LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

But Jacob was doing some manipulating of his own wasn't he? He postioned himself in certain places.
Exactly, IMO Jacob know's what's coming. Remember the conversation:

Smoky: It all ends the same...
Jacob: It only ends once...the rest is progress

So Jacob knows the END is coming, he knows one day Smoky will find a loophole, and he know he needs people to fight on his behalf to defeat smoky, becauseneither of them can do each other any harm. So he "recruits" Jack, Sawyer, Kate...not by persuasion but by giving them a path to follow. They canchoose to follow it or not. Just like the path to salvation in Christianity. God gives us a path to follow in the bible to live good lives and be goodchristians. Whether we choose to follow that path is up to us.
Jacob really didn't manipulate anyone IMO. He touched them and spoke to them, IDK if I would call that manipulating. HOWEVER, he did save Locke'slife.... could Locke really BE important?
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by CasperJr

smokey = the dude on the beach

ding ding ding ding!!!!
quotin myself for being the 1st to say it

but that bring me to this we have to start back up with the flashBACKS(or the 06 sent back to the past )

theres no way we dont find out how he becomes smokey

and how jacob locked him in the cabin

i dont believe jacob was ever in the cabin from jump he has always been in the statue

and how ben thought that smokey was jacob(and had everybody runin to the damn cabin lookin for the wrong guy)

i think by the end of the show we will have to have 2 Candidates

im going with walt and hurley

they are the 2 that have showen the most gifted powers on and off the island

walt would be the Candidate to replace BSG(walts power are that of the dark side)

and hurley would be the Candidate for jacob(cleanest dude on the show cant find no dirt on him)

nyc wat you think about that
i feel like a junkie right now.. tyrone biggums FTL

but yea.. i can't wait for the write ups... vozzek69?

hell i can't wait for 2010.. GREATEST SHOW ON TV
Originally Posted by prokid404

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

whywesteppin wrote:

Adambomb007 wrote:

what you'll think

The statue is of Anubis, the Egyptian God of death. Also, a picture of Anubis was shown in the temple where the black smoke came from. Thus, the black
smoke is Anubis, the God of death. We have seen the smoke monster appear in the form of Eko's brother, Yemi, Alex, and as Christian. It can appear in
the form of anyone whose dead body is on the island. Now, drumroll, the smoke monster is appearing as John Locke. the real John Locke is indeed dead.

Anubis is also the guy we saw at the begining on the beach with Jacob. Jacob is also a God, and normally God's can't kill each other. The loophole
is that apparently only a mortal man is able to kill a God. This is why people don't get to see God until they are dead (when they go to heaven). This
is why Ben never got to see Jacob. Anubis figured this out. First, Anubis tried to use the form of Christian to convince people on the island to do things
against Jacob's will and change history. But Jacob kept rebalancing things back to the way they were supposed to happen (by power of persuasion when
visiting everyone off the island, for example). So Aubis came up with Plan B, to pose as John Locke, then appear as Alex to convince Ben to kill Jacob.

Why does Anubis want to kill Jacob? Because Jacob is RA, God of life. Richard Alpert is his son, perhaps (initials R.A. or RA). We literally saw Jacob
bring Locke back to life after he fell out of the window. With Jacob dead, Anubis can now alter history however he pleases and kill whomever he wants. He
can again rule as God of death. This is the ultimate bad ending. We're doomed!

But wait, Juliet just got the bomb to explode, which will mean everything that happened on the show, including the killing of Jacob, never happened. She
saved the day. In fact, everything done by the Losties for the whole series was a component leading up to this. And it was Jacob who led to them all coming
to the island. So they all played a part in "keeping balance to the force."
That just blew my mind. Did you write that?

I think nycknicks is in a panic right now. Has too much been figured out??
Pretty good. Did you figure all that out on yourself? Sorry about not posting earlier. I had somethings to take care of. I'll give guys a lot
of insight Thursday night.

This is good. SO I've been watching this whole season and that's it. Do I need to watch the other 4 to know exactly what's going on?
Dame and Cuse are rolling in their proverbial graves. This is the dumbest theory i have heard yet.
Damn, I am so effin confused

So, in the grand scheme of things Locke isn't 'special'?
Dude is just vessel at this point.

I'm just curious to see how Jacob becomes reincarnated.
What's also kinda crazy about Jacob dying is..... Why did Ben have to stab him? It didn't kill him, because he wasn't dead when "Locke"kicked him into the fire. Ben is going to have some serious repercussions from this.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

I want to know whose eye is in the new promo?

I think it's Jack's as usual, but my wife was swearing up and down that it wasn't.
Awesome episode. Wondering what the fade to white is all about? Maybe since the bomb went off, we are going to be seeing the "other" path nextseason?
also, when Ilana came up and dumped Locke's body on the beach, why the hell wouldn't Richard and everybody else rush over to where Jacob is?
I'd been hearing rumblings for a few weeks that Locke wasn't Locke. I thought it was Smokie. So what's the name of the guy on the beach?

