Lupe vs Roland Martin and DL Hughley feud

Technically, our votes don't even count cuz of the electoral college.

these dudes just wanna argue and participate in theatre. They don't care about the true nature of things. Voting is an illusion of participation for "qualified citizens"

A lot black men are disenfranchised and cannot vote due to their criminal background anyway.

DL and Ronald just trying to keep a paycheck seems like
Let me say this.

It is stupid not to vote, period. It's just dumb, and becomes even more loathsome when people start whining saying voting is useless and doesn't effect change or that there votes don't count.


Is it voting the instant cure all to any social ill? No, but it's the only tool you have to interface with the mechanisms of change even if it is in a very small way.

If you don't want to vote, THEN DON'T ******G COMPLAIN.
There is another caveat to this.

If you're noting nationally, then you need to be voting locally.


Crap like this is why cities like Atlanta and the surrounding counties JUST got past the blue laws on liquor sales. 

Ya'll are missing crucial votes that get tacked onto ballots. 

At least write in someone or vote for a 3rd party candidate who managed to get enough votes to make it on your local ballot. 

Again, theres nothing wrong with expressing your discontent with the system, but you can't just become apathetic. You just give in and let the powers that be win. You need to take the energy you save in "not voting" toward reforming it to a system that you do want to vote in. 
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Technically, our votes don't even count cuz of the electoral college.
these dudes just wanna argue and participate in theatre. They don't care about the true nature of things. Voting is an illusion of participation for "qualified citizens"

A lot black men are disenfranchised and cannot vote due to their criminal background anyway.

DL and Ronald just trying to keep a paycheck seems like
Not true.

There are different rules that many people don't even know about. In many instances people CAN retain their right to vote depending on the status of their case. 
You don't think doubling the Pell grant helped any black people? Saving the motor industry? The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act? Health care? What party is trying to enact voter suppression tactics disproportionately aimed at minorities?

I agree, for someone who comes off so conscious and well spoken in his rhymes, when he talks he and his point of views tend to ring idiotic. He tweets like my 15 year old neice, with all the N word usage and bruhbruh and stupid hashtags, which then comes off more ironic when you're invoking the name of MLK, and the subject matter is black progression.

What good is telling people not to vote going to do? Especially if you are going to complain about the current state of affairs? There's more things on the ballot than just the next President, lots of local initiatives are voted for that typically include funding for school programs, roads, and urban development.

I don't know if this is the only song Lupe mentions Obama in but it's the first that comes to mind, "Words I Never Said," Lupe says he didn't vote for Obama because of Gaza.
I really think the war on terror is a bunch of ********
Just a poor excuse for you to use up all your bullets
How much money does it take to really make a full clip
9/11 building 7 did they really pull it
Uhh, And a bunch of other cover ups
Your childs future was the first to go with budget cuts
If you think that hurts then, wait here comes the uppercut
The school was garbage in the first place, thats on the up and up
Keep you at the bottom but tease you with the uppercrust
You get it then they move you so you never keeping up enough
If you turn on TV all you see’s a bunch of “what the f-cks”
Dude is dating so and so blabbering bout such and such
And that aint Jersey Shore, homie thats the news
And these the same people that supposed to be telling us the truth
Limbaugh is a racist, Glenn Beck is a racist
Gaza strip was getting bombed, Obama didn’t say ****
Thats why I aint vote for him, next one either
I’ma part of the problem, my problem is I’m peaceful
And I believe in the people.
I find it upsetting how many prominent black figures are out here handing black america over to the democrat parties on a silver platter. They out here playing colonial poltics with us.You got Joe biden saying he gon put yall in chains and nobody is objecting to this type of patronizing talk.Black folks need to quit letting Democrats talk down to them like we are children .
I find it upsetting how many prominent black figures are out here handing black america over to the democrat parties on a silver platter. They out here playing colonial poltics with us.You got Joe biden saying he gon put yall in chains and nobody is objecting to this type of patronizing talk.Black folks need to quit letting Democrats talk down to them like we are children .
OK. Don't vote Democrat then. Problem solved.

Now whats next? Is there another candidate you like? 
You don't think doubling the Pell grant helped any black people? Saving the motor industry? The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act? Health care? What party is trying to enact voter suppression tactics disproportionately aimed at minorities?

I agree, for someone who comes off so conscious and well spoken in his rhymes, when he talks he and his point of views tend to ring idiotic. He tweets like my 15 year old neice, with all the N word usage and bruhbruh and stupid hashtags, which then comes off more ironic when you're invoking the name of MLK, and the subject matter is black progression.

