LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Can we finally agree that Walt ISN'T special?....
I think they want us to forget about Walt's abilities and the fact that he's special...For the time being.

If we know anything for sure, We know that Lost doesn't just do just do/show things for the hell of it.
Eight years later, Brian tracked down Michael in New York, and told him that they had moved to Australia and whilst there, Susan had died of a "blood disorder". Brian arrived in New York the day after Susan's death. He pleaded with Michael to take custody of Walt once more, and gave him tickets for the flight to Sydney and back, plus extra money for travel expenses. Brian had never wanted to be a father, and had only adopted Walt to appease Susan. Brian also admitted that he was afraid of Walt, saying: "There's something about him. Sometimes, when he's around, things happen. He's different somehow."
One thing that made Brian suspect Walt was "different" happened shortly before his mother Susan's death. As Brian and Susan were discussing her recently diagnosed illness, Walt was studying a book of Australian native birds, seemingly oblivious to the conversation happening in the room. He wanted Brian to look at the entry for the Australian Bronze ****oo. When Brian ignored him, Walt became angry and insistent, demanding "You're not looking!" Suddenly a bird slammed into the sliding glass door, killing itself on impact. It was an Australian Bronze ****oo.
Let's not forget The Others kidnapping him for God knows how long and making him take tests, Then Klugh asking Michael all of those questions...

I don't think all of that was for nothing...

I could not agree more Barack. Walt will still have major importance in the show and I believe he will find his way back to the island. Just the fact that he still was having dreams about Locke shows that he still has a connection to the island that he will never be able to break. I highly doubt that we have the last of Walt....there is no way his "specialness" was so hyped up to mean absolutely nothing.

I think they were running radiation test, maybe?

And is also that other that can teleport. She was the wife of the husband who Juliet had an affair with.

Did I miss something but when did she teleport?

^I remember that scene and Jack and Julliet looking back and she wasn't there but I wasn't aware that it was confirmed that she teleported.
Originally Posted by 18key

Only question I have is what time period are the o6 in? 70's?
i believe the six are on the main island back in the dharma era because they were caught during the time shift on the plane,and since they werethe ones than needed to return the island regroup them
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

^I remember that scene and Jack and Julliet looking back and she wasn't there but I wasn't aware that it was confirmed that she teleported.

Yea girl appeared out of nowhere and than disappeared, and those whispers where there too. Or maybe she can project herself like Walt.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

^I remember that scene and Jack and Julliet looking back and she wasn't there but I wasn't aware that it was confirmed that she teleported.

Yea girl appeared out of nowhere and than disappeared, and those whispers where there too. Or maybe she can project herself like Walt.
Hmmm I hope they answer whether those are projections or teleportations.
i still think Walt is special i wanna keep in mind what he said to Locke about his dreams and how he dreamed that Locke was on the island with a bunch ofpeople staring at him he could be seeing the future
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

^I remember that scene and Jack and Julliet looking back and she wasn't there but I wasn't aware that it was confirmed that she teleported.

Yea girl appeared out of nowhere and than disappeared, and those whispers where there too. Or maybe she can project herself like Walt.
Hmmm I hope they answer whether those are projections or teleportations.

I believe she time jumped (flash of white light).
So does everyone think Ben killed Penny and/or Desmond?

I was arguing with a friend about this earlier, and I'm convinced my man The Constant would never let that happen. Dez don't play dat.
HOW IN THE WORLD did I not catch them being on the other island. I swear anymore I'm looking for hidden stuff so much, that I don't see the painfullyobvious.

And I agree that Time book was looking mighty fresh. They are ALL back in time. Should be a pretty solid theory at this point.

-Is Locke a "Ghost"?

-And if it was Sun who escaped with Lapidus, why is she on the 2nd island, while Jack, Hurley, and Kate are on the main island?

-Where is Sayid?

-Caesar does SEEM to be in the know, but how would he NOT know Locke or Ben? Can't wait to see what Ben has up his sleeve next week

This show just keeps getting better and better, can't wait until next week.

Crazy, glad you could join us

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Why didn't Jack ask Locke how he got off of the island

They NEVER ask the important questions

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW


I feel like he WAS going to be, but isn't going to be...
I still have "faith" that Walt is going to be THAT dude before it's all said and done. But, your right it didn't show ityesterday.

Nice spoiler on Walt Odrama.

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I guess i'm just going against the grain with my LOST theories lately. Jack not being on the island before, Walt not being as important, etc.
Damn what's wrong with me.

That's the beauty of LOST though, I could be right and you guys could be wrong. Or I could be as dumb as I think I am and those theories be true. That's why i'm going to be pissed when this show is over.

... You know they throw us off whenever possible. Youcould very well be correct. I think I've had 4,815,162,342 theories since I started watching the show.

