LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

1 hour recap and 2 hour finale.

Side note. My post count right now % by 42 = 108
only 4:53 left.. can't wait.. i'm going to skip out of work a lil early.. just so i can prepare for tonight..
did a little studying.

watched last week's episode.

about to go study a little more.

then wait .. impatiently.
Just stopping by. Gotta stay off NT so my post count doesn't run out like it will later tonight.

So glad i'm 70% spoiler free for tonight's episode(s).
I got exams tomorrow but all I am thinking about is Lost.

First I would like to say thanks to you guys who made this season much more appreciated (ny, ericberry, ebw, etc)

secondly, this thread is like the life and death of me, so many spoilers, it so hard to not read them it kills me, so many theories and things covered that imight have missed is like new life.

thirdly, eff these exams, i want Lost on right now
can't wait for this.

Just wanna say thanks to everyone in this thread for making Lost very enjoyable.

Now patiently waiting til 9...
I'm excited for the finale

Just read this on another site, someone posted their idea of what the finale shocker will be

Spoiler [+]
last scene: jack detonates the bomb. flashes to white. wakes up like the first scene in season 1. runs to the beach. no one is there, no plane crash. walt is standing on the beach. says "you have work to do" BOOM LOST
True, I clicked it, and then unclicked. I'm staying free tonight.

Props to everybody who has kept up with this thread this season and kept it alive. The LOST thread is one of the biggest threads on all of NT but at the sametime theres only about 12-15 of us who post in it.
That right there shows you how dedicated we are to this show.

Less than 1 hour until the festivities start!

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

True, I clicked it, and then unclicked. I'm staying free tonight.

Props to everybody who has kept up with this thread this season and kept it alive. The LOST thread is one of the biggest threads on all of NT but at the same time theres only about 12-15 of us who post in it.
That right there shows you how dedicated we are to this show.

Less than 1 hour until the festivities start!


a lot of people don't post in here, but im sure A LOT lurk...im one of them
lol ok guys, I'm over here in Korea (it's 8am) btw. LOST GOING GLOBAL, gotta represent all over the world cheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol.

Can you guys tell me if the little recap thing is worth watching after it airs because obviously I won't be getting it live here

.... this is the last season finale where we'll have more to look forward to. It'll probably be the last time we have a major cliffhanger. It'll bethe last time that we finish an episode and have to think, "7 months until the next one."

So emotional right now....
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

So emotional right now....

but i agree.

I'm ready to eat my soul.
Not really anticipating the recap.

This might be my last post in here so I'm looking forward to reading the 10-20 pages I anticipate this thread is gonna jump by tomorrow afternoon.
Man, that's true..... But, I still can't wait for this.

And like others said, it's been fun reading everyone's theories and comments this year in this thread. Thanks to everyone for making Lost that muchbetter to watch.
Were on 250 pages right now.

I'm saying 290 by Saturday. I think there's going to be a LOT of questions/answers/speculations/
/posting stuff from other seasons that correlateetc

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