What good is telling people not to vote going to do? Especially if you are going to complain about the current state of affairs? There's more things on the ballot than just the next President, lots of local initiatives are voted for that typically include funding for school programs, roads, and urban development.

I don't know if this is the only song Lupe mentions Obama in but it's the first that comes to mind, "Words I Never Said," Lupe says he didn't vote for Obama because of Gaza.
I really think the war on terror is a bunch of ********
Just a poor excuse for you to use up all your bullets
How much money does it take to really make a full clip
9/11 building 7 did they really pull it
Uhh, And a bunch of other cover ups
Your childs future was the first to go with budget cuts
If you think that hurts then, wait here comes the uppercut
The school was garbage in the first place, thats on the up and up
Keep you at the bottom but tease you with the uppercrust
You get it then they move you so you never keeping up enough
If you turn on TV all you see’s a bunch of “what the f-cks”
Dude is dating so and so blabbering bout such and such
And that aint Jersey Shore, homie thats the news
And these the same people that supposed to be telling us the truth
Limbaugh is a racist, Glenn Beck is a racist
Gaza strip was getting bombed, Obama didn’t say ****
Thats why I aint vote for him, next one either
I’ma part of the problem, my problem is I’m peaceful
And I believe in the people.

A few years ago my friend put me up on the notion of the black utility heuristic. She was a poli-sci major.

Essentially, there is a notion that when black politicians make it, they seem to "not care" about black people...but thats not entirely true at all.

When you get elected, you represent MORE than just black people, but all people. 

Obama's passing and support for laws that didn't have "black aid" written in capital letters INDIRECTLY help minority communities and poor people more than most will realize.

Its not about making things blatant sometimes. 
Taken from Kwame Ture & Charles V. Hamilton’s Black Power: The Politics of Liberation

There is another aspect of colonial politics frequently found in colonial Africa and in the United States: the process of indirect rule. Martin Kilson describes it in the Political Change in a West African State, A Study of the Modernization Process in Sierra Leone: ” Indirect rule is the method of local colonial administration through the agency of Chiefs who exercise executive authority. It was applied in one form or other throughout British colonial Africa and was, from the standpoint of the metropolitan power’s budget, a for of colonialism-on-the-cheap” (P.24). In other words, the white power structure rules the black community through local blacks who are responsive to the white leaders, the downtown, white machine, not to the black populace. These black politicians do not exercise effective power. They cannot be relied upon to make forceful demands in behalf of their black constituents, and they become no more than puppets. They put loyalty to a political party before loyalty to their constituents and thus nullify any bargaining power the black community might develop. Colonial politics causes the subject to muffle his voice while participating in the councils of the white power structure. The black man forfeits his opportunity to speak forcefully and clearly for his race, and he justifies this in terms of expediency. These black “leaders” are, then, only as powerful as their white kingmasters will permit them to be.

Before Congressman William O. Dawson (black Congressman from the predominately black First Congressional District of Southside Chicago) was co-opted by the white machine, he was an outspoken champion of the race. Afterward, he became a tool of the downtown white democratic power structure; the black community no longer had an effective representative who would articulate and fight to relieve their grievances. Mr. Dawson became assimilated. The white political bosses could rule the black community in the same fashion that Britain ruled the African colonies - by indirect rule.

Dawson, and countless others like him, have an answer to this criticism: this is the proper way to operate; you must “play ball” with the party in order to exact maximum benefits. We reject this notion. It may well result in particular benefits - in terms of status or material gain - for individuals, but it does not speak to the alleviation of a multitude of social problems shared by the masses.

When black people play colonial politics, they also mislead the white community into thinking that it has the sanction of the blacks.

Those who would assume the responsibility of representing black people in this country must be able to throw off the notion that they can effectively do so and still maintain a maximum amount of security. Jobs will have to be sacrificed, positions of prestige and status given up, favors forfeited. It may well be — and think it is — that leadership and security are basically incompatible. When one forcefully challenges the racist system, one cannot, at the same time, expect that system to reward him or even treat him comfortably. Political leadership which pacifies and stifles its voice and then rationalizes this on grounds of gaining “something for my people” is, at the bottom, gaining only meaningless, token rewards that an affluent society is perfectly willing to give
I find it upsetting how many prominent black figures are out here handing black america over to the democrat parties on a silver platter. They out here playing colonial poltics with us.You got Joe biden saying he gon put yall in chains and nobody is objecting to this type of patronizing talk.Black folks need to quit letting Democrats talk down to them like we are children .
But both sides race bait though.

