Madden 2010 Wishlist---09 fixes(Madden Players Come In)

Have the 2010 draft class already in there for Franchise mode

Bring back the ability to play as past teams like the undefeated Dolphins team.

Not make it such a chore to run the ball

and pretty much everything else listed in here
also for the uniforms, instead of choosing a full uni set, you should be able to choose the jersey color, then the color of the pants, it pisses me off that Icant get the ******** to wear all white or all burgundy. (this should only be for current unis, not throwbacks)
I agree that it is tough to run the ball. I prefer a balance of 55-45% rushing the ball. Its hard to break a long one against the AI.

Throwing the long ball shouldn't be as difficult as it is.

More Madden.

Overall team ratings should be updated once a week.
Another thing, the rating system is OD flawed....

I was playing as Tampa for a season and broke Strahans single season sack record with Greg White...

He started the season as a 90...

Recorded 26 sacks...

Next season? He's a 90....S.M.H....

Age? PUH-LEASE.....Don't give me that bull, just because someone is in his 30s doesn't mean he can't improve, he's was only 30 or 31 yrs ofage...

Also its like the youngsters dont improve unless they have a pro-bowl season...Barrett Rudd finished the season with 90 something tackles (and like 7interceptions
) and went down from an 89 to an 87....


I don't understand how EA sports allows these things to happen, do they REALLY even test the game before release?

ANOTHER thing, in the first game of the next season....4th quarter of the 1st game...I'm hearing Chris Collinsworth talking about "thats his 60threception of the season"...

+%$? Lmao...It was his 4th....I won the game and restarted it just to see if it would happen again, same thing....

EA sports sucks....Really...

2k Sports FTW....
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

@ dudes not knowing what position Devin Hester plays...thats sad...

Dudes play Madden but don't even really watch the NFL.....rooks....
i know what position he plays. (if you read my response, i made a comment about how its funny they had him lined up at corner)

im at work, i.e. no sound.

either way, y'all complaining about regular *$+*.

"i don't like that i cant get rushing yards...waaaah"

"i don't like that -insert something about football-"

madden this year was garbage anyway...

NCAA>Madden, for the first time in history

You sound like you got this game on lock...What system you play it on? I'd like to play you...

The thing about it is this....

If you want to have a 100 yd rushing game, expect having to run the ball ALL GAME...With little to no passing involved...

If you want to throw for 300 yds....Forget rushing.....Hurry up offense the whole way through, only rushing you'll be doing is a QB scramble...

The thing is, even in real life running the ball isn't as hard as they make it seem in Madden.....Look at how many "average" running backs wentnuts this yr....Run defenses suck in real life...

IF its in the game, it should be in the game....The game should reflect the actual game...

If a receiver can BLAZE most corners in real life, he should be able to do so in Madden....

I mean dudes like Chad Johnson can't even beat AVERAGE corners UNLESS its a slant route...
CJ? Seriously? Dude is a beast in real life (this season excluded), he'dbeat 90 percent of corners on THEIR best day.....

Only WR I've had success throwing deep to is Joey Galloway....He's the only wide out beating his defenders and catching the ball in stride.....

Most receivers play like a new born baby out of the womb, the DBs in this game are GODLY.....
I'm mad that I get as many picks as I do in the game....

Seriously....Ronde Barber keeping up with Steve Smith


That is #*#$&$ hilarious.....

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Another thing, the rating system is OD flawed....
I was playing as Tampa for a season and broke Strahans single season sack record with Greg White...
He started the season as a 90...
Recorded 26 sacks...
Next season? He's a 90....S.M.H....
Age? PUH-LEASE.....Don't give me that bull, just because someone is in his 30s doesn't mean he can't improve, he's was only 30 or 31 yrs of age...
Also its like the youngsters dont improve unless they have a pro-bowl season...Barrett Rudd finished the season with 90 something tackles and went down from an 89 to an 87....
thats one of the things ill cosign here

its hard for players to get ratings that do good but then ill have players that do next to nothing and their ratings jump 15 points overall
for example, i had Calvin Johnson, 98 catches, 1500 yards, 21 tds and....his ratings when up by 0

another one is i had Jason witten as my number 1 TE and Marcellus(sp?)Bennett---(rookie) as the number 2 TE
witten got maybe 30 catches that season(i dont go to the TE that much) and bennett had maybe 7 catches at the most
and next season...wittens ratings stayed the same but Bennets jumped to 90 overall
with everything mentioned, all i can think of is how on screen plays the HB/TE/ or whoever keeps running and goes out of bounds when in real life they wouldprobably stop and wait for the ball.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

@ dudes not knowing what position Devin Hester plays...thats sad...

Dudes play Madden but don't even really watch the NFL.....rooks....
i know what position he plays. (if you read my response, i made a comment about how its funny they had him lined up at corner)

im at work, i.e. no sound.

either way, y'all complaining about regular *$+*.

