LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Anybody else think LOCKE=JACOB? That's my guess...... It would be kinda funny if he ended up killing himself thus trapping him in a stateof limbo stuck in an old crappy cabin for eternity and asking his old self to "Help Me"..... He's been screwed by everyone else in life, why nothave his biggest let down come from himself.



When Kate got on the Sub: Awkward =

(look at the dude on the left's shorts- almost THAT awkward)
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Richard and Locke shook hands, does that symbolize anything, besides the fact that Locke isn't on some Christian +!%?
Their Free-Masons?!?!?!

Damn their control on this world even extends to the island.

Well this episode put a lot of things in perspective and IMO has made the finale very predictable.

Here is how I think next week goes down:
Everything that is happening in 1977 is happening how it is supposed to. Think about it...Faraday's mother and Widmore making sure he was a physicist,Faraday's mom getting jack and the gang back to the island because it was their "destiny". Whatever happens next week in 1977 will happen just asit was supposed to happen. That would also explain how Ben wound up in the present day while the rest went back to 77, cause Ben wasn't supposed to be in77 in the first place. Anyway, next week I think it will turn out that the detonation (or non detonation) of the bomb and the release of the source of energyis the "incident" we've all heard about. Once the "incident" occurs Richard and Ellie will see Jack and Sayid plus a bunch of Dharmafolks die. So they think. The incident will teleport Sayid, Jack, Kate, Hurley, Juliet, Sawyer and everybody else in 77 back to the present day...right smackdab in the middle of John trying to kill jacob, battle lines will be drawn and the final battle will begin.

Questions unanswered with no easy explanation:
Why would Widmore and Faraday's mom make sure these things happen as they are supposed to? Is it because they know that no matter what they do these thingswill come to pass, did they try to change things and fail, or is making sure these come to pass part of some other plan to get the island back?

Who the F&*% is John Locke?! Did this guy transform into Sho'nuff and make Ben Leroy? Is he crazy? Is the island telling him to Kill Jacob? Or, are hisnew "powers" a fake and he wants to kill Jacob so he can rise to the level of a God on the island..?

Where the heck is Claire and what part will she play in the final showdown?

It's gonna be a long week
Woooaaahhh wild +@! start to the show. "I watched them all die." Damn. How do they change their own future after that?

Now I just gotta wait an hour to come back in here
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

It is very bad luck to be a nameless "Other" on this show. They get mowed down left and right.
If I was an extra stating my name would be the 1st thingI do
Great episode.
How come Kate is so adamant about not going through with the plan? Why did she go back to the island? To stop Jack from blowing up the Hydrogen Bomb? Kate willask Sawyer to stop Jack, and Sawyer will do it because he still has a sweet spot for Kate. If the Hydrogen Bomb doesn't go off, then will the incidentstill happen? Yes. Radzinsky will continue with the drilling and release the massive energy because he received instructions from the folks at Ann Arbor.Radzinsky manned the Flame Station (communications). And who was at the other end in Ann Arbor? Daniel Faraday. Yup. It's the beginning of the end. Whenthat energy releases, the hydrogen bomb will go off. But not in 1977. The hydrogen bomb will be detonated in 2007. What lies in the shadow of the statue? Thehydrogen bomb. That silver crate that the Ajair airlines passengers are opening contains the detonation device required to set of a hydrogen bomb. There'sno way Jack or Sayid will be able to detonate it back in 1977. They don't have the equipment. The season will end with a nuclear explosion in thebackground, with Locke and Ben ready to battle ( Good vs Evil ).
Just watched for the 2nd time
can't for a 3rd cuz the damn rain ismessing up my satellite signal

Anyway this was NOT a Richard centric. PPL must've been calling it that because dude was in almost every scene in both time periods. That aside this ep wasgreat, a lot of parallels
You have to appreciate this writing. As I saidLocke is basically alienating himself and proving to be a problem in Richard's and Ben's eyes just like he was to Jack when they were trying to get thehatch open and after. Then Jack is basically the 1977 John Locke, talkin destiny and all that bs and now it looks like James is gonna have to be the Jack of'77 to stop Jack even though I don't think anything they will do can actually change anything.

I always had a problem with Dan being the initator of WHH and then coming back on this variable steez. What pisses me off more is Jack's stuborness asusual. S1-S3 he was always right, every decesion he made was the right one and he'd force his way on others unless they outright ignored him and did whatthey wanted. The same happens again Faraday didn't even drop knowledge on Jack, just gave him a premise for him to run with. Jack is now going hard talkinlike he can reverse any death
Foolish. He gon be looking all types of wrong like Locke with the whole notpushing the button incident.

What made me feel uneasy was Locke calling Ben out on him never seeing Jacob or ever getting messages from the island. If true he was really running the showthe whole time and for some reason couldn't get any orders from Jacob or the island and was just faking the funk the whole time. This also makes all of the815ers really special since a lot of them had dreams like Eko something I guess Ben lied about? I liked his "I use to have dreams" line back in S4.

The whole Jacob thing makes me think now, was he ever in tuned with the island or simply time traveled to a time where he had enough info on the future of theisland to run shhh as some GOD-like leader? I'm guessing he time traveled before the Black Rock got on the island since I figure Richard was probably onthat crew and that's how he got there being the oldest dude on the island.

Oh I'm not all that hyped with the Locke knowing he had to have Richard help his past self. If we weren't shown Locke's dreams and hallucinationsthe past 4 seasons he'd always appear badass with the omnipotent like decesions/future predicting ability. The writers just chose not to show us what dreamor vision he had.

I can't wait til Locke tries to shank Jacob
Ben's face waspriceless
Another great episode. The tunnels are definitely very exciting to me. How DID they get the bomb down there?

Can't wait for next wednesday OMG.

I mean, I can because it's going to be 7 FREAKING MONTHS WITHOUT LOST AND THEN ITS THE LAST SEASON EVER OF THE GREATEST SHOW TO GRACE TELEVISION AND OURLIVES but i'm just ready to see how this all plays out. Knowing quite a bit about the finale, it's going to be I=N=S=A=N=E.

I gotta get up early tomorrow, so can't speculate too much right now. Just had to stop by the LOST post tonight for sure though.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I cannot wait for next week, but then again....it's kind of sad. After that, we have to wait another 9 months for the FINAL season.
Unfortunately, due to this big fire ragin' next to Santa Barbara, Ca, my local ABC channel showed coverage of the fire/evacuation the whole time(9pm on).No Lost for me tonight! Dammit! I'll have to catch it on the web tomorrow. I gotta be up by 4am for work tomorrow FTL! Sounds like it was an epic episode.Congrats to those that saw tonight's episode. Go Lakers! Peace.
BTW: Abbadon, you're gifs above were hilarious. I almost spit out my water when I saw that last pic.
I was all excited to watch next weeks episode until you guys reminded me after that I gotta go 9 months without it
This episode =

I cant wait to see how Locke is gonna try to murk Jacob. Also, see who Jacob is... hopefully.
Also how the sub turns around or whatever way Sawyer gets back to the island, will be interesting. Wonder if he's gonna off Jack.

Damn, I have a feeling theres gonna be a lot of people dieing next episode.
Originally Posted by StreetSmarts

did anyone else notice ellie waving her hands over dan's eyes?
I assumed she was closing his eyes.

By the way, does anyone know why people do this? Close the deads eyes? I always thought it was out of respect for the dead or something, but is there someother reason?
what an amazing episode... next week is going to be epic... and my new favorite character is john locke... dudes a pimp
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