Magic City Strip Club Mini-Documentary by Lauren Greenfield

I actually went to school with one of those women.

Some of the people in this thread would benefit from actually having visited the city to hen an overall understanding. Strip clubs, Waffle House, hustling (whether an 80hour work week or spending time moving weight) just to shine on the weekend... It's a part of the Atlanta culture that a lot of people get engulfed in. This city is like a black Hollywood right now and so many people become enamored in the idea of one day being in the spot light. There are people working in these clubs that believe success is reaching 100K followers on Instagram, and there are some that will use the pole as a way to repay student loans. I don't judge the people too harshly for not recognizing that they're in a vicious cycle. Some of them just genuinely have no concept of anything better. As long as they can go out there on the weekend and feel like a billionaire with limitless possibilities, they feel like they've made it. But unless I'm trying to impart the message on them that their means don't justify the ends, who am I to throw salt? Who are any of you guys to do that? By no means am I justifying the culture, but at this point it's so deeply embedded that it isn't going anywhere. People have to be able to conceptualizer a better life before they can see any change. Unfortunately that isn't the case for many people and they don't try to make the distinction between the life in the trap, and the life that can be possible outside of it. ****. You all know I play Future with the volume turned up at ridiculous levels throughout the 24 hour day, but I don't glorify the message to the point where it will lead me to lose sight of the life I want for myself, or the work I would have to do to get there. I just love God and trap music.

I don't do strip clubs often. Only 5 times to be exact. Every time I go, I see the same exact thing. Bad *******, and people spending money. I'd wager that there are more people making it rain that honestly can't afford to do so than there are people that actually have disposable income.
I've been to a strip club only once, like someone else in here already said it had me questioning my judgement skills from the minute i stepped in there. Between cover charge and other expenses I ended up spending about $40. Highly doubt I go to one again, just not my crowd. 

P.S. Idk if your Waffle Houses in GA are different then the ones we got, but the ones out here suck. IHOP is better 
not that it is goes into great detail, but the piece that this video accompanies may be a worthwhile read to some, the video is kind of an aside; it is tangential to the article which is more about the role a place like magic city inhabits as a musical tastemaker (somewhat similar to the role a place like the tunnel played for 90s hip-hop) and how each of the players (clubowners, dancers, dboys, djs, rappers, rappers trying to get on, etc.) all use these seems to me that all involved know, for the most part, EXACTLY what it is, it is all for show, they just playing their part(s)...some are able to parlay the lifestyle into something greater, some aren't, some are stuck because the money seems to be good, can't look past it, don't know another way, or can't see or have decided not to live a 'regular' life...
Blinkin ain't lying about atl being the black Hollywood. I'm literally leaving there right now and I went out a few times and it's definitely a VERY flashy atmosphere, or at least that was my impression. I've always felt that it was a very pretentious vibe in that city.
Waffle House is trash. Whatever the reason people have for loving it goes completely over my head every time. :lol:

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Boy stop. Texas double cheese steak with a side of hashbrowns with cheese, jalapeño, onion and tomato and a sweet tea >>>>>>

Then again, that's all I ever get from there, besides the occasional Waffle, which is good also.
Blinkin ain't lying about atl being the black Hollywood. I'm literally leaving there right now and I went out a few times and it's definitely a VERY flashy atmosphere, or at least that was my impression. I've always felt that it was a very pretentious vibe in that city.
Moving to ATL was every young urban gay black male/lesbian dream in DC when I was coming up.

Housewives and Love & Hip Hop of Atlanta lifestyles are what our youth see and it looks so glamourous on TV.

It is a great place for young entrepreneurship though....but like anywhere you gotta have a solid plan and other resources before you can just pack up and move to places like ATL Miami LA or Vegas...or youll soon be packing up to move back in with your parents in your hometown.
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waffle house is buttcheecks, i only fall in there when im pissy drunk and cant comprehend whats going on.
waffle house is buttcheecks, i only fall in there when im pissy drunk and cant comprehend whats going on.
I used to follow that chick Secret on IG a couple years back. People used to go in on her in her comments about her face and she deleted her account. She has a brief sex tape out too I believe.

I'm not a strip club dude like that either but I did prefer Onyx and Follies over Magic City. Visited all 3 in one weekend.

Those chicks are straight up lying about not going home with dudes too. My boy's brother boned strippers in Atl on the regular before recently getting married :lol:

Those chicks are straight up lying about not going home with dudes too. My boy's brother boned strippers in Atl on the regular before recently getting married :lol:


Chicks will say anything to try and keep their face clean. Can't believe she said that with a straight face.
Every stripper got there price. The Detroit strip club scene blew up the last 4 or 5 years. All them chicks in there will **** if u got the right amount of money. They are already 1 foot in the door to that lifestyle, u get naked for singles. For the right price u will have sex too. Me and my homie went when we were like 19 on a odd *** weekday. I remember he walked away with a chick and came and tapped me on the shoulder to follow them. we went upstairs and son started getting topped off. Other chick offered me some but I was good on the condom head gave me a dawg *** dance tho and jacked my joint for a bit. Idk how much son pages tho and never even asked.
Secret is a one weak *** lapdance that's for sure. All that *** and she really won't bust it open unless you shower her with ones. Her coworkers >
Went to Magic City last 4th of July ...... Never seen such money hungry women in my life.

I don't enjoy strip clubs either, waste of time and money. One I went to in Tijuana was lit though lol
Most are lying all you need is the right cash to hit in the champagne room and most are also available after hours. Understandably they dont want to say that they would on a documentary.
i don't think i could afford the prices these strippers asking, let alone the cover charge at the door...
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