Mad Men Season 7 Discussion Thread - Final Episodes - SERIES FINALE

Damn I thought my last few posts were in the latest thread. Search was no help there.

Got hyped for a sec thought we were about to see Peg at the movies jerking dudes off again.

:lol: @ how swamped Dawn is when Joan always made it look simple.
Yo for real **** them. The nerve of these ungrateful backstabbers. The majority were dumb enough to think they could fire Don just like that? They deadass try to play my dude. I didn't like this ep just for that :smh: :lol: Nice to see Roger fight for him and lay down the reality of the situation. **** really got me wishing Don had just went to LA and said **** Ted and his marriage, if he'd just let dude talk for him against Don coming back and since he agreed to put him on leave in the first place.

Lucky for them Don was that desperate and I know he'll eventually get around some of these stipulations. I mean for real they gonna make him answer to ******* Lou? I'm puzzled how he's the head of creative in the first place.

**** Peggy too for trying to front like it's all been roses since Don left.
did I miss something, but when did everyone start crapin on my girl peggy?
Isn't she a boss?
I thought she was too at the end of last season but apparently she's just Copy Chief not the head of creative. When they put Don on leave they just hired a boring stand-in.
They want him to quit.

Contract law basically says if you fire someone then your noncompete agreement is void, meaning he could work for anyone else. If he quits he has to honor the noncompete agreement and can't work for competitors for a decent amount of time. I could get into more detail but that is really all you need to know. I doubt anything else I have in mind will affect the story.

Either way he owns part of the partnership so they would have to buy him out which would be a blow to to SC&P. It would be more beneficial to Don if they fired him but more beneficial to the firm if he quit. So the dynamic from now on will be very interesting to say the least.

Outright disrespectful :smh:
Would've walked straight out and had them keep paying me until they fired me.

But termination isn't a material breach if there's a reserved right by the employer, which I assume there is. Regardless, it's ointless to speculate without knowing the details of the K.

Anyways, a fellow NT Counselor?
Don knows exactly what he's doing.

Lou is way too insecure about Don and that insecurity will be his downfall. This is beaten down Don, but an even more impassioned Don.

Totally agree with this. I think Don knows what he's doing right now. But in the end I expect Don to willingly or unwillingly lose everything. He may even lose his life or start over with a third identity.
Lou is annoying.

He has a right to be worried about his job with Don coming back so soon after they put him "on leave", but he's still annoying.

Joan and Peggy need to get over themselves. Joan is mad at Don for firing Jaguar after what she had to do for SC&P to get the account, but Don was the only  one that went to her and tried to stop her from sleeping with Herb.

Peggy is mad at Ted, and her lonely life, and she's taking it out on Don.

Seeing Roger fight for Don was great, everyone else wanted him gone, but Roger made them realize they need his brain under their roof, and not someone else's.

I have a feeling that everything is going to start spiraling out of control, but I'm probably wrong. Can never tell with this show.
There's definitely a theme with elevators going on - still...Regardless of who sent the woman (or didn't) her mention of the elevator was not unnoticed.
I was so shocked that Don took that contract without any thought. I mean yeah he can get back to where he was, but dude is a LARGE part of the reason why they are where they are. Just disrespectful to see them do him like that and try to pigeonhole him. Lou is a lame and I can't wait to see him get the boot. Roger fighting for him had me hyped, loved that he went to bat for him. The contract was just spitting on the man that fed them and that's disrespectful.

The kids may really not love Betty. Seeing Bobby give up her sandwich and offer her gummies was sad as hell.
big j 33 big j 33 Thanks homie I didn't know this thread was out there (i only really look at my mobile NT and my subscriptions)

I'll ask this question in here. When did people start crapping so much on my girl Peggy, I think she should get way more respect but damn.

I think we're finally getting flashes of the ole playa Don Draper which is what made this series so great at the start in my opinion.
Really great episode last night. I laughed when Don was cool with the offer they gave him.

Also, currently working in media advertising, Harry was a G in that episode. What Harry displayed in that episode is what a lot of us Media folks have to constantly deal with. :lol:
Don just wanted to get back in the building, I think he's going to flip the script on him.

Hate everything about Lou.
"You want to walk down some hotel hallway and see Mary Wells sitting on Don's lap the next time you go in to present?"

Roger destroyed all the other partners with this line. Check out Bert's expression afterwards.
Totally agree with this. I think Don knows what he's doing right now. But in the end I expect Don to willingly or unwillingly lose everything. He may even lose his life or start over with a third identity.
This was my theory from the get go. Everyone is saying he will commit suicide. My theory was at the end of last season the Don we already knew was dead. He would likely take another identity by the end of this season. Maybe Lane's but I am tryna spot who might die this season :nerd:

But termination isn't a material breach if there's a reserved right by the employer, which I assume there is. Regardless, it's pointless to speculate without knowing the details of the K.

Anyways, a fellow NT Counselor?

You are right. Your contract is your contract which is why I said I didnt want to get into what I had in mind (and I forgot anyway) because I doubt it will come into fruition. But Roger did state if they fired him that the noncompete was void. And if telling the customer that you were raised in a whorehouse isnt a breach then I dont know what is.

Nah. An accountant. Need to know contract law to pass the CPA exam since CPAs are often treated like tax lawyers and miniature business lawyers. Expert witnesses and all that fun stuff.