"i don't like that i cant get rushing yards...waaaah"

"i don't like that -insert something about football-"

madden this year was garbage anyway...

NCAA>Madden, for the first time in history

You sound like you got this game on lock...What system you play it on? I'd like to play you...
i played madden for about 3 weeks, then my disc cracked.

instead of buying another, i bought NCAA again (it was stolen from me originally)


and i don't like playing either online...

but i can make an exception for you.

xbox live, right? i'll go over my dudes house to spank you.

and keep in mind the entire time, i don't even play nor like this years madden

i'm great in football, therefore whether i'm good at the particular madden or not, i can read your defense and offense.

Sorry I have it on PS3.....

Only because most of my friends back home have it on PS3...So Ipretty much had to cop it for PS3 to whup them....Damn...I might as well cop it for the 360 so I can start playing people on NT....
Fix the fact that the 10 guys you can't control are not actively playing football (as you control whichever one player you're on).I feel like they sitthere on "45% effectiveness" unless you control them, but of course then the guy you just switched from is now at "32%". I hate howincompetent the CPU is when you need em most
. Like JESUS, I gotta blitz the end and zone the secondary AND sell on the playaction so the CPU doesn't bite? Come on man, I only got one controller and two hands
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

@ dudes not knowing what position Devin Hester plays...thats sad...

Dudes play Madden but don't even really watch the NFL.....rooks....
i know what position he plays. (if you read my response, i made a comment about how its funny they had him lined up at corner)

im at work, i.e. no sound.

either way, y'all complaining about regular *$+*.

"i don't like that i cant get rushing yards...waaaah"

"i don't like that -insert something about football-"

madden this year was garbage anyway...

NCAA>Madden, for the first time in history

You sound like you got this game on lock...What system you play it on? I'd like to play you...

The thing about it is this....

If you want to have a 100 yd rushing game, expect having to run the ball ALL GAME...With little to no passing involved...

If you want to throw for 300 yds....Forget rushing.....Hurry up offense the whole way through, only rushing you'll be doing is a QB scramble...

The thing is, even in real life running the ball isn't as hard as they make it seem in Madden.....Look at how many "average" running backs went nuts this yr....Run defenses suck in real life...

IF its in the game, it should be in the game....The game should reflect the actual game...

If a receiver can BLAZE most corners in real life, he should be able to do so in Madden....

I mean dudes like Chad Johnson can't even beat AVERAGE corners UNLESS its a slant route...
CJ? Seriously? Dude is a beast in real life (this season excluded), he'd beat 90 percent of corners on THEIR best day.....

Only WR I've had success throwing deep to is Joey Galloway....He's the only wide out beating his defenders and catching the ball in stride.....

Most receivers play like a new born baby out of the womb, the DBs in this game are GODLY.....
I'm mad that I get as many picks as I do in the game....

Seriously....Ronde Barber keeping up with Steve Smith


That is #*#$&$ hilarious.....


at the same time, just because you line chad johnson up doesn't mean he's going to score...

if speed is all you needed, ted ginn jr. woulda won the heisman...

some of you guys sound like you need to step the playcalling up...

it's seriously not hard to get over 100 yards OR over 300 passing......if you know where to attack and when.....


i finally realized why i hardly ever lose in madden like two years ago, when i realized not everyone has as much football intelligence as i do...

and out of those who do, i just play video games better, so the execution leans in my favor too...

I'm not saying he SHOULD score. all I'm saying is this...

If haven't been throwing to him, I've been running the ball, passing the ball rarely and NOT to him....

And I set up the PA pass....The corners move up in the coverage, playing man.....with someone whom ISNT as fast as him....


Thats realistic....

You match up, say......Ty Law.....against TO......who is going to win that match up in real life? Going down field?.....TO......

You know it...
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Fix the fact that the 10 guys you can't control are not actively playing football (as you control whichever one player you're on).I feel like they sit there on "45% effectiveness" unless you control them, but of course then the guy you just switched from is now at "32%". I hate how incompetent the CPU is when you need em most
. Like JESUS, I gotta blitz the end and zone the secondary AND sell on the play action so the CPU doesn't bite? Come on man, I only got one controller and two hands

That @%+ is annoying...

Dudes stand there contemplating life while a football game is going on around them...

If a QB starts to scramble, you'll have dudes stare em down until they get the first down...While you're trying to chase him down...

Lmao....Madden cracks me up, always good for a laugh...
I mean, I know I'm not great at the game but I KNEW I couldn't be the only __ tripping from that. It's incredibly painful to watch Urlacherseriously protect that hook zone like Big Ben ain't 8 yards upfield already. Meanwhile, you're desperately trying to turn-and-chase withTommie Harris and that #%+% just ain't working. And I'm sitting here like " I KNOW, YOU KNOW, THAT I KNOW YOU SEE THIS #%+%!"
Ty his age....just seeing him play his last couple of not ##($*$@ with TO...