I get what you saying but you can't blame one without blaming the other. I'm very neutral on politics and vote what in me and my families best interest. Two many in my opinion draw that line and never think of crossing due to affiliation.
Taken from Kwame Ture & Charles V. Hamilton’s Black Power: The Politics of Liberation

There is another aspect of colonial politics frequently found in colonial Africa and in the United States: the process of indirect rule. Martin Kilson describes it in the Political Change in a West African State, A Study of the Modernization Process in Sierra Leone: ” Indirect rule is the method of local colonial administration through the agency of Chiefs who exercise executive authority. It was applied in one form or other throughout British colonial Africa and was, from the standpoint of the metropolitan power’s budget, a for of colonialism-on-the-cheap” (P.24). In other words, the white power structure rules the black community through local blacks who are responsive to the white leaders, the downtown, white machine, not to the black populace. These black politicians do not exercise effective power. They cannot be relied upon to make forceful demands in behalf of their black constituents, and they become no more than puppets. They put loyalty to a political party before loyalty to their constituents and thus nullify any bargaining power the black community might develop. Colonial politics causes the subject to muffle his voice while participating in the councils of the white power structure. The black man forfeits his opportunity to speak forcefully and clearly for his race, and he justifies this in terms of expediency. These black “leaders” are, then, only as powerful as their white kingmasters will permit them to be.

Before Congressman William O. Dawson (black Congressman from the predominately black First Congressional District of Southside Chicago) was co-opted by the white machine, he was an outspoken champion of the race. Afterward, he became a tool of the downtown white democratic power structure; the black community no longer had an effective representative who would articulate and fight to relieve their grievances. Mr. Dawson became assimilated. The white political bosses could rule the black community in the same fashion that Britain ruled the African colonies - by indirect rule.

Dawson, and countless others like him, have an answer to this criticism: this is the proper way to operate; you must “play ball” with the party in order to exact maximum benefits. We reject this notion. It may well result in particular benefits - in terms of status or material gain - for individuals, but it does not speak to the alleviation of a multitude of social problems shared by the masses.

When black people play colonial politics, they also mislead the white community into thinking that it has the sanction of the blacks.

Those who would assume the responsibility of representing black people in this country must be able to throw off the notion that they can effectively do so and still maintain a maximum amount of security. Jobs will have to be sacrificed, positions of prestige and status given up, favors forfeited. It may well be — and think it is — that leadership and security are basically incompatible. When one forcefully challenges the racist system, one cannot, at the same time, expect that system to reward him or even treat him comfortably. Political leadership which pacifies and stifles its voice and then rationalizes this on grounds of gaining “something for my people” is, at the bottom, gaining only meaningless, token rewards that an affluent society is perfectly willing to give
None of this makes sense to me in the MODERN USA.

You can't apply this to black politicians who get elected as they're subject to the SAME rules as other representatives. 

I dont recall black politicians being submitted to different rules from white ones. 
None of this makes sense to me in the MODERN USA.

You can't apply this to black politicians who get elected as they're subject to the SAME rules as other representatives. 

I dont recall black politicians being submitted to different rules from white ones. 

Wow...just wow...
I've said it once and I'll say it again...

Lupe is a CLOWN

As intelligent and knowledgeable as he may be, what has he really DONE besides make music? Everybody champions him as this deep intellectual rapper, which is cool, but what has he really done to improve the situation the oppressed people he's always talking about? Every so often he goes on these tirades, makes a big stink about something, then fades back into the distance.

His attitude always resembles this whole "y'all just dont get it" type vibe. It'd be great if he really explained his vision to people, developed a following and really attempted to invoke some change...but he doesnt. He has all complaints and no action/solution. I'm starting to believe the **** he does is really just a publicity stunt and theres no actual meaning behind it.

Sidenote: The way his tweets are written it looks like Chief Keef hacked his account :smh: How does he think anybody is going to take him seriously talking like that? C'mon son.
I've said it once and I'll say it again...
Lupe is a CLOWN
As intelligent and knowledgeable as he may be, what has he really DONE besides make music? Everybody champions him as this deep intellectual rapper, which is cool, but what has he really done to improve the situation the oppressed people he's always talking about? Every so often he goes on these tirades, makes a big stink about something, then fades back into the distance.
His attitude always resembles this whole "y'all just dont get it" type vibe. It'd be great if he really explained his vision to people, developed a following and really attempted to invoke some change...but he doesnt. He has all complaints and no action/solution. I'm starting to believe the **** he does is really just a publicity stunt and theres no actual meaning behind it.
Sidenote: The way his tweets are written it looks like Chief Keef hacked his account :smh: How does he think anybody is going to take him seriously talking like that? C'mon son.
Lupe donates alot to charity and has a foundation of his own he does put in work and is truly a good person. We allow Jay Z to go a whole career promoting sex ,drugs,violence and liquor Ross to do the same yet when A famous rapper doesnt champion and endorse a Poltician we tear him down.
None of this makes sense to me in the MODERN USA.

