Mad Men Season 7 Discussion Thread - Final Episodes - SERIES FINALE

Can anyone explain why don went off on lloyd (computer installer) ?
because he was drunk.

Lloyd came to him with an advertising question, but Don knows he's not supposed to be alone with clients, so he goes to Bert about it. Bert hit him with a soul crushing blow that sent him over the edge and into a blackout drunken rage. He was calling Lloyd the devil.
because he was drunk.

Lloyd came to him with an advertising question, but Don knows he's not supposed to be alone with clients, so he goes to Bert about it. Bert hit him with a soul crushing blow that sent him over the edge and into a blackout drunken rage. He was calling Lloyd the devil.

Whoa, never looked at it like that :wow:
Great catch Big J,I'm really hoping that's where it's headed. I miss seeing Don at the top of his game,seems like Don's been rock bottom for a good while now.

Oh and after all these years I still have yet to find a single redeeming quality about Betty :x :smh:. That dude Henry is a strong man.
Another sign of Don's potential redemption and comeback.. he finds the Mets pennant under the cabinet/desk and by the end of the episode he's hung it up on the wall.

The 1969 Miracle Mets went on to win the World Series that year.

Actually he threw it in the garbage and somehow the next scene in that office (13:30 into the episode excluding commercials) it was already in the wall. I was wondering the significance of that. Good looks
lol at Don's face when he realizes he is demoted to Peggy's employee :rofl:

The whole office just seems out of balance now that Don is an overpaid copyrighter (as opposed to a active partner)
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Waiting for Don to rustle some more jimmies next episode. My man had Peggy ready to implode when he didn't show for the meeting :lol:
That's not what happened at all.

They talked about their past, about her moving on, and about the guy interested in Joan and talking about "He doesn't know what he wants.. but he's wanting".. and Joan's reply "He knows. It's just the way he is and it's just the way she is". Which is also a commentary on Don and his dealings with women. They were just two friends sharing a moment.. Don wasn't trying to sleep with her.. he probably would have if he wanted to.
don started off friendly enough, but even then, the car not doing it for him was code. he didnt want a shiny red car, he wanted a depressed, weak and vulnerable joan.  taking her on the ride to excite her, then fill her w alcohol. that was the plan.

starting from when she asked him for change he turned into don draper mack mode

he asked her to dance, she replied with her concern for being seen in midtown

then he insisted, "you sure look like you wanna dance"

then he tried the go-to line to sell her "i like being bad then going home and being good"

after he still couldnt close, he tried to use the other guy at the end of the bar to stand in for himself, and they are talking about why it never happened between them

she says,"who do you think his wife is?" his wife is the stand in for joan - "shes not ugly, the only sin she committed was being familiar" - shes saying its dons fault they never hooked up

don says,"youre saying its his fault?" - hes asking if she blames him

she says "because she cant give him what he wants" - what he wants is to smash

dons says "he doesnt know what he wants, but hes wanting" - hes telling her to pepper her angus, but she knows with don its one and done and he even gives her the 1000 yard stare 

she says "shes knows, but its just the way he is, and maybe its just the way she is" - shes telling him she knows she wouldnt more than this one night, and thats not how she rolls

as soon as he realizes he struck out, he gets up to leave and finishes with the Don Draper Special, the money and tricking off.  her "car fare" was just in case she decided to take a detour to his apt on her way home
yall need to rewatch that scene he was def drunk and tryna smash, but joan wasnt going for it
You need to watch the entire episode again, because you do not know what was going on if you think he was tryna smash. He was chillin with a friend. Soothing her when she was down
he wanted to soothe her all right 

Yeah y'all got bad memory. If anything I got the vibe early on that Joan would've def gave it up to Don. Don specifically didn't try to to smash cuz of her position and that over time he grew to respect her.
from that convo, it seems initially she woulda have gone for don but he never tried it so she ended up w roger all while still secretly wishing she had don over roger.  im wondering if a lot of her resentment towards don stems from he fact he never swooned over her beauty like that. he still defended her honor, then in her mind, diminished her sacrifice. its kinda like he never had it, and he just essentially said her p was trash and not worth the account when he fired jaguar. 
Roger was in the right about his daughter, I understand her mindset but she's still tripping. Yea you don't have to be what society is trying to define you into but you gotta ******* 4 year old son who didn't place any of those things on you and who's development is contingent on you not going off to live with hippies. Her reasoning that Roger did the same **** holds no weight because if she was enlightened as she claims she would see the she's just continuing the cycle.

Roger tried his best to put aside his views and hear her out but he sees what it really is. One of the rare times I felt bad for him because even though he's top 4 of my favorite characters on the show he's pretty much always a ****. :lol:
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Finally watching this weeks episode. I felt Don's anger when Peggy called that Burger Chef "meeting". So damn disrespectful.
finishing up this ep now.

old don is coming back.

i wonder if he'll invest in IBM.

lol @ dudes line about the coffee ..
It's as black and strong as Jack Johnson.
Just watched, damn it man. I feel so bad for Don. They're killing him. An lame *** Joan dishing out dirt on Don's stipulations. It really seems like he has no one in his corner there. An when Bert hit him with that line after Don proposed the IBM advertising idea, I felt it in my soul. It's nice to see that Freddie's pep talk work on Don. But the new vigor is unsustainable, when you feel under utilized and under appreciated the slightest malfeasance can throw you off your game and you'll end up right back where you started. An given Don's propensity for alcohol and snap decisions it is only a matter of time before he goes back to hating that workplace again.
But you gotta remember Don's character, everytime he faces adversity at first it seems too big for him but eventually he realizes that he's **** Whitman, not Don Draper and this is all his creation so he's in control.

This is why I fully expect a Don comeback because we've seen him at his best and that man inside him is not dead.......yet.
A game changer has to happen tho. At least by the end of the second half of the season. If it isnt Don assuming a new identity or don jumping off the building and dying then what? :nerd:
Yeah i think only his family, bert, & pete know his real name/identity. but at the end of S6 he told the partners about his childhood story.
wait is Bert the only one who knows his real name./identity ?

Bert, Pete, Betty, and Megan all know.

It's assumed that his children now know more about his childhood because of the ending scene of season 6, but they don't know that he's not really Don Draper.
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when did betty find out. I thought he never really told her.

and I also dont remember him telling megan. the kids maybe.
Betty went through his drawers at home and found pics and stuff about his brother. I think that's when she left him

Don't think Megan knows though
when did betty find out. I thought he never really told her.

and I also dont remember him telling megan. the kids maybe.
Betty went through his drawers at home and found pics and stuff about his brother. I think that's when she left him

Don't think Megan knows though
Megan knows. I can't remember the exact episode when he tells her, but she knows about him, and she knows about Anna. Theres even an episode when Sally is working on a family tree, and Fat Betty tells her about Anna, and tells her to ask Megan, and she explains it.
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