Not even @(#*$*# with Eddie Royal....
i agree with everything said.
CPU picking up 98% of the blitzes needs to be fixed.
Flat routes making you run out of bounds as soon as you catch needs to be fixed.
RBs breaking 10 tackles and then running for a td needs to be fixed.
Fall Forward tackling needs to be fixed
Online play..needs to be fixed.
Commentating must be overhauled, revamped and completely fixed from the ground up.
A real halftime show and end of game show(like NFL 2k did) (not the BS top 5 plays that are always the worst from the game)
A End of week sportscenter (like NFL 2k did)
I start out strong safety mainly cuz I like the option of sealing the run, doubling a receiver if needed, faking the outside blitz, or just surveying the fieldin general. From there, HOPEFULLY, I can switch to whoever's applying the pressure and make you throw an errant pass. My skill lies in ball hawking so oncethat ball is up in the air, if it's a one on one chase to it, I can usually knock it down or set my feet, turn-to-face, and pick it.

So I say on D, I'm controlling 3 people per play under optimal conditions.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I mean, I know I'm not great at the game but I KNEW I couldn't be the only __ tripping from that. It's incredibly painful to watch Urlacher seriously protect that hook zone like Big Ben ain't 8 yards upfield already. Meanwhile, you're desperately trying to turn-and-chase with Tommie Harris and that #%+% just ain't working. And I'm sitting here like " I KNOW, YOU KNOW, THAT I KNOW YOU SEE THIS #%+%!"

You sir, are a very funny man.
....Exactly how I be feeling....
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Fix the fact that the 10 guys you can't control are not actively playing football (as you control whichever one player you're on).I feel like they sit there on "45% effectiveness" unless you control them, but of course then the guy you just switched from is now at "32%". I hate how incompetent the CPU is when you need em most
. Like JESUS, I gotta blitz the end and zone the secondary AND sell on the play action so the CPU doesn't bite? Come on man, I only got one controller and two hands
That @%+ is annoying...
Dudes stand there contemplating life while a football game is going on around them...
If a QB starts to scramble, you'll have dudes stare em down until they get the first down...While you're trying to chase him down...

Lmao....Madden cracks me up, always good for a laugh...
that %!++ makes me wanna throw my controller, how you gonna let a SLOW(non scramble) qb like Peyton or Collins "RUN" for 5 seconds outof the pocket and then another 3-4 seconds past scrimmage
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Ty his age....just seeing him play his last couple of not ##($*$@ with TO...

Not even @(#*$*# with Eddie Royal....
to suggest he would never get close and to should always score is ridiculous tho.

Never suggested that though...

But...he should beat him and he should be able to pick up some yards.....W/o Having to run a slant route or a comeback

Seriously, passing the ball deep is pointless in this game, never works I don't even try anymore.
I'm just being real..... and don't even waste time "Defending" Randy Moss
... I swear to God fam be out there looking likeyou're playing Madden but he's playing NFL Street 2. I've seen dude make like 7 one hand grabs in this game where it'ssnowing and he ain't got no sleeves on against what were supposed to be "Cheese proof" tripleteams. Madden is a parody of itself at times.
Running the ball isnt that hard. You just have to commit to it. The same formation's you pass in you should run in to just to keep the defense thinking. Ifyour gonna be running in a i-form formation and then when you pass you go to the gun then how do you expect to run the ball affectively ?

People need to stop complaining about the DB's not looking to knock a pass down. What you want the DB to turn his head ? What's the difference ?It's a VIDEO GAME. If your WR is open he'll catch it if not then its getting picked or knocked down.

Some of yall to picky.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Ty his age....just seeing him play his last couple of not ##($*$@ with TO...

Not even @(#*$*# with Eddie Royal....
to suggest he would never get close and to should always score is ridiculous tho.

Never suggested that though...

But...he should beat him and he should be able to pick up some yards.....W/o Having to run a slant route or a comeback

Seriously, passing the ball deep is pointless in this game, never works I don't even try anymore.
i mean, at the same time, ty law as been preventing the deep ball at the NFL-level for like 12 years (well, not technically, he's more of a cover 2 CB, but stil)

stranger things happen every game in sports than a multi-pro-bowl-caliber CB shutting down TO....


He's been a shell of his former self the past couple of seasons....
So don't even try and give me that....

I'll go so far as to say that dude is BASURA now a days....Wasn't he supposed to play this season?
What happened to that? lmao...

Dudes like him and Ronde Barber (Whom I'm a fan of in reality) have lost a step or two, Ronde is not keeping up with dudes like Smith, Moss, TO, Royal,Ginn, etc....

He's just not....Dude has been getting beat lately....(Ronde at least is still capable of playing good defense, but he's just not going to keep up withcertain dudes)....

And even garbage corners be keeping up with ELITE wideouts....makes no sense...
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