LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Alot of great points that Dark UFO touches on. I do feel like even though Ben is who he is, especially to the fans...he was never out to exploit the islandwhile I feel Widmore would since he is a business man with large bank. How great would it be that the war that is coming is against someone/thing we don'tknow about.

Something else that DarkUFO talked about which I posted way back, was that maybe that O6 and 316 are in different time periods on the island. Maybe that Timemagazine was to throw us off as just being there, because the file that Cesaer opened up had some of Faraday's drawings as well as a map of the island. Ibelieve that Lapidus and Sun took the first outrigger to the other island to find Jin maybe and left it there and when Sawyer, Juliet and Co. flashed back totheir camp they found the outrigger with the ajira airways bottle in it. When they took the outrigger out to the ocean I think that Ceasar and some of hispeople took the 2nd outrigger and were shooting at Sawyer and his people in the ocean maybe using the gun he found in the hydra station.
I'm mad EVERYONE thinks it was Sun with Lupidus too...
I dont think she was with Lupidus either. I think she got thrown back in time. I dont have any other idea on who could have went with Lupidus tho.
is the war that they are talking about related to the purge? it can be cant it??? if they are back in time...

maybe Locke has to stop the purge from happening, maybe the 06 has to help them and what not...

and props to Ben, dudes is like my favorite character...
I'm not completely sold on it being Sun either, everyone else said it so I rode with it. And it's very possible it is her IMO.

But, I can't really think of who else it could be that O6 wouldn't have noticed on the plane. Unless they wasn't on the plane..... Claire?
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I'm not completely sold on it being Sun either, everyone else said it so I rode with it. And it's very possible it is her IMO.

But, I can't really think of who else it could be that O6 wouldn't have noticed on the plane. Unless they wasn't on the plane..... Claire?
Cindy is a very good answer!!! They have showed enough of her in past episodes, to make it where she could become more of a supporting player.

Where was you at last night Crazy??
Yeah, DVR is a life-saver...

Just read the press release for next week. And it may answer who the person with Lapidus may be.

Warning!!!! Full press release is in the spoiler!!! Nothing real major except maybe 1 thing, but for those who want to look....

Spoiler [+]
Looks like a couple new girls as cast member.

Plus the homeboy HORACE is back!!!!!

"LaFleur" - Sawyer perpetuates a lie with some of the other island survivors in order to protect themselves from mistakes of the past, on "Lost," WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 (9:00-10:02 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

"Lost" stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond, Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday, Michael Emerson as Ben, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Ken Leung as Miles, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet and Terry O'Quinn as Locke.

Guest starring are Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert, Doug Hutchison as Horace Goodspeed, Reiko Aylesworth as Amy, Christopher Jaymes as doctor, Kevin Rankin as Jerry, Patrick Fischler as Phil, Molly McGivern as Rosie, Carla Buscaglia as Heather and John Skinner as Other #1.
Originally Posted by boholkicks

is the war that they are talking about related to the purge? it can be cant it??? if they are back in time...

maybe Locke has to stop the purge from happening, maybe the 06 has to help them and what not...

and props to Ben, dudes is like my favorite character...
This theory is very plausible. When I was thinking about the war that Widmore said was coming I really thought back to the "Purge"rather than a new war (since time-travel was introduced), and I remembered way back when Locke first went to go meet Jacob and he whispered "help me"to Locke.

What if the "purge" was the mistake the island was trying to correct and it was the "Others" who were doing damage to the island instead ofthe D.I. who I thought for the most part were exploiting the islands powers. Even back then when Jacob said that to Locke, I thought that Ben was imprisoningJacob the whole time.
Also I found this on another board, it's that drawing flipped and relating to the island map (although the map isn't official by any means it is abroad interpretation of the location of the dharma stations around the island)
This is mindblowing to me...
"I believe that Penny is not Widmore's daughter.. She is his mother. The writers of the show would not name the kid Charlie Widmore for no reason. Ibelieve the kid will go back to the island with Des at some point and get transported back in time."
WTH...that would be stupid if true. So Desmond is Charles Widmore's father? If that happens on Lost, it would probably be the dumbest thing to havehappened on Lost.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

WTH...that would be stupid if true. So Desmond is Charles Widmore's father? If that happens on Lost, it would probably be the dumbest thing to have happened on Lost.

I love me some CRAZY stuff on LOST, but that is even beyond me.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

WTH...that would be stupid if true. So Desmond is Charles Widmore's father? If that happens on Lost, it would probably be the dumbest thing to have happened on Lost.

I love me some CRAZY stuff on LOST, but that is even beyond me.
No way that becomes true (hopefully). Ans, young Widmore was on the island when it skipped in the past, and he has called Penny his daughter manytimes.
Ok fellas....potentially earth shattering LOST news here. This is not guaranteed, but could send some of you into inconsolable depression. Ihope to God it doesn't happen, but..... click at your own risk.

Spoiler [+]
Exclusive: Is 'Lost' Letting Evangeline Lilly Go?

By Korbi Ghosh

February 26, 08:06 AM

If we're to believe last night's preview of next Wednesday's Lost, it would seem that the long awaited reunion of Sawyer and Kate (also know as "Skate" on these here internets) will soon be upon us. And so, the bitter debate regarding whom Ms. Austen loves more -- him or Jack -- will burn especially bright in the coming week. Will she live happily ever after with the quippy Southern con artist or the stressed out doc? I don't know ... Rumor has it, Kate might not live "ever after" at all.

Solid sources tell me exclusively that Evangeline Lilly is auditioning for pilots ... pilots that are intended to launch this fall. And Ms. Lilly's people apparently told producers she will be available. Say wha--??

Yeah, I can't make sense of it either. The notion that Lost producers would kill off Kate -- or have her disappear in any capacity -- before the series' final season seems preposterous. Still, no story development on this show would completely surprise me, as everything is clearly possible in the land of Lost. And the fact is, Lilly seems to be looking for work.

Now, for all those Island-obsessed, please know this is not a spoiler... just a fellow Lost fan trying to compute what she's seen and heard.
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