Lying on resume/applications....vol. remix

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

TGB...what happened to basketball?

*U got ur college degree, right?

I'm still playing but some financial issues are inevitable...and yes I have my degree in business administration.
dont lie. just stretch the truth.

for example if you worked as a receptionist. say you take about over 500 calls a day as opposed you actually taking 200 calls a day. or if you worked as a trainer and you actually trained 15 people but on your resume say you have trained over 40 people. i mean you wont be thrown off because you do have the experience of training and answering phones. something in the lines of that. good luck OP.
dont lie. just stretch the truth.

for example if you worked as a receptionist. say you take about over 500 calls a day as opposed you actually taking 200 calls a day. or if you worked as a trainer and you actually trained 15 people but on your resume say you have trained over 40 people. i mean you wont be thrown off because you do have the experience of training and answering phones. something in the lines of that. good luck OP.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

what about completely making up stuff besides education

Dont think thats a good idea
i said i worked a job last year when it was 2 years ago and they hired me...i even had a ex girlfriend play the part of boss but they never called her
i said i worked a job last year when it was 2 years ago and they hired me...i even had a ex girlfriend play the part of boss but they never called her
if you're applying to work for a hospital, they will verify employment background and call your references. legally, theyre not allowed to comment if you were a "bad employee" but they can ask your former boss if they would hire you again...if they say no, its basically a wrap for you lol
if you're applying to work for a hospital, they will verify employment background and call your references. legally, theyre not allowed to comment if you were a "bad employee" but they can ask your former boss if they would hire you again...if they say no, its basically a wrap for you lol
If you really want, I hear you can just say you worked at Circuit City. Place went out of business so there is no records supposedly. I havent done this tho. One of my boys used to work there and told me to do this.
If you really want, I hear you can just say you worked at Circuit City. Place went out of business so there is no records supposedly. I havent done this tho. One of my boys used to work there and told me to do this.
im in HR for a major corp. some places check and some dont, depends on the caliber of the job.
we do check into every verifiable fact on your resume but we are talking 75k plus jobs.
im in HR for a major corp. some places check and some dont, depends on the caliber of the job.
we do check into every verifiable fact on your resume but we are talking 75k plus jobs.
Also, if they do a background check using your SS, can't they see the pay you've gotten from what company and what dates you got paid? If so, keep that in mind if you are exaggerating dates on employment history.
Just yesterday I received an application from a girl I worked with at a different bank. She put she was a teller supervisor at the time but I know that's a lie because I was the asst. branch manager. Needless to say I'm not calling her back, but I would have if she would have been honest because she was a good employee (apparently not honest tho lol). You can stretch the truth but don't make up titles and positions you never had.
Just yesterday I received an application from a girl I worked with at a different bank. She put she was a teller supervisor at the time but I know that's a lie because I was the asst. branch manager. Needless to say I'm not calling her back, but I would have if she would have been honest because she was a good employee (apparently not honest tho lol). You can stretch the truth but don't make up titles and positions you never had.
Also, if they do a background check using your SS, can't they see the pay you've gotten from what company and what dates you got paid? If so, keep that in mind if you are exaggerating dates on employment history.
First and foremost, don't put things on there that are fabricated or factually incorrect- there's so much variability across companies / industries in what HR / hiring managers will do to verify prior work experience that it's not worth the risk, because if they randomly pick the one thing you lied about, you're dead in the water.

Secondly, when "embellishing" true facts, work experiences, etc., don't put anything on there you can't speak about in great detail when asked...

I've intentionally picked what may be the most random experience or job duties and asked interviewees to give detailed examples of specific situations and outcomes in those cases, and it's pretty easy to pick out who's being straight-up and who's a**hole is puckered up because I hit the one thing they "embellished" about.

And I don't do that just to be a jerk, it's because that's how I was interviewed, and how I was trained to interview others. Corporations spend a lot of money on ensuring their interviewers know how to cut through the "buzzwords" and get to a person's core leadership and skill traits.
First and foremost, don't put things on there that are fabricated or factually incorrect- there's so much variability across companies / industries in what HR / hiring managers will do to verify prior work experience that it's not worth the risk, because if they randomly pick the one thing you lied about, you're dead in the water.

Secondly, when "embellishing" true facts, work experiences, etc., don't put anything on there you can't speak about in great detail when asked...

I've intentionally picked what may be the most random experience or job duties and asked interviewees to give detailed examples of specific situations and outcomes in those cases, and it's pretty easy to pick out who's being straight-up and who's a**hole is puckered up because I hit the one thing they "embellished" about.

And I don't do that just to be a jerk, it's because that's how I was interviewed, and how I was trained to interview others. Corporations spend a lot of money on ensuring their interviewers know how to cut through the "buzzwords" and get to a person's core leadership and skill traits.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

don't lie, exaggerate instead.

thats what i do...

on a sidenote, my uncle with no IT expierence in his life got hired cuz he made some stuff up...fool kept callin my dad every 2 hours so he could walk him thru .....he didnt last there very long
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

don't lie, exaggerate instead.

thats what i do...

on a sidenote, my uncle with no IT expierence in his life got hired cuz he made some stuff up...fool kept callin my dad every 2 hours so he could walk him thru .....he didnt last there very long
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