kate Does" should be interesting. Makes me wanna watch "What Kate Did" just because.
coffee line? I'm not following...is that a spoiler?

ANd for the people who keep mentioning spoilers, do you mean real spoilers as in, whats going to happen next is already posted online somewhere??

Or "spoilers" as in, more info that makes things make sense in this season??

I'm assuming super early information isnt really available online. I personally, dont really want to see it though, just like i dont want to speculate season long instead of watching it unfold, BUT, I dont even know where to go to find actualy believable spoilers...
is it just me?
Originally Posted by CheGTR

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Exactly, with the way everyone has talked about the coffee line, i'm in the same camp as well.

Tomorrow's episode titled "What Kate Does" should be interesting. Makes me wanna watch "What Kate Did" just because.
coffee line? I'm not following...is that a spoiler?

ANd for the people who keep mentioning spoilers, do you mean real spoilers as in, whats going to happen next is already posted online somewhere??

Or "spoilers" as in, more info that makes things make sense in this season??

I'm assuming super early information isnt really available online. I personally, dont really want to see it though, just like i dont want to speculate season long instead of watching it unfold, BUT, I dont even know where to go to find actualy believable spoilers...
is it just me?
Yup.  There are real spoilers out there.  The spoilers also help make sense of the past stuff we've seen as well.  It's out there, but don't go looking, it's much more fun to watch it as it unfolds IMO.  Obviously others will tell you otherwise.

The coffee line isn't a spoiler, its what Juliet says to Sawyer just before she dies/leaves.   I'm too lazy to look up the exact statement she says, but its a couple pages back.
DON'T look up spoilers. I've done it all too many times and I know enough about this season already that I don't want to ruin it any further.
Its Lost Tuesday! The last 7 days went by pretty fast, I hope it's not like this the rest of the season..
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