Damn, I just watched the finale and just spent the last 20 mins skimming through 20 pages of posts... and yet so little from NYC... Lol...

I'm losing my mind... several interesting and good theories in here though...
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

So everyone noticed that once Juliet hit the bomb and the white light came on, and the show was over, they quickly flashed to Jack waking up again!

But where? What year?
I like that idea. But Jack isn't wearing a suit, he is in the Dharma jumpsuit.

I thought the episode was real sick. As soon as they zoomed in on Sayid's Workman jumpsuit, I realized he was done for.

A lot of good comments have been posted in here thus far. I just really want to know how Claire and Walt fit into this. Also will we see Aaron again?

Anyways, episode was

It just sucks we have to wait until 2010 for our next LOST fix.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

What's also kinda crazy about Jacob dying is..... Why did Ben have to stab him? It didn't kill him, because he wasn't dead when "Locke" kicked him into the fire. Ben is going to have some serious repercussions from this.

I think that Ben's stabs would of killed Jacob. At least I believe that's what we are supposed to think. That's the whole loophole theory. Based onthe rule of egyptian God's not being able to kill each other, BSG/Smokie/Locke needed a civilian to fulfill his loophole and do his dirty work. When smokietook the form of Alex to get Ben to follow his every word, it was all set up at that exact moment for everything to be fulfilled. Richard visiting Locke wouldensure that he knew he had to die so that smokie could take over his body thus allowing him to fulfill the loophole by making Ben be his pawn. I firmly believethat Locke and Ben are nothing more than pawns at this point, Ben just has a lot more information about the island.

Smokie's abilities to take over people's DEAD bodies on the island are why we see certain characters who are dead but we still see them. Christian andYemi are obviously the two main character's we have seen this happen too. Eko wouldn't conform to the dark side so he was no longer needed and Smokiesaid "meh, you're done". I don't think Christian was really speaking on behalf of Jacob, but on behalf of "black shirt guy".



Jacob's conversations with everyone were pretty subtle and fit into their lives at the time and had nothing to do with their crash and their situaton.Everyone except for Hurley. This goes hand in hand with the theory that Hurley is more important than we all have been lead to believe at this point and thathe has a much larger role in store for him. I can't really get into the logistics of why him and Walt are the way they are and what they have planned forthese characters because honestly my brain is fried right now. I wanna see that guitar or whatever is in the guitar case. Obviously Jacob left it there forHurley to take and it's going to have something to do with Hurley's decision to return and board the flight.

This finale was deeper than I believe a lot of people thought it to be right after the finale aired. We have been so spoiled with the last few finales briningout something that really, really blew our minds but this one was different. A lot of people felt let dow, but not me by a longshot. I think there is a lotmore to speculate this offseason about what has happened to this point in the island's history. With season 6, I believe it will explain a lot in a hurryand will be about the war that Ben spoke of. I don't know where exactly Widmore fits into the picture at this point because IMO he doesn't even seemthat key. Same for Ellie. It's going to be very interesting to see more about the history between the two in the opening scene, what happened to the815ers, and what the hell happened to Claire.

Sorry for this long post of mad rambling, but i'm still coming down from the LOST high last night.
Tried searching and couldn't come up with anything, but in the Season 2 finale when they see that statue's foot from Desmond's boat, it is clearly a left foot. In last night's episode, the foot is clearly the right foot.

In Season 2, the space where the right foot should be on the statue is all broken off and jagged. Since we have seen the whole statue now, it looks like the feet are extremely close together, not stretched out (Colossus of Rhodes style), but there isn't even a hint of the left foot in the season 5 finale. I know that we saw the foot last night from what would be the right side of the statue, but based on how close the feet appear to be and the glimpse we got in Season 2, we should have at least been able to see an ankle or something.

From the boat in Season 2, we get a far enough shot where if both feet were still in tact, we would have seen the right foot as well as the left, which we obviously did not. Also, as mentioned above, with the feet being that close together, I would expect the statue to be sitting on one solid platform, and the platform in Season 2 is broken off where the right foot should be.

So....is this a production error, or is there more than one statue? Maybe one representing Jacob and the other representing "Esau"?
So I just saw it... question

How the hell in season 3 did Locke's dad get brought to the island then?

