Originally Posted by dhart48

i bet you this has happened so many times like all these events. I bet when desmond has a flash he's skipping through different parallels of time,
thats why he knew about charlie dying and all those scenarios with charlie dying had already happened.
Desmond seemed so calm with his encounter on the plane with jack, almost like he could control it and he knows what hes supposed to do....cant wait for his episode.

i just think they are trying to save the world

like the numbers that correspond to the main characters are the key, like that chaos equation or whatever. theres two parallel worlds now because the losties will have to choose between their picture perfect life,or saving the island lives, After this Jack episode it had me convinced that every "flash-sideways" will pan out to be an ideal life for the Losties.

Locke-Marrying helen who loves him unconditionally, and she reaffirmed that love by not caring if he could ever walk again

jack- finally overcame his daddy issues and is now becoming the dad he has always wanted to be

Hurley- Still rich, but now hes happy

I cant remember the other peeps scenario, but im betting they will all be pretty happy for the rest of them
I like this.

They used everyone else's last name so I don't think they would use Wallace for Walt if that were true ...
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by MJUPNORTH

Maybe I missed it, but has anyone mentioned that Walt's given name might be Wallace??

i was thinking that too because he was in his mothers custody

but whay would it be crossed out?
Walt Lloyd. Mike's name is Michael Dawson. WHO THE FRECK IS WALLACE?!
at Sayid and his batteries, just like Wally and his wires
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by MJUPNORTH

Maybe I missed it, but has anyone mentioned that Walt's given name might be Wallace??

i was thinking that too because he was in his mothers custody

but whay would it be crossed out?
Walt Lloyd. Mike's name is Michael Dawson. WHO THE FRECK IS WALLACE?!

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by MJUPNORTH

Maybe I missed it, but has anyone mentioned that Walt's given name might be Wallace??

i was thinking that too because he was in his mothers custody

but whay would it be crossed out?
Walt Lloyd. Mike's name is Michael Dawson. WHO THE FRECK IS WALLACE?!

Who knows? Maybe his mother changed his name when she remarried? With all this alt timeline stuff going on anything is possible... All I know is next Tuesday can't get here fast enough for me!
Originally Posted by jordan for president

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

I'm thinking that #108 is just a mind @%$# on the viewers because the conversation between Hurley and Jacob.

Jacob knew what Jack's reaction would be and knew that he needed some time looking out at the ocean by himself, so the #108 ploy was to mess with the viewers and to trick Hurley into doing what Jacob told him to do.
IMO, at this point, this is the best theory out there on this.  #108 doesn't matter, its just that Jacob needed Jack to get something done - smash the mirrors.

Answer IV DMX , I couldn't agree more and actually came here to post the same thing.  I think 108 and Wallace mean nothing at all especially since the name is crossed out.  If the name wasn't crossed out then maybe I would feel differently.  It is what it is that Jacob just used that to get Jack to see that he had been watching him and that he is "special".
I thought 108 was significant because the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 all add up to 108.

Yes I get that LOL...we all know the numbers add up to 108. I was just saying that 108 on the dial is not significant and it was just used to get Jack to see what he needed to see.  I think some of you are too focused on 108 and Wallace (who is crossed out) when it is not important.  Focus on what you actually see and what Jacob said.
Originally Posted by dhart48

i bet you this has happened so many times like all these events. I bet when desmond has a flash he's skipping through different parallels of time,
thats why he knew about charlie dying and all those scenarios with charlie dying had already happened.
Desmond seemed so calm with his encounter on the plane with jack, almost like he could control it and he knows what hes supposed to do....cant wait for his episode.

i just think they are trying to save the world

like the numbers that correspond to the main characters are the key, like that chaos equation or whatever. theres two parallel worlds now because the losties will have to choose between their picture perfect life,or saving the island lives, After this Jack episode it had me convinced that every "flash-sideways" will pan out to be an ideal life for the Losties.