Really great episode last night. I laughed when Don was cool with the offer they gave him.

Also, currently working in media advertising, Harry was a G in that episode. What Harry displayed in that episode is what a lot of us Media folks have to constantly deal with. :lol:

lol. "It's semantics"

my man!
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I think Don took the contract so fast because he knows that Lou is boring and mediocre, and that he will be able to get himself back to where he wants by bringing his better creative to the agency.

Lou is horrible in every aspect.
I think Don took the contract so fast because he knows that Lou is boring and mediocre, and that he will be able to get himself back to where he wants by bringing his better creative to the agency.

Lou is horrible in every aspect.

But he has to answer to Lou. See how he has been treating peggy.

Just realized that Don and Peggy will be on the same level :wow:
But he has to answer to Lou. See how he has been treating peggy.

Just realized that Don and Peggy will be on the same level
He might have to "answer" (who tells Don Draper what to do? 
) to Lou, but with Don back in the office, the partners will see the disparity in their works.

SC&P picked Lou because he was a safe bet, he doesn't take risks, and the agency is going no where with him.
You are right. Your contract is your contract which is why I said I didnt want to get into what I had in mind (and I forgot anyway) because I doubt it will come into fruition. But Roger did state if they fired him that the noncompete was void. And if telling the customer that you were raised in a whorehouse isnt a breach then I dont know what is.

Nah. An accountant. Need to know contract law to pass the CPA exam since CPAs are often treated like tax lawyers and miniature business lawyers. Expert witnesses and all that fun stuff.

God bless you for passing that CPA exam. My wife is currently going through the paces with Becker and all that--so miserable.

EDIT: I was too quick to assume. Do you even CPA, bro?

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God bless you for passing that CPA exam. My wife is currently going through the paces with Becker and all that--so miserable.

EDIT: I was too quick to assume. Do you even CPA, bro?


i'm halfway through. Bout to take the third part.

Glad to be almost done. The money they keep taking away from me :smh:
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I'm a bit rusty in this, but I took it as they can't outright fire him for a couple reasons:
1) the contract probably has built in language protecting both sides therefore he'd have to be let go "for cause" (i.e. some violation of his contract which as a result of, terminates him) which would keep a non-compete valid (i.e. he didn't live up to his end of the bargain, so the non-compete remains in play).
2) He's an equity partner. Still have to buy back his shares regardless of #1 above.

He has to play be their rules, clearly getting $ isn't the only thing he cares about otherwise he would have called their bluff and asked for a buyout. He probably figures he can out maneuver their restraints in due time without violation.

Not to derail this - but Becker is the truth...straight up questions from the exam were in my study material back in the day.
There is a lot that goes into contract law but like kh23 said, without seeing the contract, we can't know what is going on.

Couldn't afford becker. Most people I know with becker have an employer who is paying the cost of becker. I am doing NIU cpa review, which is highly regarded, but still no becker. You can pay for each part seperately. Not that much cheaper but at least I didnt have to come up with 3 stacks.

I do have some becker questions downloaded tho. :evil:
I know I am in the minority, but I think this will be Don's redemption. I loved how he took 2 seconds to say yes. I thought they were going to leave it on a cliff hanger. He is going to swallow Lou whole and spit him out. The angle I don't understand is the wife, he obviously doesn't want to move out there, and she knows he can't be there like he needs. It will be interesting to see how the rest of this plays out. Dude has everyone in his corner EXCEPT the partners for the most part. It's going to be civil war.

'I'm surprised to see you here'

'Well, here I am' 

My dude Don look hongry.
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I know I am in the minority, but I think this will be Don's redemption. I loved how he took 2 seconds to say yes. I thought they were going to leave it on a cliff hanger. He is going to swallow Lou whole and spit him out. The angle I don't understand is the wife, he obviously doesn't want to move out there, and she knows he can't be there like he needs. It will be interesting to see how the rest of this plays out. Dude has everyone in his corner EXCEPT the partners for the most part. It's going to be civil war.

'I'm surprised to see you here'
'Well, here I am' 

My dude Don look hongry.
Yeah I can see this happening too. In a way, when Don was trying to become an ad man he faced similar obstacles and limitations and that led to his own agency and success. Last season he got in a real rut emotionally and it deeply effected him professionally and realizing that and then these terms to return might all be a good challenge for him to be on top of his game again and win some ppl over (Peggy).

I'm not sold on this final season where it has to lead to Don's complete downfall and unravelling where he faces all his lies. He kinda closed that chapter when the original Mrs. Draper passed. So it can go either way. I'd like a happy ending of sorts for Don.

I don't know where it's going with the wife either. Some times I wonder why he's still with her but I guess Don just doesn't want to look at something else he failed at in life. So he's still holding on and trying to make it work despite not caring for what she does. Probably feels a bit of guilt over the miscarriage.

One thing I'm surprised at is all the ({I]) Don is passing up so far this season. Wonder when he'll break.
I dont know about you guys, but Don being Mack daddy of the 60s is what initially got me so engaged in this show.
I kind of hope he atleast hits up the stewardess chick.

as for peggy I understand her drive as a strong independent woman in that era, but c mon hun show respect to the guy who got you where you are. :smh:
^Don doesnt show any respect to her. Dont see how she could respect him. I hate to take a ***** side but with this one i agree with her. The **** type of clown complains about your actress wife doing an on screen kiss? If it were up to don she never would be where she is at.
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