LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Haven't watched the EP from last night. Anyone know where I can watch instead of on ABC? Their player always freezes up my Firefox. And with Explorer itwon't even load up. I already installed their plug-in and everything.

Thanks for reminding me to look mastamind!!

Variable Press Release and cast listing in spoiler.....

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On the 100th episode milestone for the series, the time of reckoning has begun when Daniel Faraday comes clean regarding what he knows about the island.

Written by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz
Directed by Paul Edwards

Naveen Andrews as Sayid
Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond
Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday
Michael Emerson as Ben
Matthew Fox as Jack
Jorge Garcia as Hurley
Josh Holloway as Sawyer
Yunjin Kim as Sun
Ken Leung as Miles
Evangeline Lilly as Kate
Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet
Terry O'Quinn as Locke

Guest Cast
Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert
Sonya Walger as Penelope "Penny" Widmore
Alan Dale as Charles Widmore
Francois Chau as Dr. Pierre Chang
Fionnula Flanagan as Eloise Hawking
Patrick Fischler as Phil
Eric Lange as Radzinsky
Sarah Farooqui as Theresa
Alice Evans as Younger Eloise Hawking
Wendy Pearson as E.R. doctor
Todd Coolidge as paramedic
Peggy Anne Siegmund as caretaker
Jennifer Sojot as E.R. nurse
Spencer Allyn as Young Daniel Faraday
Michael Dempsey as foreman
Maya Henssens as young girl
Ariston Green as workman
Marvin DeFreitas as Young Charlie
Brad Berryhill as anxious guy
I kind of think theres a small possibility that Faraday could be Richard Alperts son

But I bet i'm totally off ha ha
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

How old is the actor that plays Miles?? Dude's hair is going grey badly
'scuse me? Don't make him go Rush Hour on you.


He's 39 though.

DAMN I didn't even realize that was Miles. Good catch.

Vozzek is on point as usual.
This Bram guy possibly working for Dharma and trying the entire time to get back to the island?!

And I think some of you were disappointed because everyone guessed, correctly as it turns out, that Chang was Miles pops.
This had to be one of, if not the most anti-climatic and easy to see major reveals.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Was Farraday born on the Island too then? If so who is his father

My guess is possibly Widmore? Him and Ellie might have had a little fling.

Yeah, I'd say that could be a possibility.

One question I have regarding Faraday and time travel is "when" was the first scene of Season 5? Did they give a year or anything? I'll have togo back and watch it and see, because when first seeing it, I was assuming that they were jumping through time, and he had worked himself in to the Orchid (alaLeFleur), but now I guess that scene was a few years in the future after the record had stopped skipping and Faraday had already left the island and returnedas a scientist from the Ann Arbor. But I think that we'll get to see all of that in the next episode in TWO weeks.
Yeah, my guess is he's working on it now (when he came back on the sub), Because they showed the station last week and is was still being built. So, maybeFaraday came back to the island to work on the station and "fix" something?
The reason he knows is he made up the question.

[font=book antiqua,palatino] Llana and the dudes in the van who jacked Mile's at the Taco Stand ("You owe me a Fish Taco") are working for Ben (me thinks). We've always been told there are "two sides" and now many are speculating that there is now a 3rd side (perhaps Dharma or Hanso).

Why the "shadow of the statue" people might be working for Ben:
- Ben killed Caesar (seemed a bit out of the blue/extreme, right?). He knew Caesar was armed and also knew he would give Llana trouble.
- We know they are not Widmore's people and it makes sense that "the other team" would be Ben's
- $3.2M is the amount Miles asked from Van Jacking dude. $3.2M is the same amount he asked Ben for when they had him in custody.
- Llana brought Sayid on Ajira "to bring him to the family of a man he killed for Ben. (presumably one of Widmore's people)". This either means it was coincidence (never in Lost!) that he was on that plane, that Widmore had something to do with it (none of the other people were affected by Widmore- they all got there because of Ben and furthermore it seemed as if Widmore didn't know about Ben's attempted return to the Island until Ben called him pre-attempted murder 1) or Ben hired Llana to get Sayid on that airplane (Sayid asks Llana point blank if she works for Ben [foreshadowing?] and she says no, but I doubt she knows who she is working for).

[font=book antiqua,palatino]- And finally, Ben has always pulled on people's heartstrings to get what he wants. Never has he bribedwith money. Couldn't you just picture Ben delivering the "money can never fill that empty hole inside you, Miles" line about 20x better than JoeMeathead? Ben's MO. Clearly.

My guess is that we see Llana and Ben meet. Llana asks "what is in the shadow of the statue?"- long dramatic pause- then Ben answers and startsrunning the show. In fact that question may be a way of identifying their leader. Maybe Ben told Llana that he'd be on that flight and she would know whohe was by asking that question. Maybe that's why she asked Frank.

Any thoughts? I feel like I might be missing something here. Can anyone prove this theory wrong???
I just assumed they wasn't working for Ben because there seemed to be no interaction between the two when they got on the island. But, now that you layedit all out, I think you could be dead on Abaddon. Nice theory!!!

However, that still leaves Dharma out of the loop though. They couldn't have just forgot about the island (they was still making food drops), unless theythink Ben and Co. were still running it.

But, there is also that MAJOR SPOILER that NYC layed out there......

Spoiler [+]
Dharma is a sham
Me and my friend were talking about it the other night before we found out Miles was born on the Island.
So we already knew Charlotte was born on the Island.. and had an idea Miles was as well.... so that leaves leaves Farraday in the list of scientists thatWidmore chose to go to the Island... and his mother was at one point of the others... so I believe he was born on the Island as well.
Yeah, I think Miles was chosen because he was born there, not because of his "abilities". Sure, they help the cause and all, but that's a greatexcuse to get him into wanting to go. Money talks.
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