LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Back on NT after a few days...

And I'm leaving this thread right about...Now...
I hate reading this thread from my phone. The spoilers aren't hidden so sometimes I catch things I don't wanna see. But I hope the centric spoiler istrue because thatd be nuts.

I can't wait for tomorrow! Show is the best to ever grace TV
How do you all feel about the spoiler's posted on here? It seems everyone tags them properly, but I still see some people "complain" thatthey're on here.

1 more day!!!
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

oh man this is just too much

the end sounds like a desmond orgy or something

'You're wasting your time sista.' at the end got me.

I cant read any more of those spoilers. I already read one
I think that

Spoiler [+]
Young Charlie is just Desmond's son and not Charlie-Charlie. Unless they're the same person
You know you're addicted to Lost when you walk by taxi's in NYC and think that Smokey is coming for you, only to realize that it's just a receiptbeing printed. The two do sound eerily familiar though.

Yeah, I was watch a show on the History or Science channel the other day about the "Devils Bible" and I just knew it was Charlie narrating it.Sure enough at the end it said narrated by: Dominic Monaghan.
Yea I've been like that for a while now, I'll be sitting in class and randomly think about LOST because of something I'm learning reminds me of theshow lol
#1. If he were playing around, why would he state that part of his motivation for the comment was his assumption that nyknicks was placing his people aboveother people?

#2. What's bull is that people think they can just make comments about race like 'Eff your people' and think that it's just a light jab.

#3. I wasn't asking for a community opinion. LOSTSeason 5 Discussion Thread
The vid's that RickFoxJr posted is VERY VERY VERY VERY interesting...From what I've seen so far a lot of it is kind of scary. When I'm donewatching it fully, I will give you guys my input, but from what it looks like I already know what I'm going to say.

EDIT: So here it is....BE WARNED

Spoiler [+]
A lot of the stuff that was said is pretty spot on. I mean, there's a few stuff that's totally off base, but a lot of it is true.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

You know you're addicted to Lost when you walk by taxi's in NYC and think that Smokey is coming for you, only to realize that it's just a receipt being printed. The two do sound eerily familiar though.


Thats the actual sound used for the smoke monster

For the East coasters and because I'm going to bed early tonight......

Get hyped!



Since a few people seemed to have been interested in Casper's banishment, I'll have you know that I reduced it from a permaban to a 2-wk. ban, and onlyfor one reason: since being banned, he has PMed me for explanations and we have gone back and forth with each other a few times, and he has appeared to becontrite and receptive. If he's playing me, I don't have a problem with that, because it won't take long for him to get himself permabanned again,without it being reduced. If he really is being contrite and receptive, then I have no problem with him re-joining NT, in a couple weeks.
On an off note... wish I didn't work tomorrow night... can't wait to watch the new Episode ondemand thursday afternoon
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