Your right people can get totally different theories, and most times they all have evidence to back it up. That IS why Lost is so GREAT, everything isn'tshoved right in your face (except for Mrs. Hawkins explination of the island
I'm surprised no one mentioned that the people on flight 316 could be widmores people...I mean I know that when widmore saw all the o6 getting on a planehe knew they were going to the island so he put some of his people on the plane too...just my theory
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

I'm surprised no one mentioned that the people on flight 316 could be widmores people...I mean I know that when widmore saw all the o6 getting on a plane he knew they were going to the island so he put some of his people on the plane too...just my theory

That could be true.....my only problem with that, is why they don't know who Locke or Ben is? Caesar & the girl was asking Locke who he was, how longhe was on the island, didn't know he knew Ben (when he seen him hurt), etc.
Things I noticed ...

Its So Hard To Say Goodbye - Boyz II Men

LOL. A black man can't cut it on the island or even off for that matter. I hope Abbadon is alive. I would not be totally shocked. Ben was a littl shook byhim when speaking with Locke. I thought I was watching The Wire for a bout 5 seconds when he was getting bodied. Walt is mad important still. & Locke is introuble. Walt can see the future. Suit? People wanting to hurt you!!! Dave Chappelle Voice Watch out Locke Nooooooo!!!!

2. Why did Ben kill Locke? He was about to do it. Was it the Hawking mention or was it Jin being alive and Ben just felt he could do a better job of gettingthem back.

3. Why did Hurley, Jack, & Kate flash and Sun & Sayid not? Or did they? I get why Ben and some of those randoms didn't including Lapidus as theywere not on OA315. I think they are all in the past too.

4. Widmore is something else. He is just another Ben. Why are they all fighting over this place. Dude is loaded. Fall back and have fun. Is the island they keyto eternal life? BJKLFYBVL>DYBVLYISVY:SBGUIS"ISB":BUBFF:S

5. Jack & Family. Why so important? Why did Claire get to have a nice chat with CShep & Jack not? Lack of faith? Why is the family so important. Hasreligion been thrown out as an answer to all this? Hawking isssss posted up in a church. Ben ddddiiiddd know a lot about that painting and Locke is all aboutstreet sharkin' Jesus.
Originally Posted by schaefmp

Why did Ben kill Locke? He was about to do it. Was it the Hawking mention or was it Jin being alive and Ben just felt he could do a better job of getting them back.

I'm guessing this is the answer. Still don't understand why he killed him right when Locke said he was going to Mrs. Hawking, and then Ben went to Mrs.Hawking anyway.... unless Mrs. Hawking dosen't know about Locke.... But, also Widmore knows about Mrs. Hawking and "sent" Desmond there at thesame time and Ben just happened to be going there also....Ben and Widmore are doing some MAJOR power plays....Ok I'm just rambling now
Maybe Ben offed Bentham to get the point across or because he knew that Sun had to go back and Locke wouldn't confront her.

I don't understand why Ben can go back to the island when he has already said if you move the island you can never come back.

6 days!!!
Ben never tells the truth or at least the whole truth, you can never believe that man.

Everyone back on the island...
did anyone else notice that when locke went to see walt, the liscense plate on the car locke was in was a older version of NY plates? prop error?
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

HOW IN THE WORLD did I not catch them being on the other island.

You're not the only one. For awhile, I couldnt connect them being in the Hydra Station means them being in the other island
[h2]Room 23 (Walt)[/h2]
  • Walt has a unique condition that allows him to "tap into" The Island's power(s)
  • When we first see walt use his powers his kills a small bird, when he kills alot more whilst being in room 23 his power has grown vastly and is able to do alot more
isnt that weird how widmore told locke to dial 23 to reach him?
Originally Posted by Nako XL

So does everyone think Ben killed Penny and/or Desmond?

I was arguing with a friend about this earlier, and I'm convinced my man The Constant would never let that happen. Dez don't play dat.

At this point I think Ben could kill ANYBODY he wanted.

However, for some reason I don't think it was Penny or Desmond's blood. I'm sure I'm wrong because all signs point to that, but right now ijust don't believe it.
You know when I saw Locke looking at the Ocean at possibly the other island I thought that it was the same island and he was just staring at the coast of thesame island he was on but it was shaped in a crescent moon sort of pattern.

And Walt's role in all this is not done by a long-shot, idk why some of you would say he isn't special when there were clear signs he was, such as whythe Others took him, his appearance to Locke after Ben shot him, him playing that game with Locke where he explained their is a Dark and Light side.

I don't think Abaddon is done for either. The feeling I get from him is that he is more a force of nature or of the island maybe instead of a corporealfigure. I thought their was some hidden meaning when he was driving Locke to the airport and he stopped the car to let the Shepard get his sheep across theroad...It wouldn't have been put in their for no reason.
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