LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

now we know why ben shouldnt have been going back

there can and only be 1 leader on the island at a time
Jeez...I thought waiting for this weeks episode was gonna be hard, can't wait till next week.

Locke killing Jacob?!?!?! bout time if you ask me.
There is no doubt that Radsinski takes Sawyer's map and takes a little detour with the sub.

I'm still tripping over Locke seeing himself and telling Alpert to go talk to him......my timeline is way off now.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

There is no doubt that Radsinski takes Sawyer's map and takes a little detour with the sub.

I'm still tripping over Locke seeing himself and telling Alpert to go talk to him......my timeline is way off now.

For real, like, if he's in the present how is he seeing the past.
Originally Posted by snakeyes17

Originally Posted by arstyle27

There is no doubt that Radsinski takes Sawyer's map and takes a little detour with the sub.

I'm still tripping over Locke seeing himself and telling Alpert to go talk to him......my timeline is way off now.

For real, like, if he's in the present how is he seeing the past.
let me help yall

dead Locke is in the present day the island told him that this is the day alive Locke flashes to the future with the gun shot in the leg which happened in hispast.

were just getting to see it from dead Locke point of view which is tellin Alpert to save his %%!

this is nothing more then Locke doing wat he do best #$!#*% @%++ up IMO
I fell asleep for 10-15 minutes just before Locke sees himself in the past. I am completely "lost" lol.
Gotta rewatch the episode now
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by snakeyes17

Originally Posted by arstyle27

There is no doubt that Radsinski takes Sawyer's map and takes a little detour with the sub.

I'm still tripping over Locke seeing himself and telling Alpert to go talk to him......my timeline is way off now.

For real, like, if he's in the present how is he seeing the past.
let me help yall

dead Locke is in the present day the island told him that this is the day alive Locke flashes to the future with the gun shot in the leg which happened in his past.

were just getting to see it from dead Locke point of view which is tellin Alpert to save his %%!

this is nothing more then Locke doing wat he do best #$!#*% @%++ up IMO

That actually makes sense Casp
We get to see Jacob next episode?
But we do get to see the 316 people
Idk but both Jack and Kate were kinda bothering me this episode. When Kate got on the sub, Jim and Juliet weren't down with that

This dude wants to kill Jacob

Richard and Locke shook hands, does that symbolize anything, besides the fact that Locke isn't on some Christian +!%?
Im just mad that i know radzinski aint gettin popped anytime soon. Phil on the other hand, really %@+$@* up. And i'm already dreading this time next week. Months...
I cannot wait for next week, but then again....it's kind of sad. After that, we have to wait another 9 months for the FINAL season.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Richard and Locke shook hands, does that symbolize anything, besides the fact that Locke isn't on some Christian +!%?
oooooooor it could mean that BOTH Richard and Locke are on some christian type %#+%

didnt think about that did you
man o man.. can't wait until next week.. 2 hours finale.. plus a clip show.. sooo is that what a 3 hours next week?
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Richard and Locke shook hands, does that symbolize anything, besides the fact that Locke isn't on some Christian +!%?
oooooooor it could mean that BOTH Richard and Locke are on some christian type %#+%

didnt think about that did you

No sir I did not
When Phil hit Juliet, I was so

I hope dude gets killed along with Stuart!

Jack Shephard's (Matthew Fox) decision to put a plan in action in order to set things right on the island is met with some strong resistance by those close to him, and John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) assigns Ben Linus (Michael Emerson) a difficult task.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Incident_(Lost)#cite_note-incidentpr-0
That episode was intense.

Locke knowing exactly when and where he would be in the jungle.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Richard and Locke shook hands, does that symbolize anything, besides the fact that Locke isn't on some Christian +!%?
oooooooor it could mean that BOTH Richard and Locke are on some christian type %#+%

didnt think about that did you

Naw...can't be...cuz Locke touched Sun too when he was telling her that everthing would be OK...he did it twice actually, kinda looked like they pointed itout on purpose...
@ Kate getting on the sub with Sawyer and Juliet. Awkward...

I'm thinking Alpert and Ben have been fooling people for a while.... Remember when Jacob said, "help me"? Something is up.

I think my theory is making more and more sense -- nothing is inherently special about the island.... Just that a hydrogen bomb goes off, and the intenseenergy allows for time travel, and every strange phenomenom we are seeing is just a result of the time travel paradox.
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