Locke-Marrying helen who loves him unconditionally, and she reaffirmed that love by not caring if he could ever walk again

jack- finally overcame his daddy issues and is now becoming the dad he has always wanted to be

Hurley- Still rich, but now hes happy

I cant remember the other peeps scenario, but im betting they will all be pretty happy for the rest of them
I could definitely see this being plausible
I also think HURLEY is just that character that will change everything....I think to MIB, whenever jacob uses hurley for ANYTHING, he thinks thats cheating...

now... wasnt the game supposed to be over now that Jacobs dead?? I thought so..If the ending happens to be that this isnt the first time this hasnt happened, i REALLY hope theres commentary or a pointout to the scene where everything went into a different direction to where the losties could change their fate

thats a MUST
Originally Posted by MJUPNORTH

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by MJUPNORTH

Maybe I missed it, but has anyone mentioned that Walt's given name might be Wallace??

i was thinking that too because he was in his mothers custody

but whay would it be crossed out?
Walt Lloyd. Mike's name is Michael Dawson. WHO THE FRECK IS WALLACE?!

Who knows? Maybe his mother changed his name when she remarried? With all this alt timeline stuff going on anything is possible... All I know is next Tuesday can't get here fast enough for me!
Nah. Brian's name is Porter.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by MJUPNORTH

Maybe I missed it, but has anyone mentioned that Walt's given name might be Wallace??

i was thinking that too because he was in his mothers custody

but whay would it be crossed out?
Walt Lloyd. Mike's name is Michael Dawson. WHO THE FRECK IS WALLACE?!

Get that Wire crap outta here. I watched two episodes from the first season. Dunno if I should keep watching.

I wish LOST would at least give us a two hour special mid-season or something. Them hours FLY by. I wonder what the recap show is going to be about before the finale. It seems kind of irrelevant to have it before the SERIES FINALE. I don't think many new viewers will be tuning in for the first time.
The Wire is a great story. I don't see how anyone could like Lost & not The Wire. The connections and character development is great. I know the drug talk pushes people away...but it shows boths sides the police wins & losses as well as the criminal wins & losses. Just like Lost the characters make The Wire.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

^^^ It's a retrospect look at the entire show and then the finale, not really a recap.

You mean like the LOST Phenomenon as a whole? If so, that's cool. I just don't want another hour of "This is Claire. Claire went missing." Blah blah blah. All i've heard is that it's a "recap special" and nothing else about it.
That's whats up then! It will make the finale that much more bittersweet though.

The FINALE y'all.

It's going to be SUCH A MIND $*+%.

These episode titles for the season are so interesting.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Get that Wire crap outta here. I watched two episodes from the first season. Dunno if I should keep watching.

i don't think i can respect your opinion anymore

no but seriously you should be ashamed of yourself. the wire is the greatest piece of media i've ever seen. it will stay that way unless lost has the most epic ending ever. But even then the wire is basically flawless
Like I said I watched two episodes only. (The other night actually) I haven't based an opinion off of it yet. It's cool but a very slow moving plot it seems like. I figured i'll give it a shot since it has SO MANY GOOD REVIEWS just like I did LOST.

I already know it's not going to be on the same level as LOST to me though. I love this show TOO damn much. I seriously feel like I enjoy this show more than anyone in the world. Can't believe a TELEVISION show can be this mind-blowing.
Kate Austen was listed as number 51 on the lighthouse dial, not crossed out.

What if the numbers can be changed from 4 8 15 16 23 42 to 8 15 16 23 42 51?

Locke is already dropped out of the "equation." Could Kate replace him?

If so, perhaps altering the equation, however it is done, is what causes the alternate universe?

The DHARMA people described the numbers as a certain equation that had to do with saving mankind or something along those lines... so if they bring this into play, then Kate could be a variable in the equation.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

It's cool but a very slow moving plot it seems like.

Nope. It uses some episodes to set up characterization and the story (which gets deep as hell), but after that, it takes the @%+* off. The end of the 1st season is gonna have you feeling
and it only gets better.
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