I could see the end being...

On-island the characters do something to create the alternate universe, but they sink the island and all die. Then they zoom up through the water to Jack sitting in the plane from the season premiere.

I hope it's not as predictable as that.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Who the $%@% is Jake?


Originally Posted by Djoker33

I got a feeling that this season is going to end with that scene of Jacob and MIB on the beach watching the boat come in...where MIB tells Jacob he's going to find a way to kill him one day....

But instead it's going to be Jack and Sawyer...

I have that feeling too and it becomes a fight and somehow someway Jack kills Sawyer breaking the rules and it flashes to him being on the Airplane.  Jack was injured in the fight and that's why he has that neck injury in the plane. ???
Originally Posted by ToroTrigger

getting sick of the new family members popping up in bizarro-reality, locke's whatever and jack's kid...meh. gimmie some more island mysteries revealed.

Yeah, 5 episodes into it and I still hate bizarro world. Get on with our answers already!
Just watched the episode... It was funny how Samurai guy reacted when Hurley told him he was a candidate. It's the same reaction that typified how Ben felt about Jacob. Everyone is in the same boat, being played by Jacob, told they're important when in the end they're just pawns. Does this include Jack? I don't know.
Anyone else get the feeling that, in the alternate timeline, it's Jack's son (David) and not Jack who is the new candidate? Imagine this... In 30 years, David flies cross-country with Jack's dead body in a coffin. They crash on the island... I'm guessing Aaron is also on the plane.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Anyone else get the feeling that, in the alternate timeline, it's Jack's son (David) and not Jack who is the new candidate? Imagine this... In 30 years, David flies cross-country with Jack's dead body in a coffin. They crash on the island... I'm guessing Aaron is also on the plane.

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

I'm thinking that #108 is just a mind @%$# on the viewers because the conversation between Hurley and Jacob.

Jacob knew what Jack's reaction would be and knew that he needed some time looking out at the ocean by himself, so the #108 ploy was to mess with the viewers and to trick Hurley into doing what Jacob told him to do.
IMO, at this point, this is the best theory out there on this.  #108 doesn't matter, its just that Jacob needed Jack to get something done - smash the mirrors.

Answer IV DMX , I couldn't agree more and actually came here to post the same thing.  I think 108 and Wallace mean nothing at all especially since the name is crossed out.  If the name wasn't crossed out then maybe I would feel differently.  It is what it is that Jacob just used that to get Jack to see that he had been watching him and that he is "special".
I thought 108 was significant because the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 all add up to 108.

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Who the $%@% is Jake?

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by ToroTrigger

getting sick of the new family members popping up in bizarro-reality, locke's whatever and jack's kid...meh. gimmie some more island mysteries revealed.

Yeah, 5 episodes into it and I still hate bizarro world. Get on with our answers already!
That's what I'm saying
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Just watched the episode... It was funny how Samurai guy reacted when Hurley told him he was a candidate. It's the same reaction that typified how Ben felt about Jacob. Everyone is in the same boat, being played by Jacob, told they're important when in the end they're just pawns. Does this include Jack? I don't know.
Anyone else get the feeling that, in the alternate timeline, it's Jack's son (David) and not Jack who is the new candidate? Imagine this... In 30 years, David flies cross-country with Jack's dead body in a coffin. They crash on the island... I'm guessing Aaron is also on the plane.
Niiiice. I like it.
Sorry if this has been discussed ages ago (I never post in lost threads but am a big fan and follow the threads) but I thought the importance of #108 was that it was the sum of all the other #'s. So I figured rotating to it in the lighthouse would show all of their destinies combined or some crap like that. 
Also, does it seem like the point of the alternate universe (at least so far) is to illustrate each character coming to a resolution with the life issue they were struggling with on the island (and ultimately returning to on the island in hopes of resolving)?
That pic is on point! I never noticed how many things Sayid has fixed and then said he wasn't sure it'd work or specifically said something about the batteries

Originally Posted by Crook

Sorryif this has been discussed ages ago (I never post in lost threads butam a big fan and follow the threads) but I thought the importance of#108 was that it was the sum of all the other #'s. So I figuredrotating to it in the lighthouse would show all of their destiniescombined or some crap like that. 
Yeah that could be it but everybody assumes there's a name next to 108 since there's one next to every other #. Same for in the cave, mad insignificant #s like 7 or 43 with either somebody important/known or a name we're not familiar with.
Also, does it seemlike the point of the alternate universe (at least so far) is toillustrate each character coming to a resolution with the life issuethey were struggling with on the island (and ultimately returning to onthe island in hopes of resolving)?
For now it is. It might play some bigger role in the end but I can't wait til they end and everything is just on island events. I think the writers are doing this to keep up with the characterization that is the strength of the show (at least in the creators' eyes). Every season of LOST has had some serious character development even when S5 strayed away from things in their past or future we didn't know about. Now we're suppose to enjoy/connect with these what if scnearios the losties are in.
i bet you this has happened so many times like all these events. I bet when desmond has a flash he's skipping through different parallels of time,
thats why he knew about charlie dying and all those scenarios with charlie dying had already happened.
Desmond seemed so calm with his encounter on the plane with jack, almost like he could control it and he knows what hes supposed to do....cant wait for his episode.

i just think they are trying to save the world

like the numbers that correspond to the main characters are the key, like that chaos equation or whatever. theres two parallel worlds now because the losties will have to choose between their picture perfect life,or saving the island lives, After this Jack episode it had me convinced that every "flash-sideways" will pan out to be an ideal life for the Losties.

Locke-Marrying helen who loves him unconditionally, and she reaffirmed that love by not caring if he could ever walk again

jack- finally overcame his daddy issues and is now becoming the dad he has always wanted to be

Hurley- Still rich, but now hes happy

I cant remember the other peeps scenario, but im betting they will all be pretty happy for the rest of them
Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Anyone else get the feeling that, in the alternate timeline, it's Jack's son (David) and not Jack who is the new candidate? Imagine this... In 30 years, David flies cross-country with Jack's dead body in a coffin. They crash on the island... I'm guessing Aaron is also on the plane.


Originally Posted by MJUPNORTH

Maybe I missed it, but has anyone mentioned that Walt's given name might be Wallace??

i was thinking that too because he was in his mothers custody

but whay would it be crossed out?
The Others experimented with him after they took him then ended up giving him back because he was 'more than they bargained for'...
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