You can't apply this to black politicians who get elected as they're subject to the SAME rules as other representatives. 

I dont recall black politicians being submitted to different rules from white ones. 
Wow...just wow...
Last I checked, do any of these members of the CBC live under different rules of policy and established responsibilities of their office?
I've said it once and I'll say it again...
Lupe is a CLOWN
As intelligent and knowledgeable as he may be, what has he really DONE besides make music? Everybody champions him as this deep intellectual rapper, which is cool, but what has he really done to improve the situation the oppressed people he's always talking about? Every so often he goes on these tirades, makes a big stink about something, then fades back into the distance.
His attitude always resembles this whole "y'all just dont get it" type vibe. It'd be great if he really explained his vision to people, developed a following and really attempted to invoke some change...but he doesnt. He has all complaints and no action/solution. I'm starting to believe the **** he does is really just a publicity stunt and theres no actual meaning behind it.
Sidenote: The way his tweets are written it looks like Chief Keef hacked his account
How does he think anybody is going to take him seriously talking like that? C'mon son.
Lupe donates alot to charity and has a foundation of his own he does put in work and is truly a good person. We allow Jay Z to go a whole career promoting sex ,drugs,violence and liquor Ross to do the same yet when A famous rapper doesnt champion and endorse a Poltician we tear him down.
Are we tearing Lupe down?

I have no problem with chastising the system...but you don't get to ONLY do that. You need to inspire people to build and work towards a solution.

The EASIEST thing for him to do is to talk about holes in the system. 

I already told ya'll...criticism is the most baseless form of discussion and its the laziest thing you can do. Its about where you want to take people next.
So called prominent black figures have nothing to say against a Eurocentric curriculum that promotes white sisters and brothers in elementary school rocking pilgrim outfits...and Carter G. Woodson addressed this mistreatment via education and that was damn near 100 years ago.

Lupe talking about mental slavery is real...and I refuse to play these games. I'm a black man in America, and I have a culture of my own that should be respected. They respect it more when you assimilate...nah.

Puppet Obama on the string...
So called prominent black figures have nothing to say against a Eurocentric curriculum that promotes white sisters and brothers in elementary school rocking pilgrim outfits...and Carter G. Woodson addressed this mistreatment via education and that was damn near 100 years ago.

Lupe talking about mental slavery is real...and I refuse to play these games. I'm a black man in America, and I have a culture of my own that should be respected. They respect it more when you assimilate...nah.

Puppet Obama on the string...
So Obama should cater more to black people just because hes black? 
^ Obama is a puppet like most presidents...and I didn't say that he should cater to blacks, but what differentiates Obama from previous presidents who shaped policies around issues of race, and often these issues were of benefit for the majority.

Just 50 years ago you had to fight for parents are from that generation.

Imo what is more harmful to minorities is a blind acceptance of authority which promotes new, subtle forms of racism.
Lupe donates alot to charity and has a foundation of his own he does put in work and is truly a good person. We allow Jay Z to go a whole career promoting sex ,drugs,violence and liquor Ross to do the same yet when A famous rapper doesnt champion and endorse a Poltician we tear him down.

So he does what EVERY major label rapper does? I could say the same about TIP, Jeezy, Nas, Trey Songz, etc. What's your point?

I'm not tearing Lupe down because he doesn't support Obama, who he votes for is his business (which he choose to make public, but anywho)

Lupe's "I'm better/smarter than y'all" attitude is getting old. Either put some real time and effort behind a movement thats really going to invoke some change in our communities or be quiet. He's no better than the same people he's attacking.

His tweet regarding "...all y'all (people) can do is tell us to vote?" Is ignorant as hell. Nobody is saying just vote and it's going to magically change the world, but what are you REALLY accomplishing from not voting? You're just making yourself even more of a pawn in this system than you already are by relinquishing your right that our ancestors literally died for.

I don't get the point he's trying to make or even what he's attempting to accomplish besides staying relevant like every other artist in the business.
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