Smokey can only replicate people who are dead on the Island... did Ben and the others really take the sub to talahasee and scoop up his dad?
Okay, I just caught up with all these pages from last night, and some of the things that stood out to me were:

1. Jacob =
- Dude was pulling some Jedi Mind Tricks on the O6 to get them to go back/to the island.
2. Ilana - Why was she in the hospital all bandaged up, and what's her and Jacob's history?
3. Jack capping everybody was pretty awesome, but how come when Roger spotted him and Sayid, Jack shot at him like 3 times and didn't hit him, but whenthey made it to the Swan site, he was nailing people left and right?
4. Jack/Sawyer's fistfight was 5 seasons in the making, they've been opposites since day one, I was scared for a second there, I thought Jack was goingto pick up that rifle and off Sawyer for the "major" death that was hinted at.
5. Juliet - I can't believe that she was the death, but I guess her story's all told, but her and Sawyer had some good chemistry. I'll miss her,but like someone said, we'll always have her cleavage.
6. Locke/Ben/Jacob/BSG - This is going to be the focal point of Season 6, I think. It's so crazy how Jacob has been the one everyone wants to find outabout for a couple of seasons now, and they finally show his face/story to us, but they introduce another character with a whole different perspective on theIsland. Now BSG will be the one that everyone will be speculating about for the next 9 months

All told, I think that there was a ton of stuff in the Finale that will be picked apart by people until we get our first spoiler/info on Season 6, and Ican't wait to read the writeups, I looked earlier for Doc Jensen's, but it wasn't posted just yet, so I'm off to check out if it's done ornot, and I'm still waiting on Vozzek's too. I'm out for now, be back later for nyc's info he said he'd give us later tonight.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Tried searching and couldn't come up with anything, but in the Season 2 finale when they see that statue's foot from Desmond's boat, it is clearly a left foot. In last night's episode, the foot is clearly the right foot.

In Season 2, the space where the right foot should be on the statue is all broken off and jagged. Since we have seen the whole statue now, it looks like the feet are extremely close together, not stretched out (Colossus of Rhodes style), but there isn't even a hint of the left foot in the season 5 finale. I know that we saw the foot last night from what would be the right side of the statue, but based on how close the feet appear to be and the glimpse we got in Season 2, we should have at least been able to see an ankle or something.

From the boat in Season 2, we get a far enough shot where if both feet were still in tact, we would have seen the right foot as well as the left, which we obviously did not. Also, as mentioned above, with the feet being that close together, I would expect the statue to be sitting on one solid platform, and the platform in Season 2 is broken off where the right foot should be.

So....is this a production error, or is there more than one statue? Maybe one representing Jacob and the other representing "Esau"?

I dont know cant tell really if it is indeed the left foot. But it does look to that it could be the same right foot we have seen before still there becausethere is space on its left for a left foot.

Check the images here
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

This finale was deeper than I believe a lot of people thought it to be right after the finale aired.

Exactly. Me included.

After actually having time to realize everything that was going on and all the stuff they answered last night, it really was a GREAT episode.

Another thing about Ben. He convinced 'Yid that Widmore was responsible for his girls death. Do ya'll think that's still the case? We know Jacobwas there when it happened, but was it still Widmore's people? Or just an accident?
The Incident Recap

Unless he stands for damnation. Because despite his sensitive, soothing demeanor, I find myself nagged by the prospect that Jacob could be playing with thedark pieces in this cosmic game. The final moments of the opening sequence may have offered a clue that Jacob is more charismatic Lucifer Morningstar thanfeel-good sexy Jesus. As Loophole McNameless walked away, head full of hate and schemes, the camera tilted up and we got a full-scale profile shot of theStatue, which was still intact in the 19th century. The mug on the edifice sure didn't look like a jackal to me, thus ruling out the Egyptian God Anubis,protector of the dead. No, that face looked like a crocodile, which gets you Sobek, a morally ambiguous dark god who oversees dark waters and preys on sinfulsouls in the afterlife. (Very Smokey.) Even worse, Set, the Egyptian god of chaos and evil, was a shapeshifter who often morphed into crocodiles and hippos(another candidate for Four Toed's face) in his clashes with archenemy Horus. Set was linked to infertility (seems Horus once ripped off Set'stesticles) (serious!) (and ouch!) and was partial to fish and lettuce. Hey...didn't we see Jacob munching on a filet-o-fish lettuce wrap last night? Andaren't devilish gods all for the concept of choice and free will?
i'm pissed off my dvr did not record the finale. Oh it recorded the damn recap though. The anger I have for dish network is strong.

When r the episodes put online?
So....is this a production error, or is there more than one statue? Maybe one representing Jacob and the other representing "Esau"?
Very interesting.

The one thing I keep thinking is the Cabin was never Jacob's home. It was the bad guys. Remember when Ben told Locke the man inside (Jacob to him but hehad never seen him) hated technology? The evil guy at the beginning of the finale did not like "other people" coming to the island. What if that washis home?

Did Illana say anything to make it seem like she was going to see Jacob? Was that ring a way of trapping him as Jacob's home was the foot? Look back on theconversation with Christian in the cabin. What if that was the bad guy acting as Christian. Maybe he had Claire bc he knew Aaron could be a problem and wantedhim gone so he posed as her Father.
maybe it's been mentioned, but what if Jacob has been in the base of the statue the whole time and BSG was the one "trapped" inside of the cabin?
he was able to come back as Locke because the ash pattern was broken. was that part of the "loophole"?

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