seriously.. the only show i still follow closely..
i didn't watch any of seasons 1-4 when they aired originally.. but i had some down time at the end of my course because we finished 11 of 13 assessments 2months before the end of our semester and then i had the whole summer before i started work last october.. so i watched all the episodes of lost, the officeand heroes.. 3 shows i always wanted to check out since i heard so much about them
heroes has turned into a steaming pile of...
and the office is still there.. entertaining.. but nothing like lost
needless to say lost has turned out to be the best show i have ever seen on tv.. every little detail could play some major role in this giant puzzle that isfinally starting to develop.. to those who have been there from the beginning, i have to say i admire you.. cause i know i couldn't do it.. if i had towait week to week.. and then on top of that the breaks between seasons to get some of the answers we now have.. i think i would have shot someone involved withthis thing.. but i have to say it is great to go back and analyze what is going on.. look at each character's actions and reactions.. and see how eachcharacter has developed and/or changed along the way.. and then to go/come on threads like this one and other forums to hear thoughts about what is going on..or what is being referenced in each episode is just great..
and like everyone else here.. i can't wait for tomorrow
